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What will you receive today?

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2 What will you receive today?
What do you desire to take away? Where do you want your business to be three years from now? Resources, Resources, Resources

3 Where are you and your company at present?
Let’s establish a baseline. The proprietary Dnasix™ assessment will provide a starting point for any desired improvements in your company’s marketing and communications plan.

4 Where are you and your company at present?
For each of the following statements rate your company’s current state. Zero means that the statement is not something the company does whereas Five means your company is completely implementing the statement.

5 Strategy “A plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.”

6 Where are you and your company at present?
Cleary defined vision for the business Rank Zero to Five S1

7 Where are you and your company at present?
Targeted business objectives for the short and medium term Rank Zero to Five S2

8 Where are you and your company at present?
Comprehensive social media guidelines Rank Zero to Five S3

9 Where are you and your company at present?
Coordinated approach to running the business Rank Zero to Five S4

10 Where are you and your company at present?
Clear KPI’s revisited on a regular basis Rank Zero to Five S5

11 Culture “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Attributed to Peter Drucker

12 Where are you and your company at present?
Corporate growth mindset Rank Zero to Five S6

13 Where are you and your company at present?
Focused goals for social media Rank Zero to Five S7

14 Where are you and your company at present?
Top down understanding of the benefits of culture Rank Zero to Five S8

15 Where are you and your company at present?
Good internal communications and processes Rank Zero to Five S9

16 Where are you and your company at present?
Willingness to create and contribute to content Rank Zero to Five S10

17 Content Creation “Content creation is the contribution of information to any media and most especially to digital media for an end-user/audience in specific contexts.”

18 Where are you and your company at present?
An internal “newsroom” to provide a steady flow of content Rank Zero to Five S11

19 Where are you and your company at present?
Strong and viable content reservoir and pipeline Rank Zero to Five S12

20 Where are you and your company at present?
Cleary defined and executed timetable of content creation Rank Zero to Five S13

21 Community Management “Community management is the management of a common resource or issue by a community through the collective action of volunteers and stakeholders. The resource managed can be either material or informational.” 

22 Where are you and your company at present?
Appointed people to manage all of your channels Rank Zero to Five S14

23 Where are you and your company at present?
Ability and willingness to listen internally and externally Rank Zero to Five S15

24 Where are you and your company at present?
24/7 and mobile cover for all appropriate channels Rank Zero to Five S16

25 Social Advertising “Social advertising is advertising that relies on social information or networks in generating, targeting, and delivering marketing communications.” 

26 Where are you and your company at present?
Cleary defined target audience(s) Rank Zero to Five S17

27 Where are you and your company at present?
Sufficient levels of investment to run campaigns Rank Zero to Five S18

28 Big Data “Big data is a broad term for data sets so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate. Challenges include analysis, capture, data curation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, querying and information privacy.” 

29 Where are you and your company at present?
Appropriate social listening and analytical tools in place Rank Zero to Five S19

30 Where are you and your company at present?
Regular reports to review progress against KPIs Rank Zero to Five S20

31 Where are you and your company at present?
Socially adaptive business scores 0-20 Your organization needs systemic change and may well fail if you don’t address a number of key areas.

32 Where are you and your company at present?
Socially adaptive business scores 21-40 There are a number of areas where you are weak. Focus on strategy and culture. The rest will follow naturally.

33 Where are you and your company at present?
Socially adaptive business scores 41-60 Your business may work well now but it is probably too much about delivering short term results. Look at implementing some strategic goals.

34 Where are you and your company at present?
Socially adaptive business scores 61-80 You’re in an excellent position to drive the business forward in the medium and long term. You just require some fine tuning.

35 Where are you and your company at present?
Socially adaptive business scores You are totally focused on the future, meeting the needs of your customers and delivering a first class business well into the future.

36 What are your next steps?
Review where your company is weakest Start with Strategy and fill in the gaps with appropriate tools. Blue Ocean Strategy

37 What are your next steps?
Review where your company is weakest Move into your culture and fill in the gaps with appropriate tools. Read From Good to Great

38 What are your next steps?
Review where your company is weakest Assess your content creation status and fill in the gaps with appropriate tools. Be a Resource – Google Alerts/Subscriptions/ Be a Source – Write/Write/Write Provide others a Platform – Events/Features/Articles

39 What are your next steps?
Review where your company is weakest You have a community. Feed and nurture it strategically. Community is your client base – Groups Community includes social, online, and offline connections – Move from online to offline Manage your community proactively

40 What are your next steps?
Review where your company is weakest Digital advertising may be more powerfully effective than you think. What are your buyer personas? Offer Value/Survey Where do you buyers hang out? Are you guessing? Where strategies are clear, decisions are easy.

41 What are your next steps?
Review where your company is weakest Big Data is applicable to all. What do the numbers have to say? Start with Assessments/Dnasix is an example. How do you leverage a flood when you only need a teacup? Think of providing your market a baseline.

42 To connect with me for ongoing discussions:
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