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Benign tumours Benign tumors I.

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1 Benign tumours Benign tumors I

2 Benign tumours This section: Squamous cell papilloma (22)
Fibroadenoma (23) Capillary hemangioma (27) Cavernous hemangioma (28) Cavernous lymphangioma (29) Next section: Chondroma (24) Lipoma (25)

3 Squamous cell papilloma (22) Cavernous lymphangioma
Benign tumors Squamous cell papilloma (22) Fibroadenoma Identification: Papillary surface with broad base or papillary structure Stratified Squamous epithelium covering Chondroma Lipoma Capillary hemangioma Cavernous hemangioma Cavernous lymphangioma Squamous cell papilloma Summary

4 Squamous cell papilloma (22) Cavernous lymphangioma
Benign tumors Squamous cell papilloma (22) Fibroadenoma Hyperkeratosis Papillomatosis Chondroma acanthosis Lipoma Capillary hemangioma Cavernous hemangioma Cavernous lymphangioma Squamous cell papilloma Acanthosis Summary

5 Squamous cell papilloma (22) Cavernous lymphangioma
Benign tumors Squamous cell papilloma (22) Hyperkeratosis Fibroadenoma Chondroma acanthosis Acanthosis Lipoma Capillary hemangioma Cavernous hemangioma Cavernous lymphangioma Squamous cell papilloma Summary

6 Squamous cell papilloma (22) Cavernous lymphangioma
Benign tumors Squamous cell papilloma (22) Fibroadenoma Chondroma Lipoma Capillary hemangioma Cavernous hemangioma Vascular connective tissue core Cavernous lymphangioma Squamous cell papilloma Summary

7 Squamous cell papilloma (22) Cavernous lymphangioma
Benign tumors Squamous cell papilloma (22) Fibroadenoma Section in skin A papillary benign surface epithelial neoplasm arising from surface epithelium formed of: Central branching vascular connective tissue core. Papillomatosis is noted (upward elongation of the dermal papillae/elongated rete ridges). A covering of stratified squamous epithelium revealing Hyperkeratosis (Multilayered thickened keratin) Acanthosis (thickened prickle cell layer) Chondroma Lipoma Capillary hemangioma Cavernous hemangioma Cavernous lymphangioma Squamous cell papilloma Summary

8 variable size and shape Pericanalicular pattern
Benign tumours Fibrous stroma Fibroadenoma (23) Fibroadenoma Proliferated ducts of variable size and shape Chondroma Lipoma Capillary hemangioma Cavernous hemangioma Cavernous lymphangioma Squamous cell papilloma Pericanalicular pattern Summary

9 Pericanalicular pattern
Benign tumours Fibroadenoma (23) Proliferated ducts Fibroadenoma Chondroma Slightly compressed duct Lipoma Capsule Capillary hemangioma Cavernous hemangioma Cavernous lymphangioma Fibrous stroma Squamous cell papilloma Summary Pericanalicular pattern

10 Intracanalicular pattern
Benign tumours Fibroadenoma (23) Capsule Intracanalicular pattern Chondroma compressed, elongated and star shaped spaces Lipoma Capillary hemangioma Cavernous hemangioma Cavernous lymphangioma Squamous cell papilloma Summary

11 Benign tumours Fibroadenoma (23)
Section in breast mass showing an encapsulated tumour formed of proliferated ducts of variable size & shape -Ducts have patent lumina (pericanalicular pattern) -Others are compressed, elongated and star shaped with narrow slit-like spaces (invagination by stroma gives false impression that epithelium surrounds the fibrous tissue) (intracanalicular pattern). -Ducts are lined by epithelial and myoepithelial cells. . Ducts are separated by a fibrous stroma

12 Capillary hemangioma of the skin (27) Cavernous lymphangioma
Benign tumours Capillary hemangioma of the skin (27) Fibroadenoma Identification Skin/ subcutaneous tissue Small spaces in the dermis seen mostly in lobules Some of these small spaces filled with blood others are empty, few are large Chondroma Lipoma Capillary hemangioma Cavernous hemangioma Cavernous lymphangioma Squamous cell papilloma Summary

