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Chapter 7. Emission and Absorption and Rate Equations

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1 Chapter 7. Emission and Absorption and Rate Equations
7.1 Introduction For most considerations b (total relaxation rate) is much faster than the rate at which external forces cause electron to jump between atomic energy levels. The result of the external force, F=-eE is only to produce a gradual increase or decrease in probability. (6.5.18) (6.5.19) Therefore, such a fast phenomena can often be treated with sufficient accuracy in an average sense. Absorption rate / Stimulated emission rate (Rates of increase and decrease in probability)

2 7.2 Stimulated Absorption and Emission Rates
In Chapter 6, density matrix equations considering the relaxation effects are given by (6.5.14) (6.5.17) When (condition for adiabatic following to occur), quasisteady-state approximation, is possible ; (6.5.17) => (7.2.1) : Adiabatic solution adiabatically follow the inversion

3 <Stimulated Absorption and Emission Rates>
absorption or emission rates (6.5.14) => (7.2.2) : Population rate equation are coupled only to each other <Stimulated Absorption and Emission Rates> 1) For nondegenerated transitions, (7.2.3)

4 Induced transition rates (abbreviation), :
Calculation of |c|2 In many cases (unpolarized radiation, rotational or collisional disorientation, etc), orientational average of |c|2 is simpler and useful (7.2.4) Homework : Problem 7.1 where, : Complex dipole moment and its projection on In terms of cartesian components, Induced transition rates (abbreviation), : (orientation-averaged) (7.2.7)

5 Absorption cross section, :
[Refer to (7.4.2)] (7.2.8) where, : photon flux 2) For degenerated transitions (Homework : Refer to Appen. 7.A) : In the case of natural excitation (the # of atoms in each of the different degenerated states of the same level are equal) ; 2 g2=5 1 g1=3 <Example of degenerated transition>

6 7.3 Population Rate Equations
Densities of atoms in levels 1 and 2 ; (7.3.1) where, : total density of atoms (7.2.2) => (7.3.2) : This indicates that ineleastic collisions will takes all of the atoms out of levels 1 and 2 into other atomic levels. Nevertheless, are practically small relative to , and the intermediate time behavior is of the most interest. => We can ignore the

7 (7.3.4) (No inelastic collision), then Sol) (7.3.7)

8 Examples) 1) No radiation field ; , 2) Weak radiation field ; ,
: Lorentz classical theory is valid. 3) Strong radiation field ; ,

9 [Fig. 7.1]

10 Power Broadening In the limit, (7.3.7) => Half width ;

11 7.4 Absorption Cross Section and the Einstein B Coefficient
(7.2.8), (7.2.7) => Put, where, : Lorentzian line shape function : generaliztion for arbitrary line shape function

12 Examples) 1) For descrete radiation frequencies
For a single frequency, : 2) For continuous band radiation (narrow band limit) If (broad band limit) : Einstein’s empirical definition

13 7.5 Strong Fields and Saturation
What is the criterion for “strong” field ? => Saturation the population ; This criterion is satisfied in (7.3.13), if Define, ex)

14 7.6 Spontaneous Emission and the Einstein’s A Coefficient
An atom in an excited state will eventually drop to a state of lower energy, even in the absence of any field or other atoms. => Spontaneous emission (※ Spontaneous emission would occur even for a single excited atom in a perfect vacuum !) ex) Luminescence, Fluorescence, Phosphorescence (7.3.8) => : characteristic time constant (excited state “life time’) - In the case that there are multi-channels for radiative transition,

15 Quantum mechanical expression ;
(7.6.4) (7.6.5) Homework : Problem 7.3 where, Line shape for the spontaneous emission : Lorentzian (7.6.7) where, : Natural linewidth

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