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Activities of Institutional Repository staff and community in Japan

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1 Activities of Institutional Repository staff and community in Japan
Noboru NAKATANI, Tottori University Library, Japan & Japan Consortium for Open Access Repository(JPCOAR) I’m Noboru NAKATANI, from Tottori University Library, member of Japan Consortium for Open Access Repository: called JPCOAR. I’d like to talk about the outline activities of community of institutional repositories in Japan, from my point of view. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

2 Contents Works of IR staff IR community in Japan
How can we support “OPEN” with community ? These are today’s topics. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

3 Works of IR staff on each institution
The first topic is about usual work of repository staff in Japan. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

4 Main works on IR are … Launch IR Promote IR and collecting contents
Checking copyright of contents Maintaining system: metadata and harvesting Main works on repository are, Launch, Promotion and collecting contents, Checking copyright, And maintenance Especially 2, 3, 4, are daily work for many of staff. I talk about topic 2 and 3, because I was in charge before. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

5 Promote IR and collecting contents
Most important and most difficult PR to researchers, and gain understanding How to PR? Briefing session on campus Distributing Booklet, leaflet Poster, display ad Talk to researchers directly Some researchers upload their articles to their Web site Encourage transition to IR These could be a little easier if institution has OA / OS policies These works are most important, and most difficult Most researchers are not conscious of repository, so we try to reach researchers in various ways, and again and again. We do whatever we came up with. As my experience, the most effective effort for reach researchers to our activities, is talking to them directly. And the next is briefing session. However, it is not realistic to talk with all the researchers, So that we continue small efforts repeatedly, like poster and display ad. If the institution has policy for open access, they can explain more easily, They can say “you have to deposit papers to repository, it is the rule of this institution” Of course, that explain is on the premise that they have the right to choose to deposit or not. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

6 Example for PR on campus
These are example for poster, booklet and display ad. These say that “why don’t you make your paper reaching more people?”, and explain repository and open access We put them all over the campus, to be seen by researchers even a little And all the university in Japan has been doing these, and sharing cases of these. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

7 Checking the copyright of content
Can the contents be really uploaded to IR? prohibited under the copyright law? (especially material that originally used only in class, lecture) Violate the agreement between publisher or not Check the version of content: Preprint, Post print, Accepted manuscript, Version of Record … Confirm publisher's permission status in database SHERPA/RoMEO SCPJ: Society Copyright Policy in Japan And read the original sources at publisher’ web-site Contact publishers directly if these cannot After contents are collected, we check the copyright of each of these. Researchers often do not conscious about their agreement with publishers. And they are also unconscious about the version of paper, or they do not remember where is the version that can upload. So we check them by using SHERPA/RoMEO, and SCPJ that is the database containing copyright policies of society in Japan And we also check publisher’s web-site, the original sources of the agreement, to reduce mistakes. These works are so sober, but take much time and labor. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

8 These works in each institution
These are 1~5 person in charge of these works Many of them work concurrently with other jobs In case of Tottori Univ., 3 person in charge repository, and they are concurrently serving as maintenance of E-journals, Bibliographic instruction, Reference services, and more. Working on what we can do in a limited resources They transfer to another department in a few years Job rotation: almost in 1~3 years These makes inheriting in each institution difficult Sharing and inheriting in community And most of institution in Japan, these jobs are handled by a few people, and most of them are concurrently other jobs. We have been working with these limited resources, by piling up small things. On the other hand, most of Japanese institution has job rotation, So we cannot be in these work so long, and it makes inheriting difficult. So that we have been sharing knowledges and experiences in communities. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

9 Activities of IR community in Japan
So, the next topic is community. I explain some activities of Japanese repository communities. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

10 i.e. DRF, JAIRO Cloud Community, IRPC, JPCOAR…
IRs in Japan has been… Developing with communities Sharing knowledges and experiences in there Human resources development: teaching each other Discussion about trend and work on some project together Community i.e. DRF, JAIRO Cloud Community, IRPC, JPCOAR… A Univ. Lv. up! …… Get some tips for developing their IR repositories in Japan, has been developing with communities. Each person in charge of repository share his experience and knowledge in communities, then we can raise the level of repositories in Japan. Sometimes we have discussion, teaching each other, and work on some project together beyond the bound of institution. That is repository communities in Japan. B Univ. C Univ. Share their topics & Work on together 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

11 JPCOAR: Japan Consortium for Open Access Repository
Previous communities Digital Repository Federation (DRF), since 2006 JAIRO Cloud Community, since 2012 Institutional Repository Promotion Committee, since 2013 JPCOAR: Japan Consortium for Open Access Repository launched in July 2016 534 member institutions   as of November 2017 consolidate So far, We had three institutional repository related communities. Digital Repository Federation, called “DRF”, JAIRO Cloud Community, and Institutional Repository Promotion Committee. And now, from the last year, they were consolidated to Japan Consortium for Open Access Repository, called JPCOAR. It consists of member institutions, and the number is 534 as of now. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

12 About JPCOAR: Missions
Reforming scholarly communication system by promoting Open Access Operating JAIRO Cloud jointly with NII Enriching IRs with a wide range of scholarly materials Providing training courses Contributing to international collaboration JPCOAR has these five missions. To achieve these missions, JPCOAR is organized the General Assembly, Steering Committee, 3 Working Groups, and 4 Task Forces. And I belong to one the working group, group of outreach. So next, I’d like to explain the actual activities in communities. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

13 Community activities: Discussion / Sharing Information
Mailing list(DRF, ~2017) BBS (for JAIRO Cloud users) First, Discussion and Sharing Information. We use mailing list and BBS to talk each other. Especially BBS, can be used by users of JAIRO Cloud only. It is mainly used for technical consultation of JAIRO Cloud. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

