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Steps to Work PROGRAMME
EMPLOYABILITY AWARD UNITS: UNIT 1: Responsibilities of Employment UNIT 2: Preparing for Employment: First Steps UNIT 3: Building Own Employability Skills
Topic One Where do I get help and advice from?
Learning Intention: Explore ways of finding employment Success Criteria: Be aware of the different ways of finding a job Find out how you can contact your Careers Adviser There are many ways to find jobs. In your groups write down as many of these as you can think of. Notes: This would be a good point at which to invite in your Careers Advisor to do a presentation on the service offered by Skills Development Scotland. It may be a good idea to “team teach” and so that the JET pupils feel they get to know the Advisor. The Careers Advisor will also want to identify the JET pupils and find out about their placements for his/ her own records and tailored support. This may also be a good opportunity for the pupils to visit the Careers Library in your school and be reminded of how to use it and how to make an appointment with the Careers Advisor.
What about these ones? Copy this into your jotter.
Topic Two What can I do? Learning Intention: Explore different types of Employment and Training Opportunities. Success Criteria: Look at Advantages and Disadvantages of different types. In your groups discuss what you think is the difference between Training and Employment.
Here are 5 different types of Training and Employment.
Self Employment Paid Employment Supported Employment Training for Work Voluntary work In your groups discuss what you think each of these means. Match the terms to their definitions in your group.
Definitions: Supported Employment
You work for someone else and they pay you, but both you and the employer have the support of another agency Training for Work Unpaid work in which you build up specific skills as well as general skills Voluntary work Unpaid work to build up your general employability skills such as with a charity Self Employment You work for yourself rather than someone else Paid Employment You work for someone else and they pay you
Group Task – in your group fill in one advantage and one disadvantage for each type of employment or training Group 1 Group 2 Advantage Disadvantage Self Employed Paid Employment Supported Employment Training for work Voluntary Work
Final thoughts… In your jotter write down how your FOXLAKE placement is preparing you for the world of work both in general and specifically in the area in which you are interested. What different types of training have you had so far?
Topic Three Research – getting more specific
Learning Intention: Explore a selection of jobs. Success Criteria: Compare and contrast different jobs.
Co-operative Learning Task
You should choose someone in your group to feed back to the whole class. By the end of the exercise everyone should have all the information on their sheets. As a whole class discuss similarities and differences about the jobs. The class will be divided into 4/5 groups. Each group has a job profile. Each group should complete the worksheet for their job.
The Jobs Plumber Nursery Nurse DJ Lawyer Company director
What you need to find out
Job description (main tasks) Working hours Salary What do they like most about their job? Nursery Nurse DJ Plumber Lawyer Company Director
Topic Four Taking the research online
Learning Intention: Research ways of finding training/ employment Success Criteria: Use a variety of websites to explore opportunities
TASK: make notes in your jotter under the following headings for three different jobs you find online: Company name and address Title of job/ training opportunity Job description Salary Working hours/ holidays
Look at all of the websites and pick three jobs/ training opportunities that appeal to you.
Take your time to really explore the websites in detail and compare your research with your classmates.
Next steps… Now you have done your research you need to use this information to fill in your pupil booklet. Remember this is your evidence for the Employability Award. Complete Task 1a Remember to keep your work neat and tidy.
Topic Five Apprenticeships
Learning Intention: Explore apprenticeships Success Criteria: What an apprenticeship is Where to find them
What is a modern apprenticeship?
part-time study or training work-based assessments practical experience in a real job There is a wide range of Modern Apprenticeships available: from construction and caring to engineering or business administration.
You are going to spend time looking at two websites:
Spend some time researching these websites and fill in the worksheet provided. Feedback to the rest of the class about your research. Complete Task 1b in your Pupil Booklet.
Topic Six My Dream Job Learning Intention: Success Criteria:
To think about the type of job you would like to have Success Criteria: Prioritise what is important to you in a job
Get some inspiration from other people
Make some notes about what their jobs are and what they involve.
What’s your dream job? In your jotter create a mind map with the following information: Job Title Duties Salary Working hours Holiday Entitlement Perks Discuss with your classmates what your aims and ambitions are.
