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Data Pipeline Town Hall January 22, 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Data Pipeline Town Hall January 22, 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Pipeline Town Hall January 22, 2015
The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is Data Pipeline support is

2 Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2

3 Introductions 3

4 Today’s Agenda Open Collections in Data Pipeline
Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Human Resources Teacher Student Data Link 11th Grade Alt Assessment Student End of Year Course Codes4 Day School Week Applications Special Education December Count 4

5 Open Data Pipeline Collections

6 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Year Round Directory RITS EDIS Periodic Collections Co Act – Pre ID Labels 1/22/2015 CMAS/COAlt Fall SBD 1/15/2015 – 1/27/2015 Spring Pre ID Labels 1/22/2015 6

7 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshot Special Education December Count (January 22th – February 3rd 2015 AUs research and make file changes to resolve duplicate and data validity issues) RITS EDIS Directory Special Education IEP Interchange Student Interchange Staff Interchange Special Education December Count Snapshot 7

8 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshot Human Resources (January 30th 2015 HR Snapshot error free to provide adequate time to review HR reports for accuracy) EDIS Directory Staff Interchange Human Resources Snapshot 8

9 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshot 11th Grade Alternate Assessment Student Interchange Directory RITS 9

10 2013-14 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

11 Important information about CRDC Launch Date
Primary Points of Contact Tuesday, January 20th The new CRDC system will launch in early February 2015. The official due date for the CRDC will be set no earlier than 75 days after the official launch. Approximately two weeks prior to the official launch of the CRDC system, your school district will receive a letter with the official due date. Once the system launches, you will receive an from the CRDC system requesting you to verify your address and create a password to access the website.

12 Important information about CRDC Launch Date (cont.)
We would encourage you to use this time to gather the required data and begin to prepare your submission. Helpful information about preparing for the CRDC is available through the CRDC Resource Center at including flat file specifications and worksheets to prepare your data submission.

13 Important information about CRDC Launch Date (cont.)
The following planning documents may help you prepare for this important data collection: CRDC Planning Checklist: How to Organize Submissions: CRDC Data Collection Planning Guide: Excel Data Collection Template, School Form: Excel Data Collection Template, LEA Form:

14 Important information about CRDC Launch Date (cont.)
If you are new to the CRDC, the Resource Center contains a Starter Kit that provides several tip sheets and responses to frequently asked questions that you might have concerning the CRDC. The Starter Kit is available at

15 CRDC Assistance The CRDC Partner Support Center is also available to answer any questions you may have concerning the data collection process. (844) 15

16 CRDC Resources Office of Civil Rights (OCR)
Colorado Department of Education 16

17 CRDC Thank you for hanging in there with us!
Will continue to give updates Town Halls Points of Contact s CDE website If anxious to start gathering data, provide red fields (data CDE does NOT have) 17

18 Human Resources 18

19 Timeline Goal dates (not required)
Friday, January 30th 2015 – HR snapshot error free to provide adequate time to review HR reports for accuracy Deadline - Friday, February 20th 2015 Required to have HR snapshot error free and finalized before or on this date No penalties to finalize early

20 Defect Status In Progress: Recently Fixed:
HR007- trying to update for schools with teachers that are all part time. If not fixed by next week, I will enter exceptions as requested. Recently Fixed: HR109 – now displaying school code in error message HR052- updated to use the age of 17 instead of 18 20

21 Defects Fixed Recently
Cognos-> Human Resources -> Special Education Staff Report is displaying correct year data now.  HQ Teacher Column – now showing N or Y correctly. Recent fix; so if still showing N incorrectly please create a new snapshot Status Dashboard Screen and Batch Maintenance Screen reflecting accurate number of errors now HR084 – issue for Title I preschool teachers HR103 – Title I preschool teachers are not required to meet HQ 21

22 Resources Staff Interchange:
For Highly Qualified questions: Jennifer Simons at Documents posted online in staff interchange link Human Resources: 22

23 Contact Information Annette Severson: Phone: Fax: In s or voic messages, please include: District Code Error code(s) if applicable Where assistance is needed; such as ‘files won’t upload’ or ‘getting error HR### for EDID ######## and I don’t know why’ 23

