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Strategizing Poverty Reduction at City Level: Approach for Hyderabad

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1 Strategizing Poverty Reduction at City Level: Approach for Hyderabad
Ramakrishna Nallathiga Associate Professor Construction Industry Staff College NICMAR, NAC Campus, Kothaguda X Road, Kondapur, Hyderabad – (AP) 13th Thinkers and Writers Forum June 9, 2012

2 Structure Background and Introduction UPRS: Objectives and Methodology
City and Urban Poverty Profile Service delivery institutions Institutionalisation of Service delivery Strategic Levers and Actions Implementation Framework

3 Background Urban areas are becoming the concentrations of poverty with in-migration of rural population The rapid rise of urban poverty in recent past makes it imperative to make concerted efforts to poverty reduction in cities The multidimensional nature of urban poverty also calls for a paradigm shift in the approach to its reduction e.g., from needs-based approach to rights-based approach, which calls for a different strategy. Poverty reduction strategies have tradionally been the instruments of donor/lending agencies at country level Urban Poverty Reduction Strategy (UPRS) is an attempt to formulate such strategies for urban poverty alleviation that can be appropriately targeted involve community participation innovative in their design and approach

4 Introduction UPRS came to the fore in the background of current approach of the Government of India (GoI) to tackle urban poverty in a three pronged manner through: (a) basic services under JnNURM, (b) institutional reforms under 74th CAA and (c) livelihood generation under SJSRY. UPRS was drawn for 13 select cities with the main objectives of: Sub-sectoral strategies aimed at leveraging resources for addressing the needs of urban poor. Promoting the participation of urban poor in the UPRS Promoting pro-poor institutional reforms Hyderabad is one among the 13 cities chosen for the preparation of UPRS to culminate under National Strategy for Urban Poor (NSUP)

5 Objectives of UPRS The specific objectives of preparing UPRS for Hyderabad city include: § To prepare a status report on the nature, magnitude and characteristics of urban poverty § To examine the nature and access of the poor to basic services and also to support services § To examine the poverty linkages with physical as well as economic aspects § To review the past and present initiatives and the development programs aimed at the urban poor § To examine the institutional arrangements for the delivery of services to the poor § To develop and evolve a set of strategies for reducing urban poverty

6 Methodology Secondary information is collected and collated for preparing: city profile and urban poverty profile Background documents are read to understand institutional set- ups of service delivery Discussions were held with official and non-official stakeholders (incl 1 workshop) UPRS was prepared based the insights from above analysis and workshops It was further revised after presenting to the Government of India

7 City Profile Hyderabad is a million-plus city vying to join the rank of metropolitan cities It shows approximation towards national average in terms of The rate of population growth (28%) The level of urbanization (27%) The growth of Hyderabad city is primarily taking place outside the ‘core city’ both in terms of Population in neighboring municipalities Economic activities in the suburbs (IT/biotech) It is also accompanied by changing administrative and planning structures GHMC/ MCH HMA/ HUA

8 Poverty Profile Urban poverty in Hyderabad (23%) is higher than Delhi, Chennai or Kolkata but lower than Mumbai About 9% of the population is estimated to be living in about 811 slum settlements, of which 770 are notified 387 are recognised as developed Slums are concentrated in large pockets of the old city to the South/West PDS Targeting reaches about 13% of the BPL population Much of the problems arise in the service coverage/ provision to slum and poor settlements


10 Issues of Urban Poverty Reduction
The issues of urban poverty are (listed after interactions) Low-Income Settlements of sizeable number Notified slums which are in a good number Non-Slum Areas which require recognition Houseless Population which is not getting counted Tenure Regularization which has to be accelerated Gender Issues making the women vulnerable Vulnerability of the people to several hazards Community Organization that is skewed

11 Poverty alleviation programs

12 Institutionalisation of Services
Institutional Framework Provision of infrastructure/ basic services Building partnerships Community participation Cost recovery approaches Local government resources Capacity building of the stakeholders

13 Strategic Action Plan Adequate living conditions for the urban poor
Regularization and upgrading of slum settlements § Regularization of slum settlements § Housing and Neighbourhood improvement Relocation and housing development for the poor § Relocation of settlements § House construction Providing alternative means of housing Increasing upward housing mobility Promoting the supply of low-cost own and rented housing Access to social infrastructure (education and health care) Innovative approaches

14 Strategic Action Plan Adequate economic opportunities for the urban poor Orientation towards sound urban economic development Vocational and entrepreneurial training and education Micro-enterprises development Regulations and procedures Market information Space for micro-enterprises

15 Strategic Action Plan Improved local governance through partnerships for urban poverty reduction Promoting participation of the urban poor Participatory micro level planning Mainstreaming the vulnerable groups Community organization Community organization through SHGs and their associations Promoting partnerships for poverty reduction Recognition of complementary roles Institutionalized collaboration between urban actors Information, transparency and cost recovery

16 Strategic Action Plan Livelihoods promotion for the urban poor
Improving the accessibility and availability of finance Bring all finance schemes under one umbrella Providing micro credit services to the poor Providing micro-insurance schemes for the poor Planning and executing livelihood promotion services Promotion of self-employment among the urban poor Promotion of wage employment among the urban poor

17 Strategic Action Plan An effectively and efficiently operating municipal corporation Capacity building Human resources development, i.e. the improvement of knowledge, skills and attitudes of the staff of organization Organizational development, i.e. the improvement of the internal structure of the organization Economic Development Unit in the Municipal Corporation Management information systems Institutional development

18 Implementation Plan

19 Implementation Plan

20 Thank You

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