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Cardiac Pacing for the Surgeons
Dr. Rezwanul Hoque MBBS, MS, FCPS, FRCSG, FRCSEd Associate Professor Department of Cardiac surgery BSMMU, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Pacemaker A pacemaker or artificial pacemaker is a medical device designed to regulate the beating of the Heart. The purpose of an artificial pacemaker is to stimulate the heart when either the heart's native pacemaker is not fast enough or if there are blocks in the heart's electrical conduction system preventing the propagation of electrical impulses from the native pacemaker to the lower chambers of the heart, known as the ventricles.
ICD An ICD(Implantable cardioverter & defibrillator) is a specialized device designed to directly treat a cardiac tachydysrhythmia. If a patient has a ventricular ICD and the device senses a ventricular rate that exceeds the programmed cut-off rate of the ICD, the device performs cardioversion/defibrillation. Alternatively, the device, if so programmed, may attempt to pace rapidly for a number of pulses to attempt pace-termination of the ventricular tachycardia. The newer devices are a combination of ICD and pacemaker in one unit. These combination ICD/pacemakers are implanted in patients who require both devices.
Temporary Cardiac Pacing
Transvenous Transcutaneous Epicardial Transesophageal
Indications for Temporary Pacing
Acute myocardial infarction with: CHB, Mobitz type 2 AV block, medically refractory symptomatic bradycardia, alternating BBB, new bifascicular block, new BBB with anterior MI In absence of acute MI : SSS, CHB, Mobitz type 2 AV block Treatment of tachyarrhythmias : VT
Transcutaneous pacing
Transcutaneous pacing (TCP), also called external pacing, is recommended for the initial stabilization of hemodynamically significant bradycardia of all types. The procedure is performed by placing two pacing pads on the patient's chest, either in the anterior/lateral position or the anterior/posterior position. The rescuer selects the pacing rate, and gradually increases the pacing current (measured in ma) until electrical capture (characterized by a wide QRS complex with a tall, broad T wave on the ECG) is achieved, with a corresponding pulse. Pacing artifact on the ECG and severe muscle twitching may make this determination difficult. External pacing should not be relied upon for an extended period of time. It is an emergency procedure that acts as a bridge until transvenous pacing or other therapies can be applied.
Transvenous pacing Transvenous pacing, or temporary internal pacing, is an alternative to transcutaneous pacing. A wire is placed under sterile conditions via a central venous catheter. The distal tip of the wire is placed into either the right atrium or right ventricle. The proximal tip of the wire is attached to the pacemaker generator, outside of the body. Transvenous pacing is often used as a bridge to permanent pacemaker placement. Under certain conditions, a person may require temporary pacing but would not require permanent pacing. In this case, a temporary pacing wire may be the optimal treatment option.
Epicardial pacing Epicardial pacing wires are routine leads used for temporary cardiac pacing after open heart surgery. During surgery the heart is subjected to stress which can lead to myocardial ischemia and cardiac depression. Temporary pacing may be necessary to re-establish electrical conduction. Atrial wires (a wires) are positioned on the right atrial surface and exit the chest wall to the right of the sternum. Atrial wires are attached via a connecting cable to “A” marked terminals on the pacemaker box. Ventricular wires (v wires) are positioned on the right ventricular surface and exit the chest wall to the left of the sternum. Ventricular wires are attached via connecting cable to “V” marked terminals on the pacemaker box. If a skin wire is used it is attached to positive pole and the ventricular wire is attached to negative pole of the generator. Epicardial pacing after open heart surgery allows for the treatment of dysrhythmias, the improvement of hemodynamic functioning, and to maintain backup rate with maze procedure. The patient should remain on a cardiac monitor 2-hours after the removal of epicardial wires. The patient cannot have an MRI while pacing wires are in place.