24 2014-15 Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL)

25 Schedule Interchange: Snapshot: TSDL 101 Webinar:
Opened Fall 2014 for the school year Will remain open throughout the year Snapshot: Opens Monday, April 13th 2015 Finalize by Friday, August 28th 2015 TSDL 101 Webinar: Wednesday, February 4th am Wednesday, February 18th am 25

26 Updates Course Instructor file – remains the same as file Course Enrollment file – remains the same layout as Course Completion Status will now be required for 9th – 12th grade students. 26

27 Course Completion Status – Definition and Codes
An indicator of whether the student completed the course (pass or fail), withdrew or ended the term with an incomplete status. 0 Currently Enrolled 1 Completed - Fail 2 Completed - Pass 3 Incomplete/Partial 27

28 Additional Information
File Layouts and general information at: Contact Chris Vance at Contact Annette Severson at

29 11th Grade Alternate Assessment

30 11th Grade Alternate Assessment for the Colorado ACT Contacts
9/11/2018 11th Grade Alternate Assessment for the Colorado ACT Contacts Linda Lamirande Exceptional Student Services Unit Accommodations & Assessment Specialist Tesia Swanstrom, Program Assistant I’m Linda Lamirande and I am your contact person for the 11th Grade Alternate. Tesia Swanstrom is my program assistant and she will be handling the test materials.

31 What is the 11th Grade Alternate Assessment for Colorado ACT?
Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) Program Evaluates academic skills: *CDE Assessment Unit Evaluates college and career readiness skills: ACT ACT with Accommodations For 11th Grade Students who participate in alternate assessment Performance-based tasks 11th Grade Alternate Assessment *Exceptional Student Services Unit PARCC CoAlt: Dynamic Learning Maps™ English Language Arts/Literacy & Mathematics Science / Social Studies CoAlt: Science & Social Studies Science & Social Studies ACCESS Alternate ACCESS In a more graphic format, to illustrate the state’s Colorado Measures of Academic Success ( CMAS) assessment program, the CDE Assessment Unit administers the Colorado State Assessment Program to evaluate students’ academic skills and college and career readiness. The tests you see listed are part of our state summative assessments. The Assessment Unit also oversees the ACCESS for ELLS and the Alternate ACCESS for ELLS. Then as I mentioned, in Colorado, 11th Grade Students are required to take the Colorado ACT or ACT with Accommodations and the Assessment Unit is the contact for the ACT as well. However, since ACT does not offer an alternate, the Exceptional Student Services Unit oversees the administration of an alternate assessment for career readiness skills and independent living. That’s the full “official” name for this assessment, but usually for ease, it’s just called the 11th Grade Alternate. In Data Pipeline, it’s 11G. As Colorado moves toward developing and implementing new state assessments, all with new names, there is often confusion out there about exactly which test this is. Even the district assessment coordinators have so many, it’s hard to keep all the names straight. Just so we’re clear, I’ll give just a brief description and purpose of the assessment. Both federal and state laws require that students with a disability, including those with a significant cognitive disability, have the opportunity to demonstrate mastery toward grade level expectations set forth in our Colorado Academic Standards. Our state assessment program is built upon these academic standards and approximately 99% of students participate in grade-level instruction and assessment with or without accommodations. These summative assessments are part of the state assessment system and are administered through the Office of Student Assessment . Part of my role as a special education consultant in the Exceptional Student Services Unit is to help districts with implementation of the Colorado Academic Standards, providing accommodations for students with a disability, and assisting districts with establishing participation requirements for students with a significant cognitive disability to receive instruction and take assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards. That eligibility to participate in alternate assessment is a key feature of this collection. Colorado is also committed to evaluating our students’ college and career readiness skills. Toward that goal, all students are required to take the Colorado ACT. Contact the Assessment Unit for questions related to the Colorado ACT. However, for approximately 1% of students, who have documented evidence of a significant cognitive disability, an alternate assessment built upon alternate academic achievement standards is a more suitable measure of career readiness skills. Therefore since ACT does not offer an alternate assessment, CDE provides the 11th Grade Alternate Assessment. There are 36 performance-based tasks related to reading, writing and math that a student might work toward as they prepare for their post school goals. The 11th Grade Alternate is administered through the Exceptional Student Services Unit.

