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Sjogren’s syndrome Iraj Salehi-Abari MD., Internist/Rheumatologist

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1 Sjogren’s syndrome Iraj Salehi-Abari MD., Internist/Rheumatologist
Salehi I.

2 Sjogren’s syndrome: Definition:
A chronic autoimmune disorder with decreased exocrine gland function especially : Diminished lacrimal gland function: Xerophthalmia Diminished salivary gland function: Xerostomia Salehi I.

3 Sjogren’s syndrome: Classified into: Previous name:
Primary Sjogren’s Syndrome Secondary Sjogren’s Syndrome The most common cause: RA Previous name: Mikulicz syndrome Salehi I.

4 Clinical manifestations:
Exocrine gland features: Sicca complex Only feature: in 1/3 of cases Extraglandular features 25% Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 2.5%

5 Exocrine gland features:
Xerophthalmia Xerostomia Salivary gland enlargement Vaginal dryness dyspareunia Xeroderma Xerotrachea

6 Xerophthalmia(KCS): The most common cause of dry eyes as a disease
‘’gritty’’ or ‘’sandy’’ feeling in eyes ‘’dryness’’ of eye Irritation, Itching Photophobia Mucus filaments at inner canthus Corneal ulceration

7 Xerophthalmia(KCS): Infection of the eyelids
Punctate conjunctival & corneal damage Rose Bengal staining Fluorescein staining Schirmer test Dilation of the bulbar conjunctival vessels Dullness of the conjunctiva & cornea


9 Rose Bengal Staining:

10 Xerostomia: Dry mouth Reduced salivary flow Dysphagia
Adherence of food to buccal surfaces Changes in taste Inability to eat dry food Inability to speak continuously Dental caries

11 Xerostomia: Gingivitis Oral candidiasis Angular cheilitis
Bacterial infections of stensen’s duct Laryngotracheal reflux Beefy red tongue Chronic esophagitis

12 Salivary gland swelling:
It can be seen in 30-50% of cases Glands are firm, diffuse and nontender Chronic bilateral Parotid enlargement Submandibular swelling Sublingual swelling

13 Pathologic dry eyes: The dryness of eyes is pathologic if there is at least one of below Features: Duration of at least 3 months Gritty or sandy sensation in the eyes Use of a tear substitute more than 3 times daily

14 Etiology of Dry eyes:

15 Etiology of Dry eyes:

16 Pathologic dry mouth: Dry mouth is pathologic if there is at least one of below Features: Duration of at least 3 months Patient has to wake up at night to drink water because his/her mouth is too dry Patient frequently drinks liquids to help in swallowing dry foods

17 Dry mouth:

18 Salivary gland enlargement:
Unilateral: Acute unilateral parotid swelling Acute bacterial sialadenitis Stones Chronic unilateral parotid swelling Tumors Chronic bacterial sialadenitis Actinomycosis

19 Salivary gland enlargement:
Acute bilateral parotid swelling: Mumps EBV Echovirus Coxsackie

20 Salivary gland enlargement:
Chronic (recurrent) bilateral parotid swelling: Liver disease: Cirrhosis, Alcoholism Infectious disease: TB, HCV and HIV infections Nutritional disease: Malnutrition, Bulimia Endocrine disease: Diabetes mellitus, Acromegaly And Rheumatology: Sjogren’s Syndrome, Sarcoidosis, Amyloidosis and IgG4-rsd

21 Bilateral parotid gland swelling:

22 Genitourinary features:
Vaginal dryness Dyspareunia Bacterial & candidal infections Interstitial cystitis Amenorrhea > 3 months Menorrhagia/metrorrhagia Endometriosis

23 Upper Airways: Recurrent nonallergic rhinitis & sinusitis Xerotrachea
Xerobronchia Xerolaryngea

24 Extraglandular involvement:
Skin: Xerosis (Xeroderma) Palpable purpura Raynaud’s phenomenon Annular erythema(#SCLE) Erythema Nodosum Livedoreticularis Lichen planus Vitiligo Cutaneous amyloidosis Granuloma annulare Angular cheilitis