Replace battery/pacemaker as needed Increase ma Reduce sensitivity (turn mv dial counter clockwise or to a higher numerical setting). Reverse polarity Check stimulation threshold Monitor electrolytes and ABG Obtain EKG to check for ischemia (ST depression)
Eliminate any electrical interference. Note: check to ensure that all electrical equipment attached to the patient is grounded Replace battery/pacemaker as needed If undersensing [not recognizing patients' own rhythm]increase sensitivity (turn mv dial clockwise to lower mv numerical value) Note: this will make the pacemaker more sensitive to patient’s own rate If oversensing [when A-V pacing, the pacemaker may sense the atrial pacing spike as the qrs complex and not fire (cross talk) or the patient is having breakthrough rate and pacemaker does not fire] decrease sensitivity (turn mv dial counter clockwise to raise the numerical mv value) Note: this will make the pacemaker less sensitive to the patient's rate. If patient has an adequate underlying rhythm, turn off the pacemaker
When to consider PPM Patients with symptoms directly attributable to bradycardia (even SB) Disease within AV node as manifest by extreme PR prolongation, normal QRS Disease below AV node as manifest by normal or mildly prolonged PR and wide QRS Disease in His – purkinje system (less stable than above)
Indications for Pacing for AV Block
Degree Pacemaker necessary Pacemaker probably necessary Pacemaker not necessary Third Symptomatic congenital complete heart block Aquired symptomatic complete heart block Atrial fibrillation with complete heart block Acquired asymptomatic complete heart block Second Symptomatic type I Symptomatic type II Asymptomatic type II Asymptomatic type I at intra-His or infra-His levels Asymptomatic type I at supra-His (AV nodal) block First Asymptomatic or symptomatic
Indications for Pacing for Sinus Node Dysfunction
Pacemaker Pacemaker probably necessary Pacemaker not necessary Symptomatic bradycardia Symptomatic patients with sinus node dysfunction with documented rates of <40 bpm without a clear-cut association between significant symptoms and the bradycardia Asymptomatic sinus node dysfunction Symptomatic sinus bradycardia due to long-term drug therapy of a type and dose for which there is no accepted alternative
Where pacing may be helpful
Evolving Indications for Pacing Pacing for Hemodynamic Improvement Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Long QT syndromes Sleep apnea Neurally mediated syncope
The Pacemaker System Patient Lead Lead Pacemaker Programmer Pacemaker
Basic pacemaker function
Modern pacemakers usually have multiple functions. The most basic form listens to the heart's native electrical rhythm, and if the device doesn't sense any electrical activity within a certain time period, the device will stimulate the vetricles of heart with a set amount of energy, measured in joules. The more complex forms include the ability to sense and/or stimulate both the atrial and ventricular chambers.
Permanent pacing Permanent pacing with an implantable pacemaker involves placement of one or more pacing wires within the chambers of the heart. One end of each wire is attached to the muscle of the heart. The other end is screwed into the pacemaker generator. The pacemaker generator is a hermetically sealed device containing a power source and the computer logic for the pacemaker. Most commonly, the generator is placed below the subcutaneous fat of the chest wall, above the muscles and bones of the chest. The outer casing of pacemakers is so designed that it will rarely be rejected by the body's immune system. It is usually made of titanium, which is very inert in the body.
Code Combinations Codes are combined to describe: Mode of pacing
Mode of sensing How the pacemaker will respond to the presence or absence of intrinsic beats
NASPE / BPEG Generic (NBG) Code
September 11, 2018 NASPE / BPEG Generic (NBG) Code Position: I II III IV V Category: Chamber(s) Paced Chamber(s) Sensed Response to Sensing Rate Modulation Multisite Pacing Letters Used: O R None Atrium Ventricle Dual A+V A T Triggered Rate Modulation V I Inhibited D Dual T+I Single A or V S Manufacturers’ Designation Only: Bernstein, A.D., et al. PACE 2002; 25: 19
Physics of pacing Pacemaker energy output is dependent upon the signal amplitude and pulse width. Signal amplitude is measured in electrical units of volts or milliamperes. Pulse width is a measure of output duration and is measured in milliseconds. For proper permanent pacer operation, signal amplitude and width are set high enough to reliably achieve capture of the myocardium, yet low enough to prolong battery life. Pulse generators can be set to a fixed-rate (asynchronous) or demand (synchronous) mode. In the fixed-rate mode, an impulse is produced at a set rate and has no relationship to the patient's intrinsic cardiac activity. This mode carries a small but inherent danger of producing lethal dysrhythmias should the impulse coincide with the vulnerable period of the T wave. In the demand mode, the sensing circuit searches for an intrinsic depolarization potential. If this is absent, a pacing response is generated. This mode can closely mimic the intrinsic electric activity pattern of the heart.
