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Sharing Topic: How is a school a community?

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1 Sharing Topic: How is a school a community?
November 13th-17th Dear Parents, Conferences are this week. Please double check your time on sign up genius.  We can’t wait to meet with each of you! This week we will continue with Past and Present, Addition Strategies and will be reading realistic fiction stories. We will start our bedtime stories in writing workshop which coincide with our service project The Great America Pajama Drive. Starting today the school will be collecting NEW pajamas for kids in need. We will keep count in our classroom and give daily updates at PRIDE time! Our goal this year is 121!!!! Did you know for each pair of pajamas that are donated scholastic will match with a book for a child in need! The Pajama drive will run through December 20th! We are excited to start giving back to our community! This week’s word study words have the long a: a_e Sight Words Be, could, horse, of, old, paper Genre: Realistic Fiction Writing: Bedtime stories Math: Addition Strategies Social Studies: Past and Present Reminders: Pilgrim Day is Friday! Please have your child come to school in their costume. They may bring an extra uniform for afterschool. Jack is PRINCIPAL of the day on Thursday!!! We can’t wait to hear all the fun things we will be doing. We will have our Chapter 3 Math Test on Wednesday, A optional review will be sent home on Tuesday. Shining Star of the Week: Layan Sharing Topic: How is a school a community? Reading Log Please read 20 minutes each day and record below (reading to, with, and by parents). Title of a book read: (students should practice writing titles) Genre? fiction, non-fiction, poetry, biography… Did you like the book? Monday   Tuesday Wednesday

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