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Name: _____________________ Class: ____________ Date: ______________

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1 Name: _____________________ Class: ____________ Date: ______________
Narrative Writing Task Name: _____________________ Class: ____________ Date: ______________ Target: I can compose a narrative with all story elements included (exposition, setting, rising action, conflict, characters, climax, falling action, and resolution) Directions: Over the next week in class you will compose/write a narrative story with R.A.F.T. in mind. Look below and discover what R.A.F.T. means and how you will complete the first task in the writing process, PREWRITE. R A F T ROLE : Who are you as the writer? What role are you writing from? For this writing task you must select 1 perspective to write from: 1. Mr. Dumont, 2. Daughters, 3. Pete on the whaling ship, or 4. Truth AUDIENCE: - Who is your audience? Along with myself reading your narrative think about who else may read this story. (P.I.E.) ____________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ FORMAT: - What format is this writing task? For this task you are writing a _____________________________. This means: ___________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________. TOPIC : What is your main topic? What resources can you use to support your topic? Take the Slavery in the North/Famous African Americans, and A Woman Called Truth as resources to help guide you in the writing process. Go and highlight on this paper your ROLE

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