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ONLY SKIN DEEP: Analysis of Cosmetic Products

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1 ONLY SKIN DEEP: Analysis of Cosmetic Products
Maria Lucas: Junius H. Rose High School Summer Ventures in Science and Math 2009 Dr. Tahakkori, Mr. Miles, Ms. Shrestha

2 THESIS What form of foundation/concealer the most beneficial to skin in general?

3 What makes it beneficial?
Reaches satisfactory hydration

4 What Makes It Beneficial?
Healthy for your skin

5 What makes it beneficial?
Has a natural appearance

6 What makes it beneficial?
Has a smooth texture

7 What makes it beneficial?
Gives skin an even color

8 What makes it beneficial?
Long Lasting

9 What makes it beneficial?
Has good coverage

10 Makeup’s being tested Compact Pressed Powder Foundation

11 Makeup’s Being Tested Liquid Foundation

12 Makeup’s being tested Loose Powder Foundation

13 hypothesis Compact Pressed Foundation is the most beneficial foundation for skin because it is the best of both worlds; it contains some moisture but also is a light powder for skin.

14 Procedures Test each makeup One makeup per day: document results
Magnified photos taken: -No makeup applied -Immediately after application after several hours -after sweating -after a touch (splash of water after sweating and reapplication)

15 Procedures Compare each stage from each makeup to the corresponding stage from every other makeup. Compare each makeup applied with the natural skin.

16 Procedures Decide which makeup is the best in each of the beneficial aspects of makeup previously listed. Rank each makeup first, second or third with each category

17 Procedures Total the ranks and the makeup with the lowest number score is the winner

18 Compact Pressed Powder
Hydration Health Natural Appearance Smooth Texture Even Color Long Lasting Coverage Total Compact Pressed Powder 2 1 12 Liquid 3 15 Loose Powder Results Compact Pressed Powder Wins!

19 Results Liquid won the hydration category
1. Liquid Compact Powder Loose powder

20 Results Loose Powder won for health
Loose powder is worn on top of the skin so it allows to the skin to release natural oils Compact powder is right behind loose powder for health because is also a light make up but the small amount of moisture can seal the pores Liquid is the worst because it seeps in pores and clogs them

21 Results Loose powder won for natural appearance
Natural Skin Loose Powder Compact Powder 3.Liquid

22 Results Compact pressed powder won for smoothest texture Natural Skin
1. Compact Powder 2. Loose Powder 3. Liquid

23 Results Compact pressed powder won for even coloring of the skin
Compact pressed powder was the easy to distributed and gave the most even color Throughout the day the liquid foundation started to look very splotchy These are two different samples of the skin after several hours with liquid foundation

24 results Liquid foundation last the longest Liquid Compact Powder Loose

25 Results Liquid has the best coverage over blemishes Liquid Compact
Powder Loose

26 Conclusion Compact pressed powder is the most beneficial product for skin in general Although for long lasting and good concealer liquid is the most useful foundation

27 Conclusion As a side note:
Women should not wear makeup until their skin is fully mature, but if they do it should be a mineral-based, oil-free powder Liquid foundations cover pimples but also cause them because they clog pores where sebum needs to be released Powder foundation makes blemishes stand out but are they healthiest for your skin

28 How this information can be useful
Consumers Marketers/producers Cosmetologists

29 Future work For future work to give a more accurate result more foundation types should be used, especially mousse type foundation because it is light but is in cream form

30 Future work Test the makeup types on more women of different ages, skin types and ethnicity would cause a very important impact on the data that could be used for cosmetic companies.

31 Acknowledgements

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