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Presentation on theme: "VALACT DELACT DELVEN PAYDEL USPURG"— Presentation transcript:


2 9/11/2018 VALACT

3 Valact Should be run to check for any invalid accounts that may need to be fixed prior to closing for the fiscal year. This program creates a report of invalid accounts with an explanation of why the accounts are considered invalid WARNING messages will not cause any problems when trying to run year-end programs like USAWMSEDT or USAEMS FATAL messages will prevents the USAEMS sequential file from being created

4 Possible VALACT Messages
“Invalid Fund Per Current Blue Book Standards” The Fund is no longer valid in USAS. WARNING will precede the message if there was no activity against the fund; you can choose to ignore the warning. FATAL will precede it if there is any activity against the fund; it will cause errors when running USAEMS Invalid Fund messages are mainly associated with grant funds so if AOS does not assign a new fund number to replace the invalid one, you can FNDCHG it to a miscellaneous account (499/599 with a unique SCC) until you find out what needs to be done with the leftover monies.

5 Possible VALACT Messages Continued
“Function must be defined at a higher level of detail” The same applies for receipt or object codes The dimension (function, receipt or object code) is no longer valid in USAS; AOS has defined it to a higher level of detail WARNING will precede the message if no activity (i.e. expenditures) against this code; you can choose to ignore the warning. FATAL will precede it if there is any activity against the code; need to use ACTCHG to make the necessary updates

6 Possible VALACT Messages Continued
“ODE requires SUBJ or IL to be entered for this func/obj in most cases” according to EMIS requirements (chapter 4 of ODE's EMIS Guide), ODE wants a subject or instructional level on certain types of accounts. The general rule of thumb is that if it is a high school class, or middle/junior high where teachers teach specific courses like in a high school, a subject code should be provided. If it is an elementary, then an instructional level should be provided. However, ODE states that there are cases where this doesn’t apply and it is okay in those cases to not to provide the subject or IL code. So since it is not enforced, it will display in VALACT as a warning.

7 Possible VALACT Messages Continued
“A Valid EMIS category should be entered for this fund” WARNING will precede this message if you entered an “*” in the EMIS Fund Category for a fund that requires an EMIS Category code. This is intended for you to verify (double-check) that there isn’t an existing code that should be used. If no proper code exists, the * (or “not applicable” in USASWEB) should be used. WARNING will also precede message if EMIS Fund Category is blank for a fund that requires an EMIS Category code and there is no activity against this code; Even though a warning, strongly advise to enter a fund category (or an *) to that cash account. FATAL will precede this message if the EMIS Fund Category is blank for a fund that requires a fund category code and there is activity against this fund. Must enter a fund category to the cash account.

8 9/11/2018 DELACT

9 USAHIST file checking Prompts for number of years of history you want to check (on the USAHIST file) Minimum of 3 years required

10 Accounts with “*” Accounts with “*” on report means they have prior year history amounts within the requested number of years but are otherwise deletable. It is up to the user to determine whether they should or should not delete these accounts. Recommendation: Keep these accounts for general and related funds. Can delete for other funds unless the district wants the historical tracking capabilities.

11 Accounts with ‘#’ Accounts with “#” on report means they have project-to-date amounts are otherwise deletable. It is up to the user to determine whether they should or should not delete these accounts. Recommendation: Keep unless deleting entire cash account.

12 Accounts with ‘%’ Accounts with “%” on report means they have prior year history amounts and project-to-date amounts but are otherwise deletable. It is up to the user to determine whether they should or should not delete these accounts. Recommendation: Follow recommendations for # and * for determine whether to keep or delete accounts..

13 Deleting Accounts Option 1
9/11/2018 Deleting Accounts Option 1 records deletable accounts on DELACT.IDX file RUN DELACT – option 1 View DELACT.TXT & DELACT.IDX

14 Deleting Accounts Option 2
9/11/2018 Deleting Accounts Option 2 Must run option 1 first; must be run that day or prior day Option 2 uses DELACT.IDX file to determine accounts that are safe to delete Run DELACT2 – go through prompts in detail

15 Deleting Accounts (Option 2 cont.)
Pick whether you want to delete accounts with ‘*’, ‘#’, or ‘%’ Pick whether you want to delete cash, approp., budget, or revenue accounts Enter range of accounts – the program will delete directly from the report created in option 1 – program will delete all accounts found on DELACT.IDX file in between the beginning and ending account entered DELAC2.TXT report generated showing accounts deleted

16 Sample DELACT – Option 2 run
Accounts with prior fiscal year expenditures or receipts can be deleted. These accounts have an (*) printed next to them on the report. Do you wish to delete these accounts (Y/N<N>): Y Note! When deleting a Cash or Appropriation account all underlying Budget and Revenue accounts will be deleted as well, including those with prior fiscal year expenditures or receipts and project to date amounts Sample DELACT – Option 2 run Enter the type of accounts to delete: 00 Cash 01 Appropriation 02 Budget 03 Revenue Enter the type<>: 00

17 Sample DELACT – (Option 2 CONT.)
Enter beginning account. Fund: <000> 014 Special Cost: <0000> 9500 Enter ending account. Fund: <014> 019 Special Cost: <9500> 9109 Delete accounts From: To: Do you wish to continue? (Y/N <Y>): Y Deleting account range


19 Deleting Cash/Appropriation Accounts
When cash accounts are deleted, all underlying budget, appropriation, and revenue accounts are also deleted. When appropriation accounts are deleted, all underlying budget accounts are also deleted. An additional check to see if the account is deletable is not made, since option 1 considers cash and appropriation accounts only deletable if all underlying accounts are also deletable.

