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OTS title order research

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1 OTS title order research
By Joe Coquet

2 Title ordering The order of the titles shown in a films OTS often differs, but they always show these things: Distribution company Production company Director Stars Title of the film

3 Bullet Boy Distribution/funding company Production company Actor names
Film title Bullet boy doesn’t use any fancy font, instead just a simple, easy to read font. The credits always appear in a white font on a black background, maybe showing how simple the film is. This isn’t a method we’d use as our film is a bit more complicated, so we’d need a font that showed this.

4 Cape Fear Distribution company Production company Director Star actor
Title More actor names Casting Who made titles (big names) Music credits Less glamorous jobs Cape Fear uses a font that is rippling, like the water it appears over. This affect distorts the font but it is still readable for the audience. The water is quite eerie and this foreshadows the events taking place in the film. This probably isn’t a method we’d adopt because it isn’t the affect we’re trying to achieve.

5 Se7en Distribution company Production Director Star names
Film title More star names Casting Music & less glamorous jobs In this OTS, the editors of Se7en have used a sketchy font, that isn’t straight or particularly neat, but is however still readable. They have done this because it fits with the action on screen. The handwritten font and the fact that the font isn’t neat or straight, shows the antagonists mental state as unstable and helps the audience understand his character more. This is the sort of idea we would like to use, as our OTS shows an unstable man.

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