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NCAT Pavement Test Track

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Presentation on theme: "NCAT Pavement Test Track"— Presentation transcript:

1 NCAT Pavement Test Track

2 HMA Cracking Test Energy Ratio OT-TX OT-NCAT IFIT SCB-LA NCAT is conducting these tests on aged and unaged LMLC and PMLC samples. Unaged PMLC Energy Ratio results were reported in December sponsor meeting OT-TX and OT-NCAT reported at the May sponsor meeting IFIT testing is nearly complete SCB-LA is next Aging protocol – Likely loose mix at 135°C for 24 hrs. We need to find a cracking test that we can count on to indicate performance. Actually, it may be different tests for different forms of cracking. But this webinar is not going to get into the pros and cons of the different tests.

3 HMA Crack Test Mixes at NCAT

4 HMA Performance Test

5 FHWA Enhanced Friction Asphalt Surfaces

6 Benefit of Pavement Preservation


8 MnROAD HMA Cracking Sections

9 MnROAD Preservation Sections
Pease, MN US-169 CR-8 9

10 Pavement Monitoring 10

11 11

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