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APTA Marketing & Communications Workshop February 2015

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1 APTA Marketing & Communications Workshop February 2015
Branding APTA Marketing & Communications Workshop February 2015


3 What branding is: Branding refers to a number of elements:
The aesthtecis and marketing execution The brand position The brand personality The Brand reputation

4 A brand is our promise to our customers.

5 A brand position describes exactly what we offer, what differentiates us from others, and what makes us unique and relevant. In other words, it’s what we’ve got – that our customers want – that no one else offers.

6 “Cool innovation.”

7 “Fun, Family Entertainment.”

8 “Peace of mind.”

9 Brands are all about relationships.

10 Brands are created by every employee in every contact with every customer every day.

11 Why does branding matter?

12 A strong brand contributes to business success.
Sets you apart from the competition Maximizes your company’s relevance in the heart and mind of your customer Creates trust Builds loyalty Fosters employee engagement Expands market share Provides a platform for growth through brand extensions or new products Enables you to command higher prices Generates stronger financial results

13 . Without attention and thought, an organization gets branded in accidental fashion.

14 The Brand Development Process
DISCOVER(Y) Is the organization support the significant time and resources required? Assess current state through research. Understand our competition. Determine areas of vulnerability and opportunity. Define our brand promise. Develop consensus on the one big idea and key message we want to establish in the minds of our key audiences. Focus on culture and initiatives to insure that the customer experience consistently matches our brand promise. Develop and execute a multi-faceted, multi-year campaign maximizing all touch points with key stakeholders.

15 The Brand Development Process
DISCOVER(Y) DEFINE & DEVELOP Is the organization support the significant time and resources required? Assess current state through research. Understand our competition. Determine areas of vulnerability and opportunity. Define our brand promise. Develop consensus on the one big idea and key message we want to establish in the minds of our key audiences. Focus on culture and initiatives to insure that the customer experience consistently matches our brand promise. Develop and execute a multi-faceted, multi-year campaign maximizing all touch points with key stakeholders.

16 The Brand Development Process
DISCOVER(Y) DEFINE & DEVELOP DRIVE (THE BRAND) Is the organization support the significant time and resources required? Assess current state through research. Understand our competition. Determine areas of vulnerability and opportunity. Define our brand promise. Develop consensus on the one big idea and key message we want to establish in the minds of our key audiences. Focus on culture and initiatives to insure that the customer experience consistently matches our brand promise. Develop and execute a multi-faceted, multi-year campaign maximizing all touch points with key stakeholders.

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