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Edited by MEC_CREW: Berti Emily Micol Dardani Mantovani Carol

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Presentation on theme: "Edited by MEC_CREW: Berti Emily Micol Dardani Mantovani Carol"— Presentation transcript:

1 Edited by MEC_CREW: Berti Emily Micol Dardani Mantovani Carol
Mazzola Maite Monti MariaGiulia

2 GoPro: Best of 2016 - A Year in Review

3 GoPro = Going Professional
The brand GoPro = Going Professional Be a HERO → be the protagonist of an adventure Extension of the human body, of the view and the memory Sensory marketing → Sight → Fish-eye, HD, broader view Subliminal perception: why do you want a Go-Pro? It for recording, but not just a recording camera The GoPro was originally designed for surfing and capturing pro camera angles, GOPRO= “When trying to come up with an idea for the company name I asked myself, ‘What do my friends and I all want to do most?’ And the answer was ‘Go pro…we all want to be pro surfers, pro footballers, pro teachers,... Sensory marketing: they pay attention to the impact of sensation Stimuli → sight → Subliminal perception: stimulus below the level of the consumer’s awareness. Or is it because you want to live the adventure that you see? Their are selling the fact that if you buy a gopro you will live fantastic advanture, in which you will be the hero!!!

4 Ch.2 - A consumer society Post-modernism:
De-Differentiation → With the same device amateurs and professionals can both create amazing videos; Hyperreality → Turn common experiences into fantastic and amazing adventures; Chronology → Most modern way to keep memories example hyperreality: record lions closely form an innatural distance It allows us to see the world from a lot of new different point of views, even the most dangerous and unusual ones.

5 Ch.2 - A consumer society Experience economy: consumers care about the experience that camera gives to them and not about the product itself

6 Ch. 8 - Attitudes Value expressive function: desire to express a wild and adventurous lifestyle The experiential hierarchy of effects: GoPro does not sell cameras but experiences. Consumers buy a GoPro on the basis of their emotional reaction: if you want a Gopro you go an buy it without too many thinking. the experiential hierarchy of effect: feel → do → think

7 Ch. 8 - Attitudes Level of commitment → Identification: desire to belong to a certain group (young, wild and free) Types of message appeal: emotional appeal → GoPro videos show action, adventure, fun, excitement and adrenaline contents

8 Ch.10 - Community Everything is thought to be shared and to be published on Social Media in the easiest way possible Through this device, by mere exposure, you become part of a group of people who want to share adventures and emotions Too much effort in creating the “perfect” video → loose the spontaneity of the moment Perdi il legame del momento stesso, perché ti concentri su come vieni fuori.

9 Ch.10 - Community Youtube and GoPro website to create a community in which people can share and watch their/other adventures Risky shift effect: people may engage in more risky situation in order to record exiting video and get more group’s approval


11 È costruito per montare video e condividerli.


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