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Lean Startup “Taking a scientific approach to building a company”

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2 Lean Startup “Taking a scientific approach to building a company”

3 I don’t know what I will be. (Startup isn’t much different)
When I grow up…. I don’t know what I will be. (Startup isn’t much different)

4 Traditional Business Plan

5 75%-85% of all startups fail within the
first 5 years Perfect Business Plan?

6 “Get out of the Building” = Customer Development
Experimentation VS. “big design up front”

7 A startup is a temporary organization used to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.
- Steve Blank

8 Before you build anything… Figure out what customers want and will pay for.
(As quickly as possible)

9 Be problem centric…. Is there really a problem?











20 Customer Validation Focuses on
Customer Segmentation Problem Discovery Problem Validation Product Discovery Product Validation Product Interviews

21 Success is based on if YOU solve the customers’ problem.
NOT building features. Don’t sell what you make. Make what you sell.

22 Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
The fastest way for you to “ship” the product or service in order to see the market’s reaction. The scope of it depends on how complex your hypothesis is.

23 Customer Interviews Talk to a stranger. Fun.
That stranger is immensely busy…and hates being sold things. Getting better. That stranger will likely destroy your vision for a company. Ready to get started?!


25 1st rule of validating your idea: Do not talk about your idea 2nd rule of validating your idea: Do not ask about the future

26 Interview Questions Tell me a story about the last time ……
What was the hardest part about that? Why was it hard? How do you solve it now? Why is that solution not awesome?

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