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Loss of the Night Network

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1 Loss of the Night Network
LoNNe Loss of the Night Network Franz Hölker on behalf of the COST Action ES1204 Loss of the Night Network (LoNNe) Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Biology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany

2 Research efforts started
are limited to separate fields of science or national projects lacks scientific data for technological implementation, nature conservation, and human well-being

3 Loss of the Night Network (LoNNe)
Such a transdisciplinary approach required an understanding of broader impacts of ALAN on the natural environment, human health and society, innovations in technology and lighting concept to address these impacts of ALAN and to identify potential corrective measures

4 Loss of the Night Network (LoNNe)
The Network Loss of the Night Network (LoNNe) Agriculture Astronomy Astrophysics , Biogeography Chronobiology Communication Technology Conservation Design Ecology Geography, GIS Law Light Engineering Physics Statistics Urban Planning institutions from 18 countries 14 different disciplines 67 active members biannual meetings

5 Training schools Training Schools
Intercomparison of Light Pollution Measuring Techniques 30/08-08/09/2013 in Lastovo, HR Lighting Design Training School (LiDe3) 05/10-10/10 in Berlin, DE

6 Intercomparison Campaigns
Development of light pollution measuring techniques and models 30/08-08/09/2013 in Lastovo, HR 16-20/07/2014 Madrid, ES 21-25/03/2015 Torniella and Florence, IT 17-19/09/2015 Chelmos, EL 02-07/05/2016 Parc Astronòmic Montsec, ES

7 University of Trento, IT
Ecological field experiments LichtOpNatur, NIOO, NL Forest-grassland Loss of the Night, IGB, DE Riparian ecosystem Ecolight, Exeter University, UK Grassland ILES, IGB, DE Lake ecosystem SMART, IGB, DE, University of Trento, IT Alpine river University of Bern, CH Grassland

8 Resultant body of research work
mapped out the breadth of impacts of ALAN, highlighted many important targets for future work and identify ways in which practical steps can be taken to reduce environmental concerns

9 The challenge faced by 21st century policymakers is to provide
outdoor light where and when it is needed while reducing costs, improving visibility, and minimizing any adverse effects on plants, animals, and humans Kyba, Hänel & Hölker Energ. Environm. Sci. (2014)

10 Outreach and dissemination
Authorities City and community councils Architects and lighting planners Multiple scientific fields Light Pollution Astronomers The general public Ecologists NGOs Illustration: S.Schroer

11 Outreach and dissemination
Authorities City and community councils Architects and lighting planners Light Pollution Multiple scientific fields Astronomers The general public Ecologists NGOs Illustration: S.Schroer


13 Publications Kyba, C. C., Kuester, T., de Miguel, A. S., Baugh, K., Jechow, A., Hölker, F., ... & Guanter, L. (2017). Artificially lit surface of Earth at night increasing in radiance and extent. Science Advances, 3(11), e Hänel, A., Posch, T., Ribas, S. J., Aubé, M., Duriscoe, D., Jechow, A., ... & Spoelstra, H. (2017). Measuring night sky brightness: methods and challenges. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.

14 Sustainable lighting 2 Statements Outdoor illumination
Nature protected areas Loss of the Night Network, Illustration: R. Stock

15 Sustainable lighting 2 Statements Outdoor illumination
Nature protected areas Loss of the Night Network, Illustration: R. Stock

16 + Thank You!

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