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Presentation on theme: "NIGHT by ELIE WIESEL."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. Beadle Synagogue helper; prepares the temple for worship

3 2. pipel child assistant to the SS officers;
trained to be cruel to camp prisoners

4 extreme hatred of the Jewish
3. anti-Semitism extreme hatred of the Jewish

5 4. SS- stands for “The Schutzstaffel” -Nazi officers who worked in the camps; followers of Hitler

6 5.Gestapo- the Nazi police force

7 6. ghetto Little “cities” where the Jews were kept prior to deportation

8 Jewish place of worship (their “church”)
7. Synagogue Jewish place of worship (their “church”)

9 8. lorries Motor trucks used for prisoner transport

10 9. truncheon A club-like instrument used for prisoner beatings

11 10. kapo A prisoner who was chosen to be leader of their block (barrack)

12 11. selection- a process that determined if you were healthy enough to live or too sick and should die

13 12. Holocaust- a great fire

14 13. “sad-eyed angels”- all of the camp children (as Elie describes them)

15 14. Aryan race- Hitler’s ideal race for an ideal Germany;
blonde hair; blue eyes

16 Jewish Holidays Cont’d…
Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New Year

17 Jewish Holidays Cont’d…
Passover God was said to “pass over” the Jews, freeing them from slavery in Egypt centuries ago;

18 Jewish Holidays Continued
Yom Kippur- means “Day of Atonement” (forgiveness); a day set aside to ask for forgiveness of one’s sins

19 Jewish Texts Cabbala (Kabbalah): Jewish text filled with the mysteries of the religion

20 Jewish Texts Cont’d… Talmud: contains discussions of rabbis (Jewish priests) from early centuries about Jewish law, ethics, customs, and history

21 Places… Sighet, Transylvania: -now modern day Romania; -Elie’s hometown -Elie was deported from here

22 Birkenau Reception center or “arrival” point at Auschwitz

23 Auschwitz Elie’s first concen- tration camp;
most notorious death camp in Poland

24 Buna- Elie’s second camp; worked in a factory here

25 Gleiwitz: 3rd camp; arrived here after 42 mile “Death March”

26 Buchenwald- final camp; Elie liberated from here

27 Kommando A unit… for example, Elie discusses how he was placed in different “work units” or “kommandos” in each camp.


29 8.Deportation Relocating; being sent away from homeland

30 16. Red Army- the Soviet army

31 A senior SS physician at Auschwitz-Birkenau from 1943-1944;
Josef Mengele A senior SS physician at Auschwitz-Birkenau from ; carried out selections of prisoners performed grotesque experiments on prisoners

32 The Nazi party takes power in Germany;
1933 The Nazi party takes power in Germany; Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor; Nazis set up first concentration camp in Dachau (Germany); The first inmates are 200 communists.

33 1940 Nazis begin deporting Jews to Poland (Auschwitz);
Jews are forced into ghettos.

34 They try to “hide” what they have done;
1945 Russian army pushes west, and the Nazis begin to evacuate the death camps, including Auschwitz; They try to “hide” what they have done; April: American forces liberate prisoners from Buchenwald May: WWII ends—Holocaust is over, and Nazi leaders are tried for war crimes.

35 Kaddish A prayer Jews recite in memory of a loved one.

36 30. genocide- mass extermination of a race or people

37 Please refer to your study guides for information on the Jewish holidays

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