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Money Matters Key Stage 2 Making money choices.

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Presentation on theme: "Money Matters Key Stage 2 Making money choices."— Presentation transcript:

1 Money Matters Key Stage 2 Making money choices

2 Decisions decisions…

3 The Latest Console Game
REF 1A: Picture for first paragraph of ‘The Lastest Console Game’ story – appears on clicks

4 REF 1A: Story slide for second paragraph – characters arrive on clicks

5 It’s what EVERYONE is talking about…. EVERYONE has it!
REF 1A: Story slide for 3rd paragraph

6 REF 1A: Story slide for 4th paragraph: The money disappears note by note on the clicks and the game appears in the basket

7 REF 1A: Story slide for 5th paragraph – click on the slide and the picture of the park will appear.

8 Think about Will’s experience…
How do you think Will feels about the decision he made and the money he has spent? Why was it important to Will to be like everyone else? What would you have done in Will’s situation? Do you think Will really needed the game? Who influenced Will to want the game? REF 1A: On each click the character and then speech bubble will appear.

9 What persuades us to buy?
REF 1A: On each click the images appear.

10 Using the holiday brochures, create a poster advert..
Holiday Adverts Using the holiday brochures, create a poster advert.. 2.The destination ( where it is) for example: 1. Picture of the hotel/resort for example: Include in The advert… 5. What makes YOUR holiday so special? 3. Some things you can do there for example: REF 1B 4. The name of the company.. .Something catchy and memorable

11 That the money choices we make can be influenced by others.
Today we have learnt… That the money choices we make can be influenced by others. That we should take account of other people’s opinions, including advertising when making decisions about money.

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