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DCFPC Food Study Presentation

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1 DCFPC Food Study Presentation
Dominic Modicamore Tracy Jefferson 4 October 2017

2 Outline Overview of work plan and tasks Where are we now Future tasks
Direct food industry employment trends in DC by sector Identifying emerging growth sectors Next steps DCFPC Meeting 10/4/2017

3 DC Food Policy Project Work Plan / Tasks
Task 1: Project Kickoff & Task 1: Review of Existing Economic Data Draft Methodology sections of Tasks 1 and 2.1 along with schedule for data analysis and the timeline for the entire study and strategy development. Draft list of NAICS industry sector codes and associated data to be included in the analysis. Review and validate DCOP’s background food economic data and identify any additional data needed for further analysis. Task 2: Washington DC Food Industry Cluster – Analysis of Trends and economic and fiscal Impact Collect data, analyze trends, run economic model, and draft findings for the economic and fiscal benefits associated with the local food economy in DC and the region Task 3: Surveys & Interviews with DC Food Industry Cluster Businesses Receive DCFPC recommendations of individuals/businesses in targeted clusters to engage in interview and/or survey Conduct interviews and multi-modal surveys Develop a key findings memo that summarizes transcripts and survey outputs. Task 4: In-Depth Description of District of Columbia Food Industry Cluster Businesses Develop and deliver data tables, graphs, and narrative describing the DC food economy cluster past trends, identify the potential for growth, importance to the District’s economic vitality (compared to other clusters), and relationship to regional food industry. Task 5: Food Industry Cluster Graphic Map & Presentation of Findings Draft Food Industry Cluster Graphic Map, summary of linkages, and identification of gaps in local cluster Present Food Industry Cluster Graphic Map and facilitate a discussion/cluster mapping exercise with DCFPC, business owners and other stakeholders. Task 6: Prepare a Final Report of Findings and Recommendations Draft Food Economy Study & Strategy report. Obtain DCOP/DCFPC feedback on Food Economy Study & Strategy report. Finalize and submit 25 high-quality copies of final Food Economy Study & Strategy report and supplemental materials. DCFPC Meeting 10/4/2017

4 Food Manufacturing Employment Change Percent Change NAICS Industry
Employment Change Percent Change NAICS Industry 2001 2006 2011 2016 311 Food manufacturing 376 278 126 366 -10 311351 Confectionery manufacturing from cacao beans 5 - 311352 Confectionery mfg. from purchased chocolate 18 17 -13 -73% 311421 Fruit and vegetable canning 12 311811 Retail bakeries 159 110 42 84 -74 -47% 311812 Commercial bakeries 186 119 25 132 -54 -29% 311813 Frozen cakes and other pastries manufacturing 311920 Coffee and tea manufacturing 61 311991 Perishable prepared food manufacturing 38 57 311999 All other miscellaneous food manufacturing 13 -8 -60% As with much of Manufacturing in DC, food manufacturing is very limited in the city. Two food manufacturing sectors that have developed in the past 10 years in DC are coffee and tea and perishable prepared foods. DCFPC Meeting 10/4/2017

5 Beverage Product Manufacturing
Employment Change Percent Change NAICS Industry 2001 2006 2011 2016 312 Beverage product manufacturing 5 37 146 141 2814% 312111 Soft drink manufacturing - 312120 Breweries 28 104 99 1978% 312130 Wineries 312140 Distilleries 9 32 As with food manufacturing, beverage product manufacturing is a small industry in DC, but breweries such as DC Brau and others have been growing at a rapid pace in the past five years. DCFPC Meeting 10/4/2017

6 Grocery and Related Product Wholesalers
Employment Change Percent Change NAICS Industry 2001 2006 2011 2016 4244 Grocery and related product wholesalers 780 809 736 658 -122 424410 General line grocery merchant wholesalers 105 147 130 146 41 39% 424420 Packaged frozen food merchant wholesalers 9 5 0% 424430 Dairy product merchant wholesalers 14 424440 Poultry product merchant wholesalers 17 10 424450 Confectionery merchant wholesalers 44 30 -15 -33% 424460 Fish and seafood merchant wholesalers 85 124 79 106 21 25% 424470 Meat and meat product merchant wholesalers 167 196 135 90 -76 -46% 424480 Fruit and vegetable merchant wholesalers 166 67 82 46 -121 -72% 424490 Other grocery product merchant wholesalers 185 229 278 212 27 15% Wholesaling is also a relatively small industry in DC and grocery related wholesale has declined as a whole over the past 15 years in the city. General line grocery merchant wholesalers is, however, one wholesaling sector that has grown in DC, which may be related to the large growth in national grocers in the city. Many of the wholesalers that supply DC grocers are located in the surrounding metro area, particularly in Maryland. DCFPC Meeting 10/4/2017

