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Changes in the Data Validation Program

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1 Changes in the Data Validation Program
September 19/11:00 am ET

2 Welcome to Workforce3 One!

3 Submitting Questions: Closed Chat
To submit a question, type the question in the text field and press your Enter/Return key. Please enter the name to whom the question is directed. Your name and your question will appear on your screen, indicating successful submission. Questions are directly transmitted to presenters—no other participants will see your questions. Text Field Gary, where can I find today’s PPT?

4 Practice In the Chat Room, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today.

5 Access to Webinar Resources
Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event.

6 Featured Speakers Presenters Moderator
Sylvia Del Valle, Mathematical Statistician Office of Unemployment Insurance Moderator Andy Spisak, Mathematical Statistician

7 By the end of this session you will be able to:
What’s in It for You? By the end of this session you will be able to: have a better understanding of how the changes in the ETA report affects the Data Validation (DV) program.

8 Agenda/Objectives Population 15 Overview Module 3 Population 12
Documentation Next Steps Overview Population 12 Population 13 Population 14 WEBINAR AGENDA/OBJECTIVES SLIDE PRESENTER/MODERATOR NAME HERE: (Click to next slide)

9 Documentation updated
Overview ETA 227 Changes Populations 12-14 Extract files changed Subpopulations added Samples universes changed New Population 15 Module 3 Steps added, modified or deleted Documentation updated

10 Population 12 Overpayments Established by Cause
A. OVERPAYMENT ESTABLISHED - CAUSES Cause Line No. No. Number of Cases Dollar Amounts Schemes UI UCFE/UCX EB (1) (2) (3) (20) (4) (5) (21) Fraud - Total 101 Multi Claimant Schemes 102 Cases of Agency Employee Benefit Fraud 111 High Dollar Fraud 112 Nonfraud - Total 103 Reversals 104 State Agency Errors 105 Employer Errors 106 Claimant Errors 107 Other 108 High Dollar NonFraud 113 Penalty 109

11 Population 12 Extract File
Eliminated Detection Type field (Field #7) Now in Population 15 Program Type field (Field #3) Added “EB”

12 Population 12 Extract File
Added EB Amount field (Field #10) The amount of benefits paid through the permanent Extended Benefits (EB) program

13 Population 12 Extract File
Added Accumulated UI Amount field (Field #11) The UI fraud or nonfraud overpayment amount that the UI claim has accumulated from previous quarters and that is used to calculate a high dollar overpayment

14 Population 12 Extract File
Added Accumulated Federal Amount field (Field #12) The Federal fraud or nonfraud overpayment amount that the UCFE, UCX or joint claim has accumulated from previous quarters and that is used to calculate a high dollar overpayment

15 Population 12 Extract File
Added Accumulated EB Amount field (Field #13) The EB fraud or nonfraud overpayment amount that the EB claim has accumulated from previous quarters and that is used to calculate a high dollar overpayment

16 Population 12 Extract File
“Accumulated Amount” fields (Fields 11-13) Used to calculate High Dollar amounts Reset to zero if the claim was classified as a high overpayment in the previous quarter

17 Population 12 Extract File
Added Date of Original Monetary field (Field # 14) Same as in Population 3 Date the original determination was made on whether the claimant has sufficient base- period wages and/or employment to establish a benefit year.

18 Population 12 Extract File
Cause of Overpayment field (Field #6) “Other” is now “Single Claimant” for fraud “Other” is used for nonfraud “SESA” is now “State Agency” Added “Agency Employee”

19 Population 12 Subpopulations
Added 11 subpopulations Increased from 16 to 27 subpopulations

20 Population 12 Report Validation
Merged Group into Group 12.02 Added Groups Added lines for EB Agency Employee Benefits Fraud High Dollar Fraud

21 Population 12 Report Validation
Added a total of 33 lines Fraud lines are calculated differently

22 Population 12 Samples Still 3 samples, but changed their universe to accommodate new subpopulations

23 Population 13 Overpayment Reconciliation Activities
C. RECOVERY/RECONCILIATION Line Dollar Amount No. Fraud Nonfraud UI UCFE/UCX EB (11) (12) (22) (13) (14) (23) Recovered - Total 302 Cash 303 Benefit Offset 304 State Income Tax Offset 305 Federal Income Tax Offset 314 By Other States 306 Other 307 Waived 308 Written-Off 309 Additions 310 Subtractions 311

