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Presentation on theme: "FLIPPED CLASSROOM ACTIVITY CONSTRUCTOR – USING EXISTING CONTENT"— Presentation transcript:


2 About The Team Team: PHOENIX Team Leader: Meena Sutha S Team Members: Meena Sutha S., Bakyalakshmi V., Tamilarasi M., Sushma S. Jagtap Team Domain: Basic Science Team Topic: Memristor RC: Rajalakshmi Engineering College(1138)

3 About The Team Leader Meena Sutha S. , Assistant Professor/ECE, Rajalakshmi Engineering College being through the FDP201x conducted by IIT Bombay would like to elaborate on memristors under the domain of Basic science which includes a gist of the vast science and technology. As a team leader I had contributed in the formation of my team along with the guidance towards the construction of the flipped activity. Wordpress:

4 About The Team Content provider
Bakyalakshmi V. , Assistant Professor/ECE, Rajalakshmi Engineering College being through the FDP201x conducted by IIT Bombay would like to work on the content of memristor under the domain of Basic science which includes a detailed explanation of the same. As a team member I had contributed in the collection of information about the memristor along with thedevelopment of the material points towards the construction of the flipped activity. Wordpress:

5 About The Team Content Co-ordinator
Tamilarasi M. , Assistant Professor/ECE, Rajalakshmi Engineering College being through the FDP201x conducted by IIT Bombay would like to work for the compilation of content for memristor under the domain of Basic science which includes a detailed explanation of the same. As a team member I had contributed in the integration of collected information about the memristor towards the construction of the flipped activity. Wordpress:

6 About The Team Content Organizer
Sushma S. Jagtap, Assistant Professor/ECE, Rajalakshmi Engineering College being through the FDP201x conducted by IIT Bombay would like to work for the compilation of content and construction of the presentation for memristor under the domain of Basic science which includes content builder of the same. As a team member I had contributed in the development of the presentation of the integrated information about the memristor towards the construction of the flipped activity. Wordpress:


8 Out-of-class Activity Design -1
Learning Objective(s) of Out-of-Class Activity Getting the knowledge of basic circuit elements(understand level) Construct basic electronic circuits using fundamental elements(create level) Use memristor in real time applications(Apply level) Key Concept(s) to be covered V-I Characteristics Circuit design Working Principle Applications

9 Guidelines for Video Selection - 1
National Repositories NPTEL Videos ( NPTEL Youtube Channel ( International Repositories IEEE Spectrum videos ( OER Commons (

10 Guidelines for Video Selection - 1
Internet Video Repositories Youtube ( Vimeo ( TED-ed ( WatchKnowLearn (

11 Out-of-class Activity Design - 2
Main Video Source URL License of Video Standard Youtube License Mapping Concept to Video Source CONCEPT VIDEO SEGMENT DURATION (in min) Full adder circuit design using Memristor 0:03 – 5:00 4 min 58 sec TOTAL DURATION 5 min 10 sec

12 Out-of-class Activity Design - 2
Main Video Source URL License of Video Standard Youtube License Mapping Concept to Video Source CONCEPT VIDEO SEGMENT DURATION (in min) V-I Characteristics V1 – 0:00 – 3:12 3.12 V2 – 2:00 – 4:11 2 .11 Circuit design V3 – 4:45 – 8:30 4.15 Working Principle V4 - 25:57 – 31:42 5.75 Application V5 – 0:00 – 5:16 5.16 TOTAL DURATION 20.30 min

13 Out-of-class Activity Design - 3
Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective Learning Objective Assessment Strategy Expected Duration (in min) Additional Instructions (if any) 1.Getting the knowledge of basic circuit elements. 2.Construct basic electronic circuits using fundamental elements. 3. Use memristor in real time applications Q1. Mention the V-I characteristics of : Resistor Capacitor Inductor Memristor Q2. Construct a RC circuit and study its principle. Q3. Design a Full adder circuit using memristor in NAND and NOR layouts. 20 minutes Watch V2, V3 and then answer Q1, Watch V5,V6 and then answer Q2, Watch V1 and then answer Q3.

14 In-class Activity Design -1
Learning Objectives of In-Class Activity Getting to know about the presence of flux in an electrical element(Analyze level) Implementation of memristor in logical computing, as non-volatile memory, etc.,(Apply level) Key Concepts to be covered Memory properties Construction

15 In-class Activity Design -2
Active Learning activities are: Real world problem solving using. Think-Pair-Share Concept clarification using. Peer Instruction

16 In-class Activity Design -2
Peer Instruction Strategy - Instructor Q1. Choose the electrical components that Memristor relates, a. Current and Voltage b. Voltage and Charge c. Charge and Magnetic Flux d. Current and Magnetic Flux Q2. What are the values used in Conventional devices that consists of a memristor? a. 0 to 1 b. 0 and 1 c. Either 0 or 1 d. 0 to 10

17 In-class Activity Design -2
Peer Instruction Strategy – Student For each question they will first vote individually. Then they will discuss with peers and come to consensus. Listen to instructors explanation. Student 1 2 3 4 5 Response c,a d,b c,b Students 1, 2 and 3 4 and 5 Discussion c,a : d,b : c,a c,b : c,a Conclusion c,a

18 In-class Activity Design -2
TPS Strategy – Instructor Design a CMOS-like nanoscale circuit design using FPM’s and RPM’s instead of FET’s

19 In-class Activity Design -2
TPS Strategy – Instructor Think (~7 minutes) Instruction: Replace the pMOS and nMOS with RPM and FPM respectively. Think individually and identify the scenario in which a CMOS circuit in nanoscale will be designed.

20 In-class Activity Design -2
TPS Strategy – Instructor Pair (~10 minutes) Instruction: Now pair up and compare your answers. Agree on one final answer. While students are pairing and discussing, instructor goes to 2~3 sections to see what they are doing. Now assuming that pMOS is replaced with RPM and nMOS is replaced with FPM to construct CMOS in nanoscale we derive the individual ouputs for all the universal logic gates.

21 In-class Activity Design -2
TPS Strategy – Instructor Share (~10 minutes) Instructor asks a group to share their answer with class and see whether there are different answers. After sharing is done, instructor gives feedback on the correct solution and how the nanoscale characteristics are comparable with that of the basic CMOS design.

22 In-class Activity Design -2
Justify why the above is an active learning strategy In both the above strategies, students are required to go beyond mere listening and execution of prescribed steps. They are required to think deeply about the content they were familiarized in out-of-class and do higher order thinking. There is also feedback provided (either through peer discussion or instructor summary)


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