Single-chamber Modes VOO Ventricular lead Ventricular pacing
September 11, 2018 Single-chamber Modes VOO Ventricular lead Ventricular pacing No sensing Ventricular asynchronous pacing at lower programmed pacing rate 21
Single-chamber Modes VVI Ventricular Lead (I) Ventricular pacing
September 11, 2018 Single-chamber Modes VVI Ventricular Lead (I) Ventricular pacing Ventricular sensing Sensed intrinsic QRS inhibits ventricular pacing 22
Single-chamber Modes AOO Atrial Lead Atrial pacing No sensing
September 11, 2018 Single-chamber Modes AOO Atrial Lead Atrial pacing No sensing Atrial asynchronous pacing at lower programmed pacing rate 23
Single-chamber Modes AAI Atrial Lead (I) Atrial pacing Atrial sensing
September 11, 2018 Single-chamber Modes AAI Atrial Lead (I) Atrial pacing Atrial sensing Intrinsic P-wave inhibits atrial pacing 24
Dual-chamber Modes Tracking Modes
September 11, 2018 Dual-chamber Modes Tracking Modes DDD Pacing Atrial Lead (T/I) Ventricular Lead (I) Pacing in atrium and ventricle Sensing in atrium and ventricle Intrinsic P-wave and intrinsic QRS can inhibit pacing Intrinsic P-wave can “trigger” a paced QRS 25
Dual-chamber Modes Tracking Modes
September 11, 2018 Dual-chamber Modes Tracking Modes DDD Pacing Dual-chamber pacing capable of pacing and sensing in both the atrial and ventricular chambers of the heart Four distinct patterns can be observed with DDD pacing Sensing in the atrium and sensing in the ventricle (AsVs) Sensing in the atrium and pacing in the ventricle (P wave tracking) (AsVp) Pacing in the atrium and sensing in the ventricle (ApVs) Pacing in the atrium and pacing in the ventricle (ApVp) Adapts to changes post-implant May resemble AAI, VAT, VDD, DVI modes Will strive to maintain AV synchrony with variable atrial rates and AV conduction 26
Rate Response Adaptive-rate Pacing
September 11, 2018 Rate Response Adaptive-rate Pacing In rate-responsive pacing (modes ending with “R”), sensor(s) in the pacemaker are used to detect changes in physiologic needs and increase the pacing rate accordingly Sensors Detect changes in metabolic demand Sense motion or physiologic indicator accelerometer or minute ventilation Definition: Chronotropic Incompetence “inability to increase and maintain heart rate appropriately with exercise…”* *Ellenbogen, Kenneth A. Cardiac Pacing and ICDs. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Pub.,2005. 27
Rate Response Rate-responsive Pacing: DDDR
September 11, 2018 Rate Response Rate-responsive Pacing: DDDR Example of dual-chamber, rate-responsive pacing 28
Mode Selection Considerations
Status of Atrial Rhythm - Intrinsic vs. Paced Presence of Atrial Tachyarrhythmias: Acute/Chronic Status of AV Conduction Normal -Slowed-Blocked Presence of Chronotropic Incompetence
Choice of Pacing Mode Mode Representative Indications VVIR
Rare Need for Pacing Simple; System Desirable (Old, Debilitated Patient; Very Young) VVIR Chronic AF With Symptomatic Pauses; Inadequate Ventricular Response After AV Nodal Ablation for Rate Control in AF AAI Symptomatic Sinus Pauses With Otherwise Normal Sinus Node Function and Intact AV Conduction AAIR Sinus Node Dysfunction With Intact AV Conduction and No Atrial Arrhythmias VDD AV Block With Normal Sinus Node Function; Uses Single Lead; No Atrial Pacing, Therefore Not Appropriate for Patients With Sinus Bradycardia DDD AV Block With Normal Sinus Node Function DDDR AV Block With Sinus Node Dysfunction; Mode Switching Feature if Any Paroxysmal Atrial Arrhythmias DDIR An Alternate to DDDR for Patients Who Require Dual-Chamber Pacing but Have Paroxysmal Atrial Arrhythmias Does Not Permit Atrial Tracking in Sinus Rhythm
Biventricular Pacing (BVP)
A biventricular pacemaker, also known as CRT (cardiac resynchronisation therapy) is a type of pacemaker that can pace both ventricles (right and left) of the heart. By pacing both sides of the heart, the pacemaker can resynchronize a heart that does not beat in synchrony, which is common in heart failure patients. CRT devices have three leads, one in the atrium, one in the right ventricle, and a final one is inserted through the coronary sinus to pace the left ventricle. CRT devices are shown to reduce mortality and improve quality of life in groups of heart failure patients.
Bi-Ventricular Pacing
Right atrial lead Coronary sinus lead Right ventricular lead N Engl J Med 2003
SVC coil RA lead LV lead RV coil
Acute Complications of Pacemaker Implantation
Venous access Pneumothorax, hemothorax Air embolism Perforation of central vein Inadvertent arterial entry Lead placement Brady – tachyarrhythmia Perforation of heart, vein Damage to heart valve Generator Pocket hematoma Improper or inadequate connection of lead
Delayed Complications of Pacemaker Therapy
Lead-related Thrombosis/embolization SVC obstruction Lead dislodgement Infection Lead failure Perforation, pericarditis Generator-related Pain Erosion, infection Migration Damage from radiation, electric shock Patient-related Twiddler syndrome
“Pacemaker Syndrome” Fatigue, dizziness, hypotension
Caused by pacing the ventricle asynchronously, resulting in AV dissociation or VA conduction Mechanism: atrial contraction against a closed AV valve and release of atrial natriuretic peptide Worsened by increasing the ventricular pacing rate, relieved by lowering the pacing rate or upgrading to dual chamber system Therapy with fludrocortisone/volume expansion NOT helpful
Failure to output Failure to output occurs when no pacing spike is present despite an indication to pace. This may be due to battery failure, lead fracture, a break in lead insulation, oversensing (inhibiting pacer output), poor lead connection at the takeoff from the pacer, and "cross-talk" (i.e., a phenomenon seen when atrial output is sensed by a ventricular lead in a dual-chamber pacer). Management of pacer output complications includes medications to increase the intrinsic heart rate and placement of a temporary pacer. A chest radiograph is warranted to check pacer leads, with close scrutiny to evaluate for possible lead fracture, which occurs most commonly at the clavicle/first rib location. The patient's pacer identification card should be obtained and his/her electrophysiologist/cardiologist consulted.
