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English 3 Unit 1, List 2 Vocabulary.

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1 English 3 Unit 1, List 2 Vocabulary

2 resolve- verb To decide; determine Andy resolved to pass the test.

3 feigned- adjective Fictitious; not genuine
Feigned emotions aren't real, and therefore, they are a bit dishonest. You act like you care but you really don't. Maybe you are just being nice, like your feigned enthusiasm for your dad's woodworking projects — you know how much he enjoys it, so why not act interested?

4 clamor- noun Confused, insistent, shouting
The clamor in the auditorium was unbearable.

5 providence-noun Divine care or guidance; foresight
For religious people, any good thing that happens to them — like landing a new job, getting healthy, or finding money on the ground — could be considered an example of providence.

6 apprehension - noun Fear of what may happen in the future; anxiety
The shy boy felt apprehension towards new people.

7 scruple- noun Moral principle that restrains action
Your scruples won't allow you to cheat on a test, or steal from your brother's Halloween candy stash.

8 procure-verb To obtain by care or effort
In prison movies, there's always a character who is able to procure all sorts of contraband from the inside–– magazines, cigarettes, special soap.

9 copious- adjective Large in quantity; plentiful
If you take copious notes, you'll do well when it comes time for review sessions — unless you can't read your own handwriting.

10 desolation- noun Devastation, misery, sadness
People arriving at the scenes of natural disasters, like tornadoes, often speak about the desolation around them. They usually are talking about the destruction, but they also implying a sense of emptiness and hopelessness.

11 commodity- noun A product or economic good
Grain, vegetables, and precious metals are commodities, but so are personal qualities that can be used to make money: Originality and imagination are rare commodities in the film business.

12 gratify- verb To satisfy or indulge
If you've managed to get straight A's in school, what you did was gratify your parents — and it probably felt pretty gratifying to you too.

13 daunt- verb To overcome with fear; to intimidate
The Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz appeared at first to be easily daunted, but, in fact, he showed unusual courage. Still, his efforts to daunt Dorothy, the Scarecrow, and the Tin Man were less than successful.

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