14 Community activities: Discussion / Sharing Information
Publishing newsletter / magazine Holding forum We issue the newsletter ourselves, and post the newest topic of repository and open access, or the commentary article of these, or report of meeting like here. And we sometimes holding big or small forum too. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

15 Community activities: Workshop / Training
IR training for beginners or seniors In other hands, we try to develop human resources for now, and the future. We hold intensive training, for newly person in charge of repository each year. Most of the instructors of the training are persons who work at university, library, and so on. Not so special, but mere the staff, like me. As I said, we are teaching each other. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

16 Community activities: Workshop / Training
Online workshop “Learning the Research Process from Hearing about Research Data”( ) ndex.php?onlineworkshop2015 ndex.php?onlineworkshop2016 “Publication of the Dissertation on the Internet”(2014) ndex.php?onlineworkshop2014 Online course “Research data management in the open science era”(2017-) And, we had hold online workshop like these, using mailing list and groupware. And as s newest topic, JPCOAR and NII has started to provide online course about research data management. That is provided in MOOC platform in Japan, named “gacco”. The course is now being held, and I’m one of taking that, and learning now. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

17 How can we support “OPEN” with community ?
At the last, We, JPCOAR as a community of repository, would like to introduce working on these. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

18 We’re working on… Human resources development (including understanding research / researchers) Discussion, workshop, training… (as mentioned earlier) Talk with researchers about their research (process, document, data and so on), at each institution Enlightenment for researchers and establishing policy Researchers who are not conscious of open Individually → institutionally or nationally, by OA Policy Supporting to publish / spread research results Construction of infrastructure: new metadata scheme for expanding distribution (As locally effort)Supporting translating to English, or English proofreading for articles We’re working on, Human resources development, Enlightenment for researchers, Supporting to publish / spread research results Human resources development is already referred, So I talk about Enlightenment for researchers and establishing policy, And Supporting to publish research results by new metadata scheme. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

19 Enlightenment for researchers: OA Policies
National OA strategies and policies Cabinet Office 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan. 22 January 2016. Expert Panel on Open Science based on Global Perspectives, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. 30 March 2015. MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) Doctoral Dissertation OA Policy. effective on 1 April 2013. Funders’ OA policies JSPC (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Open Access Policy. 27 March 2017. JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency) Open Science Policy. 1 April 2017. These are policies for Open Access and Open Science in Japan. In these years the Cabinet Office of Japanese Government, MEXT and the Funding Agencies has successively issued their policies. However, it’s not enough only them. It’s necessary for each institution to set out their policies. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

20 Enlightenment for researchers: OA Policies
Institutional OA policies(15 policies as of April 2017) Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Kobe University, Osaka Prefecture University, Nagoya University, Tokyo Dental College, Chiba University, University of Tokushima, Kyushu University, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, University of Tsukuba, Kyoto University ( Support to establish Policies, by JPCOAR “The guide for establishing OA policy”(2017) So some universities have also adopted their own policies and released them recently. Like these. And, JPCOAR had released “The guide for establishing open access policy”, to support each institution to establish their policies. By the way, all of these policies in Japan are not mandate but recommendation. And they accept both Green open access and Gold open access. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

21 Supporting to publish / spread research results
Renew IR’s metadata Scheme “JPCOAR Scheme”, released 2017/11/10 The Major concepts of JPCOAR Schema are Expansion of elements corresponding to open science Focusing on interoperability with established international schemas Adopting major identifiers and vocabularies. To make research in Japan reach worldwide And next, supporting to publish and spread research results, JPCOAR renewed and released repository’s metadata Scheme, “JPCOAR Scheme”. This scheme is focused on interoperability with established international schemas, So that will make Japanese repository contents reach worldwide. , 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

22 Metadata Distribution based on IRs
Increase need for building IRs by universities Services Metadata Aggregation A Univ. B Univ. C Univ. JAIRO Cloud D Univ. E Univ. IRs in Japan National Diet Library: Doctoral thesis collection system IRDB Metadata harvesting Japan LINK Center (JaLC): DOI registration system JPCOAR schema Metadata NII CiNii Articles: Academic articles database NII JAIRO: Cross-searching service for academic resources accumulated in Japanese IRs This is a figure of metadata distribution based on repositories in Japan, for your information Metadata is uploaded to repositories, harvested aggregator “IRDB”, and provided any other services that researchers use. Metadata Enhanced value of IRs in distribution of scholarly information 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

23 Through OA(IR) activities…
図書館が中心となって機関リポジトリを推進することの図 書館にとっての隠れた最大のメリットというか恩恵という か楽しみは発信者(著者) としての教員(研究者)と身近 に接し、そこからこれまでになかった新たな図書館サービ スのヒントを得られることではないか Koichi OJIRO (2006, NII), ml/100/194.html (2017/11/29) (translated by author)The most remarkable advantage, benefit or fun for us(librarians) by developing IR, is that we can communicate with researchers more closer and get some tips from that, for new services that we have never had before. The last of this presentation, I show the remark by the one of the staff in Japan. This remark is often introduced in IR training for beginners, that I referred earlier. He said, “The most remarkable advantage, benefit or fun for us(librarians) by developing repository, is that we can communicate with researchers more closer and get some tips from that, for new services that we have never had before. ” For me, or for each librarian, activities of open access or repositories have to be done without forgetting these, and I’d like to be so. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

24 Thank you for your attention!
If you have any question, please contact . nakatani @ Thank you very much for your attention. 2017/12/04-06 Asia OA Meeting 2017

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