Topic Seven Applying for jobs
Learning Intention: Learn about CVs and personal statements Success Criteria: Get advice on how to complete these Complete tasks in Pupil Booklet
This unit will give you good advice on:
Curriculum Vitae (CV) Personal Statements Covering letters Application forms And much more…
CV – Curriculum Vitae (your “life story”)
Your opportunity to “sell” yourself Should be prepared before you apply for jobs Ideally should be typed to make it look professional Save it somewhere safe so that it can be updated and “tailored” to different jobs.
CVs and Personal Statements
A very important part of your CV is your personal statement which can also be used for job applications. This is your opportunity to write a couple of paragraphs about your skills and personal qualities. Have a look at the samples from your teacher. Watch this advice:
Pupil Booklet Complete Task 2a - CV in your pupil booklet or keep a copy of your printed out version and staple in to your booklet. Remember this is evidence and should be done in a neat and tidy manner.
Topic Eight Covering Letters
Learning Intention: Learn about covering letters Success Criteria: Get advice on how to complete these Look at samples A covering letter is:- Sent to an employer along with CV Explains who you are and asks employer to look at your CV Have a look at the how to set out a covering letter and have a go at writing one.
Think about these things…
Topic Nine Application forms
Learning Intention: Learn about application forms Success Criteria: Get advice on how to complete these Complete task in Pupil Booklet
Application forms Gives the company/ college etc. information about your personal details. Have a look at the samples. Always complete using black BLOCK CAPITALS!!!!! Now complete Task 2b - application form in your pupil booklet – use your JET Work Experience Placement as the job you are applying for.
Think about these things…
Topic Ten Planning for a Job Interview
Learning Intention: Learn about job interviews Success Criteria: Think about the planning stage of an interview Advice for a good interview
Find out about the company
Before an interview you should research the company Knowing some background information can make you seem interested and well organised. Check the company’s website. The History of Arnold Clark Over the years, Arnold Clark Automobiles has grown into Europe’s largest privately owned car dealer, selling in excess of 200,000 vehicles per year and generating an annual turnover of over £1.5 billion. The success of the company can be attributed to its founder, who is still at the helm of the company today. Example
Good advice In your groups think about and then write down tips you would give someone to prepare for an interview. Share your ideas with the rest of the class.
For each tip write down a reason why it is important.
Interview Questions You will be asked a lot of questions about your:
Personal qualities Skills Experiences Plans for the future Interests and hobbies And others…
Why do you think these questions are asked?
Do you have any questions?
Towards the end of the interview, you may be asked if you have questions you want to ask the interviewer. Think carefully about what you might ask. Discuss in small group and then feed back to the class. Good questions to ask might be:- “Will there be any opportunity to participate in training?” Or “Will there be opportunity in the future to progress within the company?” They should be relevant to the job or company and NEVER about holidays or pay!!
Interview Questions Handout
Have a look at the “Interview Questions Handout” and write your own practice answers in your jotter. Share your work with a classmate and see if they think your answers are good. Complete Task 2c – Preparing for a Job Interview - in your pupil booklet. Remember to keep your presentation neat.
Topic Eleven the Interview
Learning Intention: Develop good interview style Success Criteria: Perform a “mock interview”
Have a look at the table in your Pupil Booklet
Your teacher/ fellow pupils will be giving you feedback on each of the areas. Have a look at this video. Write down any good advice in your jotter. Your interviewer should complete Mock Interview Feedback section of your Pupil Booklet.
But first… See if you can pass this interactive interview.
TOPIC TWELVE Final Presentation
Learning Intention Plan and deliver a presentation Success Criteria Deliver a high quality presentation
Your presentation should summarise your time on the Foxlake Programme.
Think about the skills and qualities you have developed, the things you’ve enjoyed, is there anything you would do differently etc. Look at the hand out for hints and tips on giving a good presentation – your teacher and fellow students will give you feedback on how well you’ve done.
Topic Thirteen Evaluation
We have now got to the end of this unit on Building Own Employability Skills. Your last task is to fill in the Evaluation section of your Pupil Booklet. Your teacher will then let you know if you have passed the unit.
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