Failure to capture Failure to capture occurs when a pacing spike is not followed by either an atrial or a ventricular complex. This may be due to lead fracture, lead dislodgement, a break in lead insulation, an elevated pacing threshold, myocardial infarction at the lead tip, certain drugs (eg, flecainide), metabolic abnormalities (eg, hyperkalemia, acidosis, alkalosis), cardiac perforation, poor lead connection at the takeoff from the generator, and improper amplitude or pulse width settings. Management of pacer capture complications is the same as for output complications, with extra consideration given to treating metabolic abnormalities and potential myocardial infarction.
Oversensing Oversensing occurs when a pacer incorrectly senses noncardiac electrical activity and is inhibited from correctly pacing. This may be due to muscular activity, particularly oversensing of the diaphragm or pectoralis muscles, electromagnetic interference such as MRIs, or lead insulation breakage. More recently, cellular phones held within 10 cm of the pulse generator may elicit this response. Undersensing Undersensing occurs when a pacer incorrectly misses intrinsic depolarization and paces despite intrinsic activity. This may be due to poor lead positioning, lead dislodgment, magnet application, low battery states, or myocardial infarction. Management is similar to that for other types of failures.
Operative failures A final category of pacer failures is termed operative. This includes malfunction due to mechanical factors, such as pneumothorax, pericarditis, infection, skin erosion, hematoma, lead dislodgment, and venous thrombosis. Treatment depends on the etiology. Pneumothoraces, being dependent on size, may require chest thoracostomy. Erosion of the pacer through the skin, while rare, requires pacer replacement and systemic antibiotics. Hematomas may require drainage. Lead dislodgment usually occurs within 2 days following implantation of a permanent pacer and may be seen on chest radiography. If the lead is floating freely in the ventricle, malignant arrhythmias may develop. Thrombosis is rare and usually presents as unilateral arm edema. Treatment includes arm elevation and anticoagulation. Advanced life support protocols, including defibrillation, may safely be executed in patients with pacemakers in place. Sternal paddles are placed at a safe distance (10 cm) from the pulse generator. Temporary transcutaneous pacing may become necessary in cases of myocardial infarction.
Sources of Electromagnetic Interference
Nonmedical Arc welding equipment Automobile engines Radar Transmitters Medical MRI Lithotripsy Electrocautery/cryosurgery External defibrillators Therapeutic radiation
Devices with pacemaker function
Sometimes devices resembling pacemakers, called ICDs (implantable cardioverter- defibrillator) are implanted. These devices are often used in the treatment of patients at risk from sudden cardiac death. An ICD has the ability to treat many types of heart rhythm disturbances by means of pacing, cardioversion, or defibrillation.
Indications For ICDs Secondary prevention of SCD:
VF arrest, sustained VT not secondary to reversible cause Primary prevention of SCD: LVEF < 36%, class II-III symptoms of CHF CAD, h/o MI, LVEF ≤ 40%, inducible sustained VT Familial or inherited conditions with high risk for SCD: HCM, long QT syndrome, Brugada syndrome
Pacemaker programming
Pacemaker programming can be performed noninvasively by an electrophysiologist or cardiologist. Because of the myriad of pacemaker types, patients should carry a card with them providing information about their particular model. This information is crucial when communicating with the cardiologist about a pacer problem. Most pacemaker generators, however, have an x-ray code that can be seen on a standard chest x-ray. The markings, along with the shape of the generator, may assist with deciphering the manufacturer of the generator and pacemaker battery. This may be helpful in the event a patient neither recalls the company nor has the permanent pacemaker card.
FOLLOW UP Placing a magnet over a permanent pacemaker causes sensing to be inhibited by closing an internal reed switch. This only temporarily "reprograms" the pacer into the asynchronous mode, where pacing is initiated at a set rate. It does not turn the pacemaker off. Each pacemaker type has a unique asynchronous rate for beginning-of-life (BOL), elective replacement indicator (ERI), and end-of-life (EOL). Therefore, application of a magnet can determine if the pacer's battery needs to be replaced. Further interrogation, or manipulating of the device, should be performed by an individual skilled in the technique. Patients should carry a card that contains information about their particular pacemaker, since these rates are dependent on the manufacturer and the model.
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