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Welcome to Sixth Grade Science

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1 Welcome to Sixth Grade Science
Grading is based on a total points system. Assignments will vary throughout the school year. Late assignments will be accepted with a 20% penalty (even for one day). If an assignment has not been handed in for fifteen days after the due date, it will receive a zero for the grade. Please check Genesis to view your child’s current average. The science curriculum has changed since we were in school. THe days of rote memorization, and lectures are long gone. Now we are working on design challenges and lab activities to test the student's understanding of major concepts. Textbook: We will be using several textbooks throughout the school year as in class references only.

2 Science Website

3 Curriculum: We are using the NJ Student Learning Standards - Science, which are based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) What are the SLS-Science ? These standards promote a new way of teaching and learning that allow students to actively participate and experience science. Students will solve problems and meet design challenges through group collaboration and hands on activities. Science class has really changed over the last few years and there is much less of an emphasis on memorization and the reciting back of information. The standards encourage this new approach by integrating three dimensions of learning: • Disciplinary Core Ideas (the content—for example, force and motion); • Science and Engineering Practices (how science is conducted in the real world—such as through planning and carrying out investigations • Crosscutting Concepts (science ideas—like cause and effect—that permeate all the sciences)

4 Mrs. Justin
Contact Information Mrs. Justin Mrs. Hannings

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