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The Use of Problem Based Learning – Facilitating linking of Theory to Practice in a Module Setting Joan Lawrence July 2017.

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1 The Use of Problem Based Learning – Facilitating linking of Theory to Practice in a Module Setting
Joan Lawrence July 2017

2 The Issue…. Students do not feel sufficiently prepared for practice
Students unable to link theory to practice Students experience challenges in tailoring care to individual women first year students often find it a challenge to negotiate learning and working together – which can impact their ability to develop their professional persona.

3 My vision To facilitate the development of professional attitudes and behaviours which will have a positive impact upon women being cared for and the inter professional teams in which midwives work. To “produce” midwives who are able to professionally negotiate care with women, their families and the medical teams so that high standards of care and women’s choice is promoted. To demonstrate to student midwives that “one size does not fit all” and that a range of skills are required to drive up standards in person centred care. To improve employability of our students to a range of organisations.

4 The Process Students divided into 5 groups
Each group presented with one scenario The taught content of the module was connected with a new scenario based on the “woman” for each group. Each new scenario had tasks and activities attached to it that the group needed to complete but this required them to negotiate with each other. At the end of the module each group had built a workbook containing the care of a woman which was linked to each aspect of the module. The groups shared the care of the women with their peers using the most imaginative means possible.

5 • A16 Essential Midwifery 2 •
Please remember that this timetable / room booking may be subject to change NMC Domains & ECS DATE & TIME TOPIC GUIDED STUDY PRIOR TO SESSION FACILITATOR Session 4 27/10/16 0900 – 1030 Supporting and caring for Women in Labour Exploring attitudes to Pain – an introduction to basic labour analgesia    We will be using the directed study undertaken in session 2 as a base for this session. Joan Lawrence & Student Led Domain: Effective Midwifery Practice – Communicate effectively with women & assess and monitor women holistically throughout the intrapartum period.

6 Scenario 1 Group 1 Diana 25 years old G1P0 Married to Steve (Business Manager works at home 4 days a week) Non smoker BMI 30 Vegetarian 10 weeks pregnant IVF pregnancy Occupation – International IT consultant – travels across the world regularly Lives in a rural area and has no family nearby

7 Scenario: Diana has been in labour for 8 hours she has chosen to deliver on an acute labour ward. She is contracting 3 – 4 in 10, moderate lasting 45 seconds. The fetus is in an OA position and is descending with each contraction. On a recent vaginal examination Diana is found to be 7 cm dilated with intact forewaters. The vertex is well fitting and there is no caput or moulding. Diana has been using Entonox but is becoming distressed. She is laying down has vomited several times. Diana has not been drinking well during her labour. She is requesting further analgesia and for you to break her waters. How would you advise Diana about analgesia at this time? Develop a management plan to address Diana’s issues and justify your actions using local and national guidelines. Support your work with a contemporary literature base

8 The Students’ Voice “I found the activities stimulating!”
“Easy to relate theory to practice” Scenarios were easy to relate to” “Working with peers that I don’t normally mix with helped me to develop confidence and improve my communication skills” “ This was a good way to appreciate that one size does not fit all” “I was able to reflect on real women that I have cared for and view the care that I gave in a different way” “I was terrified at first when I had to address issues in the group of peers not pulling their weight but in the end I was proud that I could do that” “I feel able to advocate for women more effectively”

9 Summary Development of this PBL model has facilitated the addressing of issues that students have raised such as not feeling prepared for practice and not being able to relate theory to practice effectively enough These activities will facilitate students to consider the wider issues of professional practice and begin to understand the importance of professional collaboration This will drive students to become excellent practitioners who will be able to meet the challenges of employability by being able to demonstrate excellence in practice and attitude.

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