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CSC 495/583 Topics of Software Security Web Browser Security (2)

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Presentation on theme: "CSC 495/583 Topics of Software Security Web Browser Security (2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSC 495/583 Topics of Software Security Web Browser Security (2)
Class16 CSC 495/583 Topics of Software Security Web Browser Security (2) Dr. Si Chen

2 Internet Explorer Logical Components

3 Chrome Logical Components

4 Edge Logical Components

5 Web Technologies supported by Browsers

6 Google Chrome Bug Bounty Rewards

7 Review: UI Spoof

8 THE LINE OF DEATH (LoD) In web browsers, the browser itself usually fully controls the top of the window, while pixels under the top are under control of the site.  If a user trusts pixels above the line of death, the thinking goes, they’ll be safe, but if they can be convinced to trust the pixels below the line, they’re goanna die.

9 Zone of Death The bigger problem is that some attacker data is allowed above the LoD; while trusting the content below the LoD will kill your security, there are also areas of death above the line. A more accurate Zones of Death map might look like this:

10 CVE RTL character in URL flips domain and path (Android 4.2 and earlier)


12 Status Bar Spoofing

13 Document object model (DOM)
Data structure manipulated by JavaScript web page in HTML is structured data DOM provides representation of this hierarchy Examples Properties: document.alinkColor, document.URL, document.forms[ ], document.links[ ], document.anchors[ ] Methods: document.write(document.referrer) Also Browser Object Model (BOM) Window, Document, Frames[], History, Location, Navigator (type and version of browser)

14 Browser and document tree structure
W3C standard differs from models supported in existing browsers


16 Components of browser security policy

17 Components of browser security policy
Frame-Frame relationships canScript(A,B) Can Frame A execute a script that manipulates arbitrary/nontrivial DOM elements of Frame B? canNavigate(A,B) Can Frame A change the origin of content for Frame B? Frame-principal relationships readCookie(A,S), writeCookie(A,S) Can Frame A read/write cookies from site S? Security indicator (lock icon) securityIndicator(W) Is the security indicator displayed for window W?

18 Generally misunderstood
Often simply stated as “same origin policy” This usually just refers to the canScript relation Full policy of current browsers is complex Evolved via “penetrate-and-patch” Different features evolved slightly different policies Common scripting and cookie policies: canScript considers: scheme, host, and port canReadCookie considers: scheme, host, and path canWriteCookie considers: host

19 Cross-frame scripting
canScript(A,B) Only if Origin(A) = Origin(B) Where origin of a frame is the scheme, host, and network port from which it was loaded This is the basic Same-Origin Policy (SOP) Some details Some properties can be read anyway Example: A can read size of B, if A is the parent of B in the DOM hierarchy

20 Cross-Frame Navigation
Who decides a frame’s content? Permissive policy is used in some browsers; not a great idea A frame can navigate any frame Permissive Policy

21 Guninski Attack awglogin" "awglogin")" If bad frame can navigate good frame, attacker gets password

22 frames in its own window
A frame can navigate frames in its own window Window Policy

23 Gadget Hijacking top.frames[1].location = " top.frames[2].location = " ...

24 Gadget Hijacking

25 Browser Extensions


27 Web Extension Architecture Overview
A Web Extension has a very similar structure to the one found for HTML websites handling folders and their respective data. The extension file itself is nothing but a compressed folder structure containing HTML files, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, images, audio, and so on



30 WEB ATTACKER servers servers client-side website extension client-side
browser API history bookmarks website WEB ATTACKER

31 WEB ATTACKER servers servers client-side website extension client-side
browser API history bookmarks website WEB ATTACKER

32 NETWORK ATTACKER servers servers client-side website extension
browser API history bookmarks NETWORK ATTACKER

33 NETWORK ATTACKER servers servers client-side website extension
browser API history bookmarks NETWORK ATTACKER


35 PRIVILEGE SEPARATION servers servers client-side website
content script core extension extension browser API history bookmarks PRIVILEGE SEPARATION

36 ISOLATED WORLDS servers servers content script core extension
client-side website content script extension client-side website browser API history bookmarks ISOLATED WORLDS

37 PERMISSIONS servers server server content script core extension
client-side website extension client-side website browser API history bookmarks PERMISSIONS

50 most popular + 50 random extensions METHODS Black-box testing + source code analysis VERIFICATION Built exploits to confirm the vulnerabilities

Popular Random Total 22 18 40 VULNERABLE EXTENSIONS

40 Example. The Speeddial extension replicates Chrome’s built-in list of recently closed pages. Speeddial keeps track of the tabs opened using the tabs manager and does not sanitize the titles of these pages before adding them to the HTML of one of its core extension pages. If a title were to contain an inline script, it would execute with the core extension’s permissions. EXAMPLE: SPEED DIAL


42 Need for isolation If Googkle can script other windows, then can steal passwords, post fraudulent bank or retail transactions, etc., etc.

43 Need for isolation - mashups

44 Need for isolation - advertisements

45 Browser and document tree structure
W3C standard differs from models supported in existing browsers

46 Vulnerability count: 3 content script vulns

Insert data as HTML, where it can execute MITIGATION Will execute in website’s isolated world VULNERABILITIES 6 extensions have data-as-HTML bugs that don’t cause content script vulnerabilities

Use eval to execute untrusted data MITIGATION Isolated worlds does not mitigate this bug VULNERABILITIES 2 vulnerabilities due to this mistake

Trusting event handlers on a website MITIGATION Isolated worlds does not mitigate this bug VULNERABILITIES 1 vulnerability due to this mistake

50 Isolated worlds is highly effective because it mitigates common bugs


52 Privilege separation: protect core extensions

53 PRIVILEGE SEPARATION client-side website content script core extension
browser API history bookmarks PRIVILEGE SEPARATION

54 Vulnerability count: 50 core extension vulns

55 METADATA ATTACK servers core content script client-side website
extension extension browser API history bookmarks METADATA ATTACK

56 Example. The Speeddial extension replicates Chrome’s built-in list of recently closed pages. Speeddial keeps track of the tabs opened using the tabs manager and does not sanitize the titles of these pages before adding them to the HTML of one of its core extension pages. If a title were to contain an inline script, it would execute with the core extension’s permissions. EXAMPLE: SPEED DIAL

57 HTTP SCRIPTS/XHRS servers core extension content script
client-side website content script core extension extension browser API history bookmarks HTTP SCRIPTS/XHRS


59 Javascript Security Model
“Sandbox” design No direct file access, restricted network access Same-origin policy Frame can only read properties of documents and windows from same place: server, protocol, port However, this does not apply to Script loaded in enclosing frame from arbitrary site This script runs as if it were loaded from the site that provided the page! <script type="text/javascript"> src=" </script> Reference:

60 Cross-Origin XMLHttpRequest
Regular web pages can use the XMLHttpRequest object to send and receive data from remote servers, but they're limited by the same origin policy. Extensions aren't so limited. An extension can talk to remote servers outside of its origin, as long as it first requests cross-origin permissions.

61 Permissions: limit the scope of core vulnerabilities

62 PERMISSION RATE None 15% Low High 44% 11% Medium 30%
27 buggy extensions PERMISSION RATE

63 Reduces potential for severe attacks by half

64 RATE COMPARISON None 15% Low High 44% 11% Medium 30% None 1% Low 12%
with bugs others RATE COMPARISON

65 No correlation between bugs and permissions

66 Yes, permissions limit the scope of vulnerabilities

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