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Gender, Disability, and Disaster

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Presentation on theme: "Gender, Disability, and Disaster"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender, Disability, and Disaster
Ilan Kelman Senior Research Fellow – CICERO Steering Group: Gender & Disaster Network


3 Gender and Disaster Network
Researchers, policy makers, practitioners, community representatives. Women and men, disaster and disaster risk reduction. Document experience, do and apply research, share information, improve capacity.

4 Gender and Disaster Sourcebook

5 South Asia Floods More women die

6 USA Floods More men die

7 Fort Collins, Colorado 1997 Flood Memorial

8 Moving Forward? Better data.  Ethics of body counts? Cultural change.
 Right to change culture? Climate change in context.  As an opportunity?

9 Dealing with disasters Gender Disability

10 Gender, disability, and disaster: Do we have data on:
Gender-disaggregated data regarding different types of disabilities? Rates of disaster-caused disabilities for males and females? Male and female reaction and response times when they have different forms of disabilities? Exclusion from different disaster-related activities by gender for people with disabilities?


12 Gender, disability, and disaster: Do we have data on:
Gender-disaggregated data regarding different types of disabilities? Rates of disaster-caused disabilities for males and females? Male and female reaction and response times when they have different forms of disabilities? Exclusion from different disaster-related activities by gender for people with disabilities?

13 Gender, disability, and disaster: Continuing questions
How do gender-related disabilities impact disaster-related work? What different contributions do women and men with disabilities make to disaster-related work? How could scientific results be turned into action?

14 Franklin Delano Roosevelt


16 Tsunami comparison World Press Photo of the Year, 2004 © Arko Datta

17 Climate change and floods
Warmer atmosphere = More rain. More rain = More floods. More floods ≠ More flood disasters. More flood disasters ≠ More flood deaths.

18 Climate change and floods
But: Theory ≠ Practice So: Be prepared for more flood deaths as part of climate change. Meaning: Know the importance of gender.

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