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Double Page Spread Article

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1 Double Page Spread Article

2 I first started off with two columns, I changed the background to baby blue as it suited very well. I then placed my main image in my article and the rest. The only changes I would make is probably add more images of teenagers instead of two girls. As it looks like it I only aimed for girls. When my article is for boys and girls who want tips on living as a teenager. I would also manage my time more properly as I finished my article a little late however I was sick one day in the week so this made me behind. My double page spread article was successful as it linked to my front cover. All conventions were included even though it was simple it still appealed to the audience. I made sure my actual text was informative and formal so the reader understood. I also made sure it was not overwhelming with text, I done a good minimal of text.

3 Final Double Page Article
The text used In my double page spread is Minion pro and Bernard mt condense I used these txt as they were used in my front cover so it went well. I made sure the text was size 10 s that is the typical amount a article should be. I made sure to use as many conventions as possible. I used drops caps so the reader knows where to start reading. I also used number 1 to 112 of the list of tips to all teenagers. I done this so it gives a opinions rom my perspective of what is important in a normal teenagers life. Minion pro is a modern text, it give my article a sleek look, it also look professional. The drop cap ‘M’ is in baby pink this links to my colour scheme, it brings out the article more and makes it more fun and not boring. The target audience is teenagers so I didn’t want to make it dull or not entertaining. The top 12 topics are in a dark blue e.g. ‘SMILE’ It makes the article pop and it also makes the reader understand it is a important statement. I have two columns of text so it is clear and not cluttered. I done four or more lines so it is not too much or too short. The two images I used was of myself and my teenage friend Tawny. I used a picture of myself as at the start of the article I talk about myself ad what I would be talking about in the article. I also give my opinions and own life situations and advice. The picture is clear and was taken from my phone. I also included a caption ‘Stacey Francesca Johnson’ so the reader knows who is in the image. It is also baby pink which goes with the drop cap. The main image used in my double page spread is in the right hand side. My model was happy to take part in the photography studio. We took a selection of pictures so I had backup. The black went well with the background also I had contrast to my front cover image as both models are wearing black. I used another captioning ‘Tawny Harding’ so the audience knows who she is and that she is a teenager.

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