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Rihua Zeng RF Group, Accelerator Division, ESS ERIC Oct 29, 2015

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1 Rihua Zeng RF Group, Accelerator Division, ESS ERIC Oct 29, 2015
Energy Efficiency Improvement in LLRF Control for Superconducting Cavities Rihua Zeng RF Group, Accelerator Division, ESS ERIC Oct 29, 2015

2 Outline Time&Technology is ready to break through the operation limit of power amplifiers People and not the technologies are the limiting factor Effort at ESS to break the limit

3 Morten Jensen

4 A Typical RF System Schematic and LLRF Control
Anders J Johansson


6 Time is Ready Each generation of accelerator has it's own set of needs, and under its own context of social and technology movement The progress and technology in accelerator moves steadily forward, no matter we like it or not, and we use it or not

7 The First Cyclotron (Ernest O. Lawrence&M. Stanley Livingston)

8 The Frist RF accelerator
The need of alternative solution for electrostatic accelerators (400 keV protons) 1920s, maturity of technology for radio broadcasting: Vaccum tubes (Triodes) available for high power at few MHz Electornics: oscillating circuits, components. Break the limits of discharge between electrodes in electrostatic accelerators RF becomes the center of accelerator 5 MeV achieved in larger cyclotron

9 The next one: First Linear Accelerator
The need of higher RF frequencies, in order to reach higher energies and keep reasonable dimensions Under the context of rapid development of powerful radar systems in 1940s. Invention of of kystron “cavity resonator”, the mature of RF technology in higher frequency(above GHz ) Break the limits of RF radiation from resonant circuits

10 Alvarez DTL (32MeV, 202.56MHz) in Berkeley

11 3GHz linac at Stanford

12 RF technologies doesn’t change so much since then, excepting superconducting cavities
Steady progress are made to exploit them on a large scale and specific application area Then need changes gradually to how to better operate RF&cavity system effectively and efficiently, under the require of high stability, higher reliability and efficiency

13 The need and context in current accelerators
The higher efficiency/higher stability/high reliability we want to go, the more details and deep understanding of system dynamic need to be figured out The revolution of modern information technology, following the mature of semiconductor technology

14 The technology is ready

15 Technology is ready Information & computer technology renovation bring adequate and complete information to identify system dynamics in width High performance hardware bring high resolution and high accurate information to identify system dynamics in depth  remarkable achievement in accelerator community making working much easier 

16 Break Through the Operation Limitation of Power Amplifiers

17 Perturbations in Reality
Beam Loading Lorentz force detuning Microphonics Thermal effects (Quench…) Cavity Synchronous phase Beam chopping Pulse beam transient Charge fluctuations Non-relativistic beam Pass band modes HOMs, wake-field Modulator drop and ripple Klystron nonlinearity Power Supply Reference thermal drift Master oscillator phase noise Phase reference distribution Crates power supply noise Cross talk, thermal drift Clock jitter, nonlinearity Electronics crates Further reading: LLRF Experience at TTF and Development for XFEL and ILC, S. Simrock, DESY, ILC WS 2005

18 People and not the technologies are the limiting factor

19 Disconnect between different systems (we are living in different world, LLRF, HPRF, Beam dynamics)
Resources available are not well used (we always ask more, but they are not in use) Divergent background and interests of in-kind partners at ESS

20 Effort at ESS to break the limit
Take advantage of requirement and interface requirement campaign at ESS Hardware harmonization make best of what is available RF turn on procedures a platform to connect different systems, and bring together the cavity testing effort of different ESS test stands all over the European Online cavity model a methodology to integrate real-time measurement, modeling and data/database, to really identify detailed dynamics

21 Effort at ESS to break the limit
Take advantage of requirement and interface requirement campaign at ESS

22 Hardware Hamonization
A lot of work done by LLRF(Anders Johansson), Beam instrumentation, and ICS to use the same hardware platform Make the best of what is available

23 RF Turn on Procedure


25 RF Turn on Procedures Create a platform to connect different systems
RF commissioning Beam commissioning Cavity commissioning Bring together the RF/LLRF test effort of different ESS test stands all over the European Uppsala France Spain Poland Lund Create a platform for jointly development, thereby bringing in open innovation

26 Warm Coupler Conditioning Time(Denis Kostin, DESY)
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28 Courtesy of Chiara Marrelli & CERN colleagues

29 Online Cavity Model A methodology to integrate real-time measurement, modelling and data/database, to really identify detailed dynamics

30 Well-Recorded data in high details
Motor tuner transfer function/DESY Quench limitation identification/DESY Klystron input-output characteristics/JPARC Lorentz force detuning/Fermilab



33 Summary The time and technology are mature enough to increase energy efficiency The people and not the technology are the limiting factor How we can take this opportunity, and make the best of what is available at ESS

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