20 Account Status Instead of deleting an account, you can inactivate it by changing the status of the account to INACTIVE in USASWEB. An inactive status will not include the account if only selecting “active” accounts in USASWEB plus you won’t be able to process any new reqs or pos against inactive accounts. Various USAS reports will allow you to exclude accounts with status of inactive. Some of the USAS reports will include a note at the bottom of each page stating…”ONLY ACTIVE ACCOUNTS HAVE BEEN SELECTED, TOTAL MAY EXCLUDE AMOUNTS RELATED TO INACTIVE ACCOUNTS”.

21 Account Status cont. You can also enter Start / Stop date on accounts
The software decides whether an account is active or inactive by looking at BOTH the status and the start/stop dates. If you have only a STOP date of 10/31/2013 on a cash account and try to query ACTIVE accounts only USASWEB, that account will NOT be displayed because it’s no longer considered “active”. However, when running reports, like a BUDSUM, and specifying to exclude inactive account, STOP dates won’t have any bearing on the status…the account is considered active and will be on the report.

22 9/11/2018 DELACT Error Report While checking the various files, if transactions are found with accounts that are not on the account master file, an error report is generated, showing the file and key of the record containing the invalid account. This indicates that an account was deleted that should not have been. Could cause errors on reports If transactions are old, could ignore errors. If current, add the accounts back in. View DELACT.ERR report

23 Determining Why Accounts aren’t Deletable in Delact
9/11/2018 Determining Why Accounts aren’t Deletable in Delact Run DELACT Check the DELACT.ERR report. This will display the files/transactions that account was found on. These transactions need to be either purged or cleaned up before the account is considered deletable. Try , * , , , , * , Most districts wait until the next purge to clear off the transactions.

24 9/11/2018 DELVEN

25 9/11/2018 DELVEN Vendors need to stay on file until all references to it are gone Recommend INACTIVE status Not recommended to delete a vendor Archive files/reports only include vendor number Lose the audit trail (transaction files only store the vendor #) If you need to delete a vendor: File a vendor report with any archived reports Teach users they need to go to archived vendor report to determine who the vendor was So deleting the vendor information, you lose the ability to tell who the vendor is.

26 Delven If planning to delete vendors, include inactive vendors on report so they show up and get deleted If planning to inactivate vendors instead, EXCLUDE inactive vendors from report so they don’t show up Can sort by last activity date and/or vendor number/name.

27 How to Determine Deletable Vendor?
CTD & FTD amounts be equal $0 Check all USAS/USPS/EIS files to verify if vendor is anywhere; If found, vendor is not deletable DELVEN.TXT report contains deletable vendors

28 DELVEN Error Report If transactions are found with vendors not on vendor file, an error report is created Contains file and key or record containing invalid vendor Indicates a vendor was deleted and should not have been Could cause errors on reports If transactions are old, could ignore the DELVEN errors If transactions are current, you may need to re-add the vendor.

29 DELVEN.ERR 9/11/2018 Check #45398… and PO#601741… show in EIEIO
ARF Transactions..

30 Deleting/Inactivating Vendors
9/11/2018 Deleting/Inactivating Vendors Delete or set to “inactive” in USASWEB/Vendors There is no mass-update or mass-inactivate options but you can use VENLOAD to mass-inactivate RUN DELVEN AND VIEW THE DELVEN.TXT file

File transfer DELVEN.TXT to your PC and run through EXCEL wizard and save as a CSV file FTP the report from reflections to your computer Pull it into EXCEL and it will automatically take you through the wizard

32 Select the text file you want to import (The FTP file you just sent to your desktop)

33 Step 1 of Text import wizard

34 Step 2 – Setting Column Widths

35 Step 2 Continued – adding a column break

36 Step 3 – Format Columns

37 Pulling Data into Spreadsheet

38 Updating Spreadsheet to Inactivate Vendors

39 Mass-Inactivating Vendors
Insert required column headers for VENDOR (number) and STATUS (must be 1 for inactive). You can include other data as well but only include column headers for vendor and status in order to mass- change just the status. A B C VENDOR STATUS DONAVON BROWN 1 Do not include the Vendor Name column header

40 How to quickly update status column -type a “1” under status for the first 2 vendors -Highlight the 2 entries and drag the lower right hand square down the column until you reach the last vendor you want to inactivate.

