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Life-Course Physical and Social Consequences of Early-Life Obesity

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1 Life-Course Physical and Social Consequences of Early-Life Obesity
Tetyana Pudrovska Assistant Professor of Sociology and Demography Pennsylvania State University

2 The Long Arm of Childhood Obesity
Early-life obesity as a health risk and social risk Short-term consequences Biological and social Often become long-term Long-term consequences Direct biological Direct social Indirect biological via social disadvantage

3 Data Sets The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS)
10,317 Wisconsin high school graduates, class of 1957 1939 birth cohort Surveyed in 1957 (age 18), 1975 (age 36), 1993 (age 54), 2004 (age 65), 2012 (age 73)… Innovative measure of early-life obesity

4 Data Sets The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study 8,619 high school yearbooks
6 coders rated facial adiposity in pictures on scale from 1 (lowest) to 11 (highest) Very high validity and reliability

5 Coding Facial Obesity

6 Coding Facial Obesity

7 Data Sets The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY)
Nationally representative sample of 12,686 young men and women who were years old in 1979 birth cohorts Three subsamples: General (N = 6,111) Oversample of minority and low SES (N = 5,295) Military (N =1,280) Self-reported height and weight

8 Data Sets The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Nationally representative program of large-scale surveys designed to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children Began in the early 1960s and still ongoing Oversample of Mexican population Measured height, weight, WC, fat distribution Rich source of biomarkers Limitation: Repeated cross-section, no true within-individual changes

9 WLS: Reciprocal Chain of Disadvantage btw Obesity and Low SES

10 NLSY: Reciprocal Chain of Disadvantage btw Obesity and Low SES

11 NLSY: Reciprocal Chain of Disadvantage btw Obesity and Low SES

12 WLS: Adolescent Obesity and Late-Life Mortality

13 WLS: Adolescent Obesity and Health Outcomes by Age 65
POOR SELF-RATED HEALTH Adjusting for midlife BMI

14 WLS: Adolescent Obesity and Health Outcomes by Age 65
HYPERTENSION Adjusting for midlife BMI

15 WLS: Adolescent Obesity and Health Outcomes by Age 65
DIABETES Adjusting for midlife BMI

16 WLS: Adolescent Obesity and Health Outcomes by Age 65
HEART DISEASE Adjusting for midlife BMI

17 NHANES 2003-2004: Waist Circumference & Inflammation
Girls, Ages 0-11

18 NHANES 2003-2004: Waist Circumference & Inflammation
Boys, Ages 0-11

19 NHANES 2003-2004: Waist Circumference & Inflammation
Boys and Girls, Ages 12-19

20 NHANES 2003-2004: Waist Circumference & Glucose Metabolism
Boys and Girls, Ages 12-19

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