32 Training Opportunities
9/11/2018 Training Opportunities Narrated PowerPoint from the Webinars on Jan. 8 and 13: in Process for Posting on Data Pipeline Training and Assessing Students with a Disability webpages Live Webinar training for all DACs and Test Administrators is scheduled Mar. 12th 3:30-4:30- Link to register will be sent via listserv Live Webinar training for LEAAPPROVERS will be scheduled in April IMS is working on a solution for some way to submit “No Students Tested”—Will announce when ready Test Order Tab – nearing completion Feb. 3-7

33 11th Grade Alternate Assessment for Colorado ACT
Student Profile Data Pipeline IEP Enrolled in 11th Grade Eligible for Alternate Assessment Data Respondent District Assessment Coordinator Creates Snapshot verifies Edits/ Error resolution Enrolled in 11th Grade Eligible for Alternate Assessment District /BOCES Verifies data IEP LAM Assigns LEAUSER and LEAAPPROVER (SpEd Directors) roles by Jan. 24th Jan. 27- Feb. 7– Data Respondent takes Preliminary Snapshot- DAC verifies roster and orders test materials from CDE March CDE prints test packets based on district orders and distributes to DACs March Test Administrator Training via Live Webinar / posted narrated PowerPoint – district verifies training completion March – Take a Snapshot – *Verify Roster - Distribute testing packets to Test Administrators We will discuss each step, but first, let’s look at the overall collection process from Jan. 24th to May 8th the 2015 Planning Timeline HAS BEEN UPDATED. It will be sent through the DAC/Data Respondent Listserv. It is also linked in the Notes Box if you want to download it. Test Window April Data Entry Window April 28-May 8 DAC enters student response scores during data entry window- performance levels calculated automatically DAC enters student scores- DR checks – Notifies LEAAPPROVER (SpEd Director of record) for final Submit to CDE, data is locked; collection is closed DEADLINE 5:00 PM May 8 Cognos Reports: DAC creates Individual Student Score Reports / District/campus reports as needed Can not release until ACT is posted in August

34 Read the DAC/Data Respondent Listserv Emails
9/11/2018 Read the DAC/Data Respondent Listserv s Margo Allen in the Assessment Unit distributes the information through a listserv that has been created with all DACs and Data Respondents assigned to the 11th Grade Alternate Assessment. Please…. Respond with questions to me, not to Margo READ the information carefully and KEEP it for reference. Communicate with each other 34

35 Snapshot User Roles within Data Pipeline Assigned by District LAM
9/11/2018 Snapshot User Roles within Data Pipeline Assigned by District LAM LEA Viewer: able to view data; Read Only access LEA User: can perform all tasks for the collection LEA Approver: provides final submission of data - SpEd Director The user roles are determined collaboratively with the LAM – CDE does not assign usernames and passwords.   If your district LAM has not issued roles and passwords yet and needs assistance, please contact for help with access to the 11G collection.   NEW! help with access to the 11G collection.  

36 11th Grade Alternate Assessment Timeline
9/11/2018 11th Grade Alternate Assessment Timeline January- Assign roles and access January – Preliminary Snapshot - Verify roster Order Materials March – Update Snapshot Train Test Administrators - Distribute Test materials April - Administer Assessment - Enter Student Responses May – Final submission of data to CDE May 8th 5:00 PM August- Report results when ACT scores are released Each week at the Town Hall Meeting, we will review any upcoming tasks. This is just a general overall planning timeline. An updated planning timeline will be sent out through the DAC/DR listserv.

