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Computer Simulation with Flight Simulator X

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Simulation with Flight Simulator X"— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Simulation with Flight Simulator X
Introduction to Flight Simulator – Level 1 1

2 What You’ll Learn… Stuff You’ll Need…
How to use Flight Simulator X software How to use the CH Eclipse Yoke How to FLY! How the forces of lift, thrust, drag, and gravity act upon a plane in flight How to control a plane while aloft How to read various instruments How to bank the plane How to compensate for gravity and drag How to climb and descend How to land and takeoff How to navigate Stuff You’ll Need… Flight Simulator X software CH Eclipse Yoke

3 What You Should Know… This is Not a Video Game!
Flight Simulator X is a realistic computer simulation. You will use it to learn flight dynamics and piloting skills – you will not get to shoot down fighter jets or battle aliens. The controller you will use is called a yoke. Handle it GENTLY! There are two good reasons for this. The first is that it’s a delicate and expensive piece of electronic equipment. The second is that successful flying requires smooth, controlled movements. Can you imagine what it would feel like to be on a plane if the pilot tried to control it with big, jerky movements? In real flight, small movements of the yoke result in big movements of the plane. Most beginners move the yoke too much (over compensate) causing the plane to fly off course by a significant amount. Small, smooth adjustments of the yoke will get you where you’re going! This piece of equipment is called the YOKE. If you handle it gently, you will become a successful pilot.

4 Double Check Have you completed the first PowerPoint Straight and Level Flying? If not, go back and finish!

5 Finding Flight Simulator
Double click the Microsoft Flight Simulator X icon on the desktop.

6 Do It! Accessing Lesson 2 Step 1: Load the software or open Flight Simulator X from the desktop. Step 2: On the Navigation Bar, select “Learning Center”. Step 3: Select the “Lessons” tab from the top of the Learning Center page. Step 4: Select the first lesson, “Lesson 2: Turns” Select, “Lessons”.

7 Do It! Lesson 2: Turns Ground School Topics Did you complete Lesson 1?
How Airplanes Turn The Lightness of Lift Turns: Maneuvers You Can Bank On Compensating for Gravity and Drag Using the Rudder Ready for this Lesson? Complete Ground School and return to this Learning Launcher for Ground School Review.

8 Do It! Lesson 2: Turns Ground School Review
Look at the drawing below. On the left is a plane in straight and level flight. On the right is a plane banking or turning. Do you recall the forces that act on the plane? How are the forces of lift and weight different for planes making a turn and for planes in straight and level flight?

9 Do It! Lesson 2: Turns Ground School Review
A plane that is banking or turning has both a vertical and horizontal component of lift. Notice that total the amount of lift and weight are equal for a plane that is in straight and level flight.

10 Do It! Lesson 2: Turns Ground School Review
Recall that the attitude indicator shows where the nose of the plane is pointing compared to horizontal. Take a look at the image below. At what angle is the plane banking?

11 Do It & Research Lesson 2: Turns Flight & Flight Analysis
After completing ground school review, you’re ready to take off! Click, “Fly this Lesson Now”. Read the flight brief and then click, “Fly this Lesson Now” a second time. The computer will load the software. This may take some time. Remember to capture the Flight Analysis image after each flight for your Word document drive.

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