24 Population 13 Extract File
Added EB Reconciliation Amount field (Field #10) The reconciliation amount of Extended Benefits funds

25 Population 13 Extract File
Program Type field (Field #4) Added “EB” Type of Reconciliation Activity field (Field #6) Added “Federal Income Tax Offset”

26 Population 13 Subpopulations
Added 23 subpopulations Increased from 34 to 57 subpopulations

27 Population 13 Report Validation
Added lines for EB Federal Income Tax Offset Added a total of 23 lines

28 Population 13 Samples Still 3 samples, but changed their universe to accommodate new subpopulations

29 Population 14 Age of Overpayments
C. RECOVERY/RECONCILIATION Line Dollar Amount No. Fraud Nonfraud UI UCFE/UCX EB (11) (12) (22) (13) (14) (23) Receivables Removed at End of Period 312 SECTION E: AGING OF BENEFIT OVERPAYMENT ACCOUNTS Dollar Amounts Accounts Receivable Line No. UI UCFE/UCX EB (18) (19) (25) 90 days or less 501 91 − 180 days 502 181 − 270 days 503 271 − 360 days 504 361 − 450 days 505 451 days or more 506 Total Accounts Receivable 507

30 Population 14 Extract File
Eliminated Outstanding Overpayment field (Field #6) Added EB Balance at End of Qtr field (Field #10) Program Type field (Field #5) Added “EB”

31 Population 14 Subpopulations
Added 8 subpopulations Increased from 16 to 24 subpopulations

32 Population 14 Report Validation
Added Group 14.04 Added lines for EB Added a total of 8 lines

33 Population 14 Samples Still 3 samples, but changed their universe to accommodate new subpopulations

34 Population 15 Overpayments Established by Method
SECTION B. OVERPAYMENTS ESTABLISHED - METHODS OF DETECTION Method Line No. Number of Cases Investigated (6) Fraud NonFraud Number of Cases (7) Dollars (8) Number of Cases (9) Dollars (10) Controllable - Total 201 Wage/Benefit Crossmatch 202 IB Crossmatch 203 National Directory of New Hires 210 State Directory of New Hires 204 Multi-Claimant Scheme Systems 205 Special Project 206 Other 207 Noncontrollable - Total 208 Total - Controllable and Noncontrollable 209

35 Population 15 New Population 15 Validates cells in ETA 227 Section B
21 subpopulations Report Validation has three groups Two samples: Random sample 60/200 Missing Subpopulation

36 Twelve steps were added:
Module 3 Twelve steps were added: 4F, Program Type – EB 34H, Cause of Overpayments – Single Claimant 34I, Cause of Overpayments – Agency Employee Benefits Fraud 35H, Overpayment Detection Activities – National Directory of New Hires Module 3

37 Module 3 37C, Amount of Overpayment - EB
38J, Overpayment Reconciliation Activities - Federal Income Tax Offset 40C, Amount of Overpayment Reconciliation Activity– EB 42C, Balance of Overpayment – EB Module 3

38 Module 3 45A, Accumulated Overpayment Amount – UI
45B, Accumulated Overpayment Amount – Federal 45C, Accumulated Overpayment Amount – EB 46, Overpayment Established by Investigation Module 3

39 Four steps were modified:
Module 3 Four steps were modified: 6A, Monetary Determination – Pop 12 34C, Cause of Overpayments - State Agency Error 34F, Cause of Overpayments - Other Cause 35C, Overpayment Detection Activities – State Directory of New Hires Module 3

40 One step was eliminated:
Module 3 One step was eliminated: 41, Outstanding Overpayment Module 3

41 Documentation Handbook 361, Benefits Operations Guide 411
Appendix A, Subpopulation Specifications Operations Guide 411 Appendix A, Record Layouts Operations Guide 411 Handbook 361 Operations Guide 411

42 Next Steps Update and publish Module 3 Get Record Layouts and Subpopulation Specifications from the DV Web site Rebuild Populations 12, 13, and 14 extract files and validate the populations Build new extract file for Population 15 and validate the population

43 Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!
Question and Answer Period Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!

44 Resources

45 Speakers’ Contact Information Sylvia del Valle Phone: Andy Spisak Phone:

46 Share Your Ideas with Your Peers!

47 Access to Webinar Resources
Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event.

48 Stay Informed, Get Connected!

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