37 11th Grade Alternate Assessment Data Pipeline Town Hall
Thank you! 11th Grade Alternate Assessment Data Pipeline Town Hall

38 LEAAPPROVER Correction
LEAAPPROVER role for 11G needs to be assigned to somebody within the district This does not have to be the Special Education Director Sorry for the miscommunication System limitation Only a district person is able to approve the collection Complete by January 24th 38

39 Create snapshot and order tests
All districts need to create 11th grade snapshot Please create the 11th grade alternate assessment snapshot this week. All districts need to enter a value in the test order form Not testing – Enter zero in test order form. Testing – Fill out form and enter number of tests. Complete by February 7th 39

40 Student End of Year 40

41 Collection closed Data released to the public today
Thank you for completing the survey Your feedback will make the system better Please complete by end of the month suggestions Any ideas are good ideas No guarantee we will be able to implement them all 41

42 End of Year 2014-2015 2014-2015 End of Year snapshot
Snapshot opens on February 2nd. schedule posted at Schedule is similar to school year Remind schools to continue to work on collecting adequate documentation. 42

43 Course Codes 43

44 Statewide Course Codes
Required for Teacher Student Data Link All districts are required to map courses Upcoming Trainings February 10th 9:00 – 10:00 February 12th 3:00 – 4:00 will be sent to SSCC administrators 44

45 Statewide Course Codes
Course mappings schedule Trainings on February 10th and 12th Replicate prior year courses Focus on secondary courses Map and load courses by Thursday, March 26th More information 45

46 4 Day School Week Application

47 4 Day School Week Opens in Data Pipeline Directory February 2nd 2015 and Closes May 1st 2015 4 Day School Week application in Data Pipeline Directory is required by statute if you have a school that operates less than 160 days Application is for the school year. 47

48 4 Day School Week 48

49 4 Day School Week Items you will need to complete application
When was the first year of the 4 day school week? - Fill in what year your district first went on 4 day school week. Only put in the current year if this is the first year your district had decided to go onto 4 day school week. Are all schools in the district on the four-day school week? Yes or No Individual schools if not all schools are on four-day school week. – If you chose yes on the question above skip (system automatically selects yes for all schools) if you chose no then you would select the proper schools on 4 day school week 49

50 4 Day School Week Day of the week not in session on four-day school week? - Select the day of the week your schools have off. Total district or BOCES enrollment as applicable. – You will not need to fill out it is automatically populated. This is pulled from the student counts. Total enrollment of schools on four-day school week. - You will not need to fill out it is automatically populated. This is pulled from the student counts. Actual number of school days scheduled. – Count all student contact days. 50

51 4 Day School Week Number of hours scheduled: Elementary (cannot be less than 990) Secondary (cannot be less than 1080) Date current year calendar adopted by local school board – Date the local board will approve the calendar (can be a future date) Please list specific reasons for making application this year – Please be precise. This application goes to the Commissioners Office for approval. 51

52 4 Day School Week If you have any questions please contact:
Dennis St. Hilaire Or 52

53 Special Education December Count

54 Duplicates and Data Validity checks
We’ve now moved into the Duplicate Process and Data Validity Checks. Duplicates were sent out a day earlier than anticipated granting folks additional time to resolve them. We will run the duplicates a number of times until there aren’t any prior to February 3rd when they must be resolved. This is also your opportunity to review the reports which are due February 5th to ensure you’ve accounted for all the students and staff you should be reporting and have accurately reported them. 54

55 What’s around the corner
From January 20th – February 3rd – research and resolve duplicates. Make any changes deemed necessary for valid and reliable data. February 3 – Date by which all duplicates are resolved and the snapshot has been recreated ensuring all validations have been cleared. February 4th – February 5th – final Report review February 5th – Collection closes. Reports are submitted. Submit data to CDE. Send in any flags at this time. 55

56 Submitting Final Reports
ALL Data Summary Reports are due to CDE Thursday, February 5th, 2015 (Please Do NOT send in Detail Reports) Reports must contain a wet signature by the Special Education Director. Include the date. Scanned documents should first be scanned to yourself then forwarded on to the Data Team. If you have to fax the report please send it to attention Kristi Gleason

57 9/11/2018 Special Education December Count Contact Information Kristi Gleason SPED December Count collection coordinator SPED December Count Data Team Members: Lindsey Heitman – Orla Bolger – (out of the office until end of November) For technical support questions, please and remember to cc the SPED December Count data team. 57

58 Next Town Hall: Thursday, January 29, 2015 9a.m.-10a.m.

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