25 Salehi I.

26 Joints: Muscles: Arthralgia + Arthritis : 50% Symmetric Nonerosive
Nondeforming Intermittent Hands & Knees RF(+): 40% Muscles: Myopathy Myositis

27 Thyroid disease: Autoimmune thyroid disease
Older, Female have higher incidence No significant difference with NL population

28 Lungs: Heart: ILD: most common, asymptomatic LIP, NSIP
Acute pericarditis LV hypokinesis Heart block

29 Gastrointestinal tract:
Dysphagia Esophageal dysmotility Dyspepsia Nausea Epigastric pain Atrophic gastritis Achlorhydria & pernicious anemia Celiac disease: 5%(10xNl)

30 Liver disease: PBC: Primary biliary cirrhosis Portal tract fibrosis
Chronic active hepatitis Idiopathic portal hypertension

31 Kidney disease: Interstitial nephritis Renal tubular dysfuction:
RTA Decreased concentrating ability Rarely: Glomerulonephritis

32 Salehi I.

33 Bladder: Interstitial cystitis(20xNL) Dysuria Frequency Nocturia

34 Pancreatic disorder: Autoimmune sclerosing pancreatitis
Swelling of the pancreas Narrowing of the pancreatic ducts

35 Peripheral Nervous System:
Polyneuropathy Mononeuritis multiplex Trigeminal neuropathy Multiple cranial neuropathies VII: Bell’s palsy VIII: neural deafness III, IV, VI

36 Central Nervous System:
Focal &/or Diffuse involvement Spinal cord: Transverse myelitis Subacute aseptic meningitis Chorea

37 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia Syndrome Psychiatric disorder:
Depression Personality disorders

38 Lymphoma: Non Hodgkin Lymphoma: 5%(16-44 x NL)
Diffuse Large B cell Lymphoma Pseudolymphoma Below features increase risk of lymphoma Cutaneous vasculitis Peripheral neuropathy RF(+) Type II cryoglobulinemia Anti-Ro, Anti-La

39 Triad of: Cryoglobulinemia Hypocomplementemia Purpura
Correlates with severe disease complications & death

40 Pathogenesis: In a susceptible person:
Glandular epithelial cells express high levels of HLA-DR This cells is APC Antigens are Viruses or auto-Antigens APCs  T-cell CD4 T lymphocytes infiltrate in glandular tissue Cytokine production INFg & IL-2 T-cell  B-cell activation Auto-Antibody production Exocrine gland hypofunction Increase B-cell malignancy

41 Salehi I.

42 Evaluations: CBC, BUN/Cr, Ast & Alt ESR, CRP, U/A
ANA, RF, Anti-Ro, Anti-La Anti-RNP, Anti-Sm, Anti-dsDNA C3 & C4, Cryoglobulins Anti-alpha-fodrin Abs Serum & urine Pr. Electrophoresis Ig levels HCV & HIV test CXR, MRI of salivary gland enlargement Schirmer’syndrome Rose Bengal score LGB


44 Diagnosis: American-European Classification Group (AECG) classification criteria for Sjogren’s syndrome American College of Rheumatology (ACR)-Sjogren’s International Collaborative Clinical Alliance (SICCA) classification criteria for Sjogren’s syndrome IRAN criteria for early diagnosis of Sjogren’s syndrome: the best way

45 Diagnosis: Secondary Sjogren’s Syndrome:
A connective tissue disease plus Ocular or Oral dryness and At least 2 items out of below 3 items: Ocular sign Positive LGB (Biopsy) Abnormal tests of salivary gland function

46 Treatment: Secondary SS: Primary SS: Severe disease:
Symptomatic therapy plus Treatment of underlying disorder Primary SS: Disease modifying treatment Severe disease: Vasculits Neuropathy CTX + corticosteroids or Biologic agent

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