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Ardrey Kell High School Civil Engineering & Architecture

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1 Ardrey Kell High School Civil Engineering & Architecture
EOC Jeopardy Review 1

2 Jeopardy 100 200 300 400 500 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3

3 Jeopardy A Contractor B Civil Engineer C Regulator D Architect
1. A municipality is planning the construction of a new water treatment facility. Who would be responsible for the design and construction of the facility? A Contractor B Civil Engineer C Regulator D Architect RETURN

4 Jeopardy 2. The job of the _______ is to work closely with a client in the aesthetics and function of a structure: A Civil Engineer B Regulator C Contractor D Architect RETURN

5 Jeopardy 3. A realtor is responsible for:_____________ A
The flow and distribution of entities. B Selling and Leasing Property C Providing monetary funds D Directing a project RETURN

6 Jeopardy 4. What type of webbed graphic organizer is used to explore, gather, and share information on a topic? A Bubble Diagram B Mini-quest C Concept Map D Free Body Diagram RETURN

7 Jeopardy 5. Which of the following tasks would a civil engineer NOT be responsible for? A Window Style B Land Survey C Levee design D Septic System Design RETURN

8 Jeopardy A Presentation Drawings B Working Drawings C
6. A set of plans from which a structure will be built that includes floor plans, elevations and building sections to graphically convey the design solution is known as: A Presentation Drawings B Working Drawings C Isometric Sketches D Thumbnail Sketches RETURN

9 Jeopardy 7. A _______ is created during the preliminary design stage to determine possible room locations and relationships. A Bubble Diagram B Building Section C Mini-Quest D Concept Map RETURN

10 Jeopardy A Zoning Codes B Building Permits C Building Codes D
8. Which of the following is a local, regional or national set of conditions and rules defining and regulating minimum conditions for the construction of buildings in order to insure that the structures are safe? A Zoning Codes B Building Permits C Building Codes D Ordinances RETURN

11 Jeopardy 9. Project documentation from the geo-technical engineer would include all the following except: A Zoning Maps B Aerial Maps C USGS Maps D Boring Logs RETURN

12 Jeopardy 10. The following are all Zoning types except: A Industrial B
Commercial / Business C Community Public Park D Residential RETURN

13 Jeopardy A Title Search B Viability Analysis C Traffic Flow Analysis D
11. Which of the following is a study that involves an evaluation of available utilities, site characteristics, and potential users of a new development? A Title Search B Viability Analysis C Traffic Flow Analysis D Site Discovery RETURN

14 Jeopardy A Unlawful and Ethical B Unlawful and Unethical C
12. If a person does not break any laws, but does not follow the accepted principles of professional conduct, that person would be considered to be: A Unlawful and Ethical B Unlawful and Unethical C Lawful and Unethical D Lawful and Ethical RETURN

15 Double Jeopardy Question

16 Jeopardy 14. A property owner is specifically not allowed to raise farm stock on his / her property. This is an example of: A Building Code B Property Lien C Zoning Law D Covenant RETURN

17 Jeopardy A Solar B Wind C Structural D Sound
15. The orientation of a building site to its natural and cultural surroundings is an important element of site selection. Which of the following is not typically considered in the process? A Solar B Wind C Structural D Sound RETURN

18 Double Jeopardy Question

19 Jeopardy 16. Why is it important to know a site’s soil characteristics? A Topographic surveying B Variability Analysis C Public Water Supply Calculations D Septic System Selection and design. RETURN

20 Jeopardy A Construction Zone B Easement C Setback D Right of Way
17. The minimum legal distance from a property line or street where improvements to a site can be made or the minimum distance from the property lines to the front, rear, and sides of a structure is the definition of: A Construction Zone B Easement C Setback D Right of Way RETURN

21 Jeopardy 18. Bearings describe which characteristics of a line? A
Length B Elevation C Direction D Radius RETURN

22 Jeopardy 19. A person responsible for directing a project or a portion of the work done on a project is known as a: A Lender B Contractor C Client D Engineer RETURN

23 Jeopardy 20. Egress may refer to the ability of a person to: A
Orient the house so it is energy efficient. B Create an accurate land survey C Build a solar efficient building. D Enter and leave a building. RETURN

24 Jeopardy 21. Which of the following is a utility? A Sanitary Sewer B
Telephone Service C Electrical Supply D All of the Above RETURN

25 Jeopardy 22. A ________ is used by architects to record a historical record of the development of a project: A Journal B Portfolio C Architect’s Folder D Blueprints RETURN

26 Jeopardy 23. _________ make up a full set of plans used to build a building : A Blueprints B Journal C Portfolio D Working Drawings RETURN

27 Jeopardy 25. An imaginary line cut through a structure 4 ft. above the ground forms: A A site plan B A floor plan C An elevation D A plot plan RETURN

28 Jeopardy 26. Which of the following was enacted to protect the rights of persons with disabilities in regard to the building of structures. A ADA B DEA C AIA D APA RETURN

29 Jeopardy 28. ADA is an acronym for: ______. A
American Drafting Association B Anti-Disability Act C Americans with Disabilities Act D America’s Disability Association RETURN

30 Jeopardy 29. A soils permeability can be tested by conducting a: A
USGS Test B Compaction Test C Viscosity Test D Perc Test RETURN

31 Jeopardy 30. Passive Solar Design uses numerous windows oriented towards the: A East B West C North D South RETURN

32 Jeopardy 31. Which of the following words is a binding agreement that lists restrictions for the use of property by its owners? A Deed Restrictions B Legal Descriptions C Covenants. D Site Limitations. RETURN

33 Jeopardy 34. The way a building is positioned on a lot in regard to the location of a noisy roadway (interstate) is known as: A Solar Orientation B Sound Orientation C Wind Orientation D Visual Orientation RETURN

34 Jeopardy A East and West B North and South C North and West D
35. In Passive Solar Design, which side(s) of the building should have the fewest windows? A East and West B North and South C North and West D South and East RETURN

35 Jeopardy A Georgian B Queen Anne C Gothic Revival D Greek Revival
36. What style of architecture does the house pictured below represent? A Georgian B Queen Anne C Gothic Revival D Greek Revival RETURN

36 Jeopardy The original 13 states use which surveying method?: A
Metes & Bounds B Rectangular Survey System C Point to Point System D Transit System RETURN

37 Jeopardy Which type of survey divides land into townships, sections and smaller subsections?: A Transit System B Point to Point System C Rectangular Survey System D Metes and Bounds RETURN


39 Wrong!

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