41 Mass-Inactivating Vendors Continued
Save updated EXCEL file as a CSV file File transfer CSV (ASCII) to reflections and run USALOAD/VENLOAD

42 Enter your CSV file name and review any errors

43 If you do not have security profiles set up for your building secretaries, they will be able to reactivate vendors by simply clicking on the vendor to add to a requisition. To set up or review security profiles go to USASDAT/USASEC.

44 Make sure the Add or Modify Vendors is marked “N” so they cannot re-activate a vendor the Treasurer’s office has deemed inactive.


46 PAYDEL-Auto deletion of pay accounts
The PAYDEL program allows pay accounts in PAYSCN to be mass deleted. The selection criteria available in deleting PAYSCN pay accounts are as follows: Pay account is inactive. USAS Budget account does not exist. USAS account is inactive for either its cash, appropriation or budget account. Date in the PAYSCN Stop Date field. The selection criteria can be in any combination. This means that one or more of these options may be selected.

47 PAYDEL Overview continued
PAYSCN pay accounts will NOT be deleted in PAYDEL if there are any dollar amounts associated with the PAYSCN. These dollar amounts include the Pay YTD, FYTD amount charged and the Maximum to charge fields. The Pay Account Deletion program can be run in both a Projection or Actual mode. It is strongly encouraged to always run the program in Projection mode before any changes are made using the Actual mode.

48 PAYDEL – Accessing the program
The program may be executed by typing PAYDEL at the menu or it is located under the USPS_ANN (Annual / Quarterly Programs), option # 5

49 Paydel – set-up screen

50 Paydel field definitions
Output file- PAYDEL.TXT is the default name of the report that is produced when the program is ran. The report can be renamed in this field. Output Error file-PAYDEL_ERR.TXT is the default name of the error report that gets produced if any errors are discovered during the run. The report can be renamed in this field. Print options page  (Y, N)-  The options page shows what selections were made to generate this report. Actual or Projection? (A,P): A -Delete Pay Account records. P -Generate a report of the projected Pay Accounts to be deleted.

51 Paydel field definitions continued
Optional report heading- A  descriptive report heading name can be entered. Sort Options:- Sort (ID,N,A) ID - Employee ID N -  Employee Name A -  Account Code Delete pay accounts with an Inactive pay account status? (Y/N) Y - Delete pay accounts with an Inactive (I) pay account status. N - Do not delete pay accounts based on pay account status. NOTE-** Pay accounts with ANY dollar amounts will not be selected.**

52 Paydel field definitions continued
Delete pay accounts that do not have a USAS Budget account? (Y/N) Y - Delete pay accounts assigned to a budget account that no longer exists in USAS N - Do not delete pay accounts based on USAS account status. NOTE-** Pay accounts with ANY dollar amounts will not be selected.** Delete pay accounts based on the following stop date:    ___/___/____ Any records with a stop date prior to or equal the date entered will be deleted. 

53 Paydel sample run-projection

54 Paydel sample run-projection continued
A report will be generated when PAYDEL is ran called PAYDEL.TXT or the name can be overwritten on the input screen. The report will include the employee ID, employee name, the PAYSCN job number, account counter and account code. There are also four columns to the far right of the report that will indicate what criteria was met to delete the pay account. A "Y" in one of the fours columns will indicate that the pay account was deleted because it met the criteria indicated. At the end of the report is a count of the number of pay accounts that will be or were deleted.

55 Paydel sample report – projecton (paydel.txt)

56 Paydel sample run - actual

57 PAYDEL sample report - actual

58 PAYDEL sample report – actual continued
When performing an Actual run, the program will generate a CSV file of those pay account records that are being deleted. This csv file will be called PAYDELCCYYMMDD_##.CSV, where CCYYMMDD is the current date and _## is the increment counter, which will start at 01 each day and increment by 1 for each actual run. The csv file will contain the header record exactly as it is needed to run USPLOAD/PAYSCN. The remaining records (data records) are also in the USPLOAD/PAYSCN format. This CSV file is created in case pay accounts are accidentally deleted when using PAYDEL and need to be reloaded. It is always advised to run a projection report before the actual process is performed.

59 PAYDEL sample CSV report
All deletions made to pay account records will be audited and can be viewed in USPRPT/AUDRPT.

60 9/11/2018 USPURG

61 Why Purge? Help make the system run faster
Many transaction processing programs go through several files… the more transactions there are, the longer it takes To allow old accounts to be deleted (in DELACT)

62 Archive Accounts Alternative… (instead of keeping multiple years of data on live files) Allows districts access to old records Another Alternative: USASDW

63 Cleaning Up USAS Before Uspurg
Run a CHEKPY report with the following check types: I = Investment, P = Payroll/clearance R = Refund T = Transfer W = Warrant As well as a check status of O = Outstanding and no dates

64 Cleaning Up USAS Before Uspurg Continued
Reconcile all checks with the above types if they have cleared the bank Run an outstanding PODETL and check for any old purchase orders that you know the district will not be making payments on and should be closed out. Invoice and cancel appropriate purchase orders If on EIS … Clean Up EIS Pending File Add items to EIS or delete from pending screen If using ARF …check for any outstanding billings where you know no payment will be made on it and delete or cancel them


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