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From Google Classroom Open Muscle Tissue Notes

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1 From Google Classroom Open Muscle Tissue Notes

2 Muscle Tissue Muscle Tissue Function Movement

3 Muscle Tissue Muscle Tissue Location Attached to bone (skeletal)
Walls of hollow internal organs (smooth) Heart (cardiac)

4 Distinguishing Characteristics
Muscle Tissue Muscle Tissue Distinguishing Characteristics Thin, elongated, cylindrical cells Elongated nuclei Contractile

5 How to identify muscle tissue


7 Smooth muscle tissue Makes up walls of hollow organs
Spindle shape, one nucleus per cell Voluntary

8 Skeletal muscle tissue
Found attached to bone Long, thread-like cells, multiple nuclei Involuntary Fun Fact: Muscle tissue is the most abundant tissue in the human body.

9 Cardiac muscle tissue Found in the heart
Long, striated, branched cells, with one nucleus per cell and intercalated disks joining each cell Involuntary

10 You Try It! Name the tissue. Smooth Muscle Tissue Is this the
cell membrane, nucleus, or cytosol? Nucleus

11 You Try It! Name the tissue. Skeletal Muscle Tissue How do you know?

12 You Try It! This is Cardiac Muscle Tissue
What structure is the arrow pointing to? Intercalated disk

13 SAVE Choose SAVE Open in Google Drive Click on
Move to Anatomy and Physiology- Tissue Folder

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