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Arpae Hydro-Meteo-Climate Service, Bologna, Italy

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Presentation on theme: "Arpae Hydro-Meteo-Climate Service, Bologna, Italy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arpae Hydro-Meteo-Climate Service, Bologna, Italy
Predictability of severe weather phenomena with a convection-permitting ensemble Chiara Marsigli, Andrea Montani, Tiziana Paccagnella Arpae Hydro-Meteo-Climate Service, Bologna, Italy With thanks also to Virgina Poli, Thomas Gastaldo and Maria Stefania Tesini

2 Outline Aim of this work The COSMO-IT-EPS ensemble
Evaluation of the impact of the perturbations => focus on the precipitation forecast Conclusions

3 Aim of this work Assess the role of the different perturbations applied to the ensemble: IC perturbations (LETKF) Model perturbations: SPPT, parameter perturbation Study the effect of combining different model perturbations Show which components of the forecast uncertainty are represented in the ensemble spread

4 COSMO-IT-EPS 2.2 km 65 v.l. LETKF (Arpae) EnKF DA (COMET)
COSMO-ME-EPS (COMET) 10 km 45 v.l. ICs BCs 10 km 40 v.l. parameterized convection COSMO-IT-EPS (Arpae) 2.2 km 65 v.l. explicit convection

5 Impact of model physics perturbation on autumn precipitation
Model perturbations: Exp1: no model perturbation (CTRL) Exp2: SPPT Exp3: SPPT + Parameter Perturbation October 2015

6 6h precipitation - verification over boxes of 0.2 x 0.2 deg
average > 5mm maximum > 5mm

7 Evaluation of the ensemble spread
Compute dFSS (FSS between all pairs of ensemble members) Compute SAL between all pairs of ensemble members

8 Evaluation of ensemble spread using the SAL metric
What is the perturbation influencing? Precipitation intensity Precipitation structure Localisation of the precipitation Use a spatial verification measure: SAL (Wernli et al 2008) 3 independent components: Structure Amplitude Location Used here not for verification but for evaluating the similarity between fields, only forecasts

9 SAL-spread metric 10/10/15 no physics pert SPPT SPPT + PP

10 Impact of perturbed ICs from LETKF on thunderstorm prediction summer 2016

11 20 June 2016 20 June 2016 ITEPS only physics
Red areas: radar estimate Probability maps +7h +8h 1 10 30 50 70 90 %

12 20 June 2016 ITEPS physics + IC +1h +2h +3h +4h +5h +6h +7h +8h
Red areas: radar estimate Probability maps +7h +8h 1 10 30 50 70 90 %

13 25 June 2016 ITEPS only physics
Red areas: radar estimate Probability maps +5h +6h 1 10 30 50 70 90 %

14 25 June 2016 ITEPS physics + IC +1h +2h +3h +4h +5h +6h
Red areas: radar estimate Probability maps +5h +6h 1 10 30 50 70 90 %

15 2 July 2016 – ITEPS only physics
Red areas: radar estimate Probability maps +10h +11h 1 10 30 50 70 90 %

16 2 July 2016 – ITEPS physics + IC
Red areas: radar estimate Probability maps +10h +11h 1 10 30 50 70 90 %

17 radar estimate of hourly precipitation
20 June 2016 radar estimate of hourly precipitation

18 forecasted hourly precipitation – physics only - member 1

19 forecasted hourly precipitation – physics + IC - member 1

20 radar estimate of hourly precipitation
20 June 2016 radar estimate of hourly precipitation

21 forecasted hourly precipitation – physics only - member 1

22 forecasted hourly precipitation – physics only - member 2

23 Concluding remarks The skill of the precipitation forecast is improved, with a better discrimination ability, by the model-perturbed ensembles Adding parameter perturbation has no significant impact on the skill over the entire period Spread in precipitation localisation and structure is highlighted by the SAL-spread metric Perturbed initial conditions have a positive impact during the first hours of the forecast Operational use: spatial and temporal aggregation dependent on the predictability of the phenomena


25 forecasted hourly precipitation – physics only - member 3

26 forecasted hourly precipitation – physics + IC - member 2

27 forecasted hourly precipitation – physics + IC - member 3

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