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ANNUAL SUMMER conference

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1 ANNUAL SUMMER conference
AUGust13-17, 2018 Hampton roads convention center Hampton, Virginia

2 WHAT IS EAS? Non-profit, volunteer-run, regional beekeeping organization Founded in 1955 Largest non-commercial beekeeping organization in the US and Canada Purpose: The Society shall provide the opportunity and means for its members, the beekeeping community and our industry business partners to gain and share apicultural information and education.

3 WHAT IS EAS? Goals: The Society will plan and hold an annual conference for the distribution of information relative to apiculture, and to expand the knowledge of the membership in the art and science of apiculture. The Society will provide grants for research into current problems facing apiculture. The Society will develop and administer a Master Beekeeper certification program.

4 Hosting EAS Annual Conference
VIRGINIA Hosting EAS Annual Conference August 13-17, 2018 The Powhatan Confederacy was a league of over 30 Algonquian speaking Native American tribes residing in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, Southern Maryland. The tribes spoke the Algonquian language which was a family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Powhatan peoples.

5 First British Colony in North America
VIRGINIA First British Colony in North America The Powhatan Confederacy was a league of over 30 Algonquian speaking Native American tribes residing in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, Southern Maryland. The tribes spoke the Algonquian language which was a family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Powhatan peoples. SPEAKERS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM

VIRGINIA Home of Chief Powhatan (Wahunsenacawh), Leader of Tsenacommacah Nation & Father of Pocohantas The Powhatan Confederacy was a league of over 30 Algonquian speaking Native American tribes residing in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, Southern Maryland. The tribes spoke the Algonquian language which was a family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Powhatan peoples. NATIVE AMERICAN WELCOME/ GREETING

7 Entry Point of Honey Bees in North America
VIRGINIA Entry Point of Honey Bees in North America Jamestown, Virginia The Powhatan Confederacy was a league of over 30 Algonquian speaking Native American tribes residing in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, Southern Maryland. The tribes spoke the Algonquian language which was a family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Powhatan peoples. WHERE IT ALL BEGAN!

8 Hampton, Virginia 4000 FREE Parking Spaces Over 300,000 square feet
There are 4,000 free parking spaces at the Hampton Roads Convention Center. Hampton, Virginia 4000 FREE Parking Spaces

9 Within one day’s drive (10 hours) of 40% of u.s. population
20 Minutes from two International Airports Norfolk Newport News/Williamsburg 15 Minutes from Amtrak Train Station 5 Minutes from Interstate-64 2 International Airports less than 20 minutes away (Norfolk & Newport News/Williamsburg) Amtrack train station less than 15 minutes away Interstate 64 less than 5 minutes away

10 Registration, KEYNOTES, workshops, Vendors, honey show, apiary, etc
Registration, KEYNOTES, workshops, Vendors, honey show, apiary, etc. ALL IN ONE ACCESSIBLE LOCATION

11 Hotel convention Center
Connected by a covered walkway

Single or Double $115 per night 3 People $125 4 People $135 plus tax 2-room Suites with Sleeper Sofa Fridge, Microwave and Wet Bar King suites or two doubles plus pull-out sleeper sofa is flexible arrangement for two beekeeping buddies or for the whole family to enjoy a summer vacation

13 Conference Hotel includes
Complimentary Made to order Breakfast & Evening Reception with Hor ďoeuvres & 2 bar drinks

14 PARTNER HOTELS Courtyard Marriott Crown Plaza Hampton Marina
Hampton Inn Holiday Inn Express All offering EAS discounted rates

15 Camping at historic fort monroe
20 minutes from Convention Center on the grounds of historic Fort Monroe This small park is attached to Ft Monroe National Monument. Called the "colonies" because there are only 13 full sites, each named after one of the original 13 colonies. The beach is a 1 minute walk, fishing peir 5 min drive, its in historical Fort Monroe, their is a great restaurant with pool and beach access with lifeguards within a 5 min walk. The Colonies RV and Travel Park

16 EAS Summer Conference 3-DAY CONFERENCE
(Wednesday- FRIDAY) 2-Day SHORT COURSE (Monday & Tuesday) Keynote Plenary Speakers Afternoon Workshops Honey Exchange & Honey Show Evening Activities & Banquet Children’s Beekeeping Activities EAS Annual Members Meeting Live & Silent Auction Vendors/Trade Hall & MORE Beginning & Intermediate Classes Advanced Workshops & MORE

17 Six Short Course Tracks
Subject to change Beginner Intermediate Electronic Hive Monitoring Excellence in Honey and Hive Products Queen Rearing Apiary/Top Bar Hives

18 SAMPLE OF 2018 SPEAKERS Subject to change Celia Davis, NDB (National Diploma in Beekeeping ,UK) Dr. Jamie Ellis, University of Florida Randy Oliver, Scientific Beekeeping Mike Palmer, French Hill Apiaries, Vermont Sammy Ramsey, University of Maryland Dr. Juliana Rangel, Texas A & M Dr. Kirsten Traynor, American Bee Journal Dr. Jennifer Tsuruda, Clemson University Michael Young, MBe, Institute of Northern Ireland Beekeepers and MANY more

19 Social/Educational activities
Free Screening of Queen of the Sun Beekeeper Beach Bash with Bee Olympics Honey Chef Michael Young Silent and Live Auction Field Trips: Jamestown, point of entry for honey bees in North America St. George’s Brewery Virginia Living Museum Paradise Ocean Club Subject to change

20 Master Beekeeper Program
Certifying competent bee masters to provide education and assistance to beginning beekeepers and serve in other capacities in the community as experts in beekeeping Written exam Lab exam Oral exam Field exam

21 Space for over 60 vendors & Non-Profits in trade hall

22 HONEY EXCHANGE Bring up to three jars

23 Honey, Wax, Candles, Mead, Gift Baskets, Photography, Gadgets, etc.
HONEY SHOW Honey, Wax, Candles, Mead, Gift Baskets, Photography, Gadgets, etc.

24 VSBA’s 100-year Anniversary
Celebrate VSBA’s 100-year Anniversary With Us!

25 MEMBERSHIP You must be a member of EAS to participate in the Conference, Short Course, receive the EAS Journal or other activities. 1 year Individual/Family (Paper Journal or Electronic delivery); $25 2 year Individual/Family (Electronic delivery); $45 3 year Individual/Family (Electronic delivery); $65 Life Membership Dues (Electronic delivery); $250 Association(State/county/Regional)  Membership is $50 annually Corporate Membership is  $50 annually

26 August 13-17, 2018 Hampton, Virginia
Details/info: Volunteers:

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