13 Capillary hemangioma of the skin (27) Cavernous lymphangioma
Benign tumours Capillary hemangioma of the skin (27) Fibroadenoma Flattened squamous epithelium Chondroma Lipoma Capillary hemangioma Cavernous hemangioma Cavernous lymphangioma Squamous cell papilloma Capillary Size vessels Summary

14 Capillary hemangioma of the skin (27) Cavernous lymphangioma
Benign tumours Capillary hemangioma of the skin (27) Fibroadenoma RBCs Chondroma Flat endothelial cells Lipoma Capillary hemangioma Cavernous hemangioma Cavernous lymphangioma Capillary Size vessels Squamous cell papilloma Summary

15 Capillary haemangioma of the skin (27)
Benign tumors Capillary haemangioma of the skin (27) Section in skin with stratified squamous epithelial covering showing: Non encapsulated vascular lesion. The subepithelial tissue shows multiple small capillary sized vascular spaces. Lined by endothelial cells. Some are filled with blood and others are empty. Spaces are separated by loose fibrous stroma Few capillaries appear as solid buds with no detectable lumina

16 Cavernous hemangioma (liver 28)
Benign tumours Cavernous hemangioma (liver 28) Fibroadenoma Chondroma Flat endothelial Cells Fibrous septa Plasma fluid RBCs Lipoma Capillary hemangioma Cavernous hemangioma Cavernous lymphangioma Squamous cell papilloma Summary

17 Cavernous hemangioma (liver 28)
Benign tumours Cavernous hemangioma (liver 28) Chondroma Lipoma LIVER TISSUE Capillary hemangioma Cavernous hemangioma Cavernous lymphangioma Squamous cell papilloma Cavernous spaces filled with blood

18 Cavernous hemangioma (skin 28) Squamous epithelium (skin)
Benign tumours Cavernous hemangioma (skin 28) Fibroadenoma Squamous epithelium (skin) Chondroma Lipoma Capillary hemangioma Cavernous hemangioma Cavernous lymphangioma Squamous cell papilloma Summary Sinusoidal spaces (Large vessels) filled with blood

19 Cavernous haemangioma (skin or liver 28)
Benign tumours Cavernous haemangioma (skin or liver 28) Section in liver tissue or skin showing: Non encapsulated vascular lesion Composed of multiple large irregular non communicating vascular spaces. Lined by endothelial cells. Some are filled with blood and others are empty. Spaces are separated by loose fibrous stroma With adjacent normal liver tissue / covered with stratified squamous epithelium

20 Cavernous lymphangioma (29) Cavernous lymphangioma
Benign tumours Cavernous lymphangioma (29) Fibroadenoma Large vascular Spaces filled with lymph Empty spaces Fibrous septa Infiltrated with lymphocytes S.C. fat Epidermis (not included) Chondroma Lipoma Capillary hemangioma Flat Endothelial lining Cavernous hemangioma Cavernous lymphangioma Squamous cell papilloma Summary

21 Cavernous lymphangioma (29)
Large vascular Spaces filled with lymph Falt endothelial lining

22 Benign tumours Cavernous lymphangioma (29) Large vascular Chondroma
Fibroadenoma Chondroma Large vascular Spaces filled with lymph Lipoma Capillary hemangioma Cavernous hemangioma Cavernous lymphangioma Subcutaneous fatty tissue Squamous cell papilloma Fibrous septa Infiltrated with lymphocytes Summary

23 Cavernous lymphangioma (29 )
Benign tumors Section in skin OR subcutaneous tissue ( i.e. with/ without stratified squamous epithelial covering) showing: Non encapsulated vascular lesion The subepithelial tissue shows multiple large irregular non communicating vascular spaces. Lined by endothelial cells. Some are filled with faint pink homogenous coagulated lymph and others are empty. Spaces are separated by loose C.T. stroma containing fat cells and some lymphocytes Cavernous lymphangioma (29 )

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