7 Farm Product Raw Material Merchant Wholesalers
Employment Change Percent Change NAICS Industry 2001 2006 2011 2016 4245 Farm product raw material merchant wholesalers 9 11 26 17 191% 424510 Grain and field bean merchant wholesalers - 0% 424590 Other farm product raw material merch. whls. Given DC’s very limited agricultural industry, the farm product raw material merchant wholesale sector is not surprisingly very small. The growth in small urban farms and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), however, likely led to the establishment of three small wholesalers in the other farm product raw material merchant wholesaling sector in DC in 2016, employing 17 people. DCFPC Meeting 10/4/2017

8 Alcoholic Beverage Merchant Wholesalers, Farm Supply
Employment Change Percent Change NAICS Industry 2001 2006 2011 2016 Alcoholic beverage merchant wholesalers, Farm Supply 568 590 541 689 121 21% 424810 Beer and ale merchant wholesalers 143 197 360 418 275 192% 424820 Wine and spirit merchant wholesalers 416 384 173 261 -155 -37% 424910 Farm supplies merchant wholesalers 9 - 0% Beer and ale merchant wholesalers in DC have seen significant growth over the past 10 years, likely a result of the growth in local breweries After a decline in wine and spirt merchant wholesalers between 2001 and 2001, this sector has rebounded in between and 2016, adding almost 90 jobs DCFPC Meeting 10/4/2017

9 Food and Beverage Stores, Farm Supply Stores, Vending
NAICS Industry Employment 2001 2006 2011 2016 Change Percent Change Food and beverage stores, Farm supply, Vending 5,541 5,621 6,617 8,125 2,584 47% 444220 Nursery, garden, and farm supply stores 25 27 43 36 11 45% 445110 Supermarkets and other grocery stores 3,817 3,618 4,433 5,058 1,241 33% 445120 Convenience stores 327 532 873 1,193 866 265% 445210 Meat markets 68 93 77 116 48 71% 445220 Fish and seafood markets 90 73 39 72 -18 -20% 445230 Fruit and vegetable markets (includes farmers markets) 79 46 22 18 -61 -78% 445291 Baked goods stores 80 31 173 171 91 114% 445292 Confectionery and nut stores 50 56 76 26 52% 445299 All other specialty food stores 123 314 81 500 377 308% 445310 Beer, wine, and liquor stores 718 700 647 727 9 1% 446191 Food, health, supplement stores 84 71 102 17 20% 454210 Vending machine operators 67 100 59 -22 -28% Food retailing has experienced significant growth in DC over the past 10 years, led by supermarkets, convenience stores, and specialty food stores. As a whole this industry has grown in DC by almost 2,600 workers since 2001. Supermarkets have led the way in overall growth. After a small decline of 200 workers between 2001 and 2006, supermarkets have added 1,440 workers in the past 10 years. This has been led by the growth in national grocery chains in the city, such as Whole Foods, Trader Joes, and Safeway. Much of this growth is likely the result of the large population growth in DC over the past 10 years. DCFPC Meeting 10/4/2017

10 Food Service and Drinking Places
NAICS Industry Employment 2001 2006 2011 2016 Change Percent Change 722, 551 Food services and drinking places 29,761 34,284 42,004 53,813 24,052 81% 722310 Food service contractors 3,661 3,650 3,550 5,025 1,364 37% 722320 Caterers 1,954 1,972 2,344 2,171 218 11% 722330 Mobile food services (includes food trucks) 85 24 122 259 174 205% 722410 Drinking places, alcoholic beverages 1,106 1,242 1,861 2,498 1,392 126% 722511 Full-service restaurants 14,385 17,153 21,499 27,804 13,419 93% 722513 Limited-service restaurants (includes fast casual) 6,019 7,462 10,043 12,945 6,925 115% 722514 Cafeterias, grill buffets, and buffets 381 737 433 555 46% 722515 Snack and nonalcoholic beverage bars 1,933 1,809 1,902 2,374 440 23% 624210 Community food services 236 235 250 182 -54 -23% 551114 Managing offices (Restaurant groups) Data from DC Licenses Food and drinking places, DC’s largest food economy sector, has also experienced significant growth in the city over the past 15 years, almost doubling the number of workers during this time period. The employment data clearly shows the rapid growth in restaurants (full-service and limited-service), drinking places, and food trucks. Full-service restaurants is by far the largest sector in the food service industry in DC and has led the overall growth in number of workers, adding over 13,400 workers in just 15 years. The growth in this sector has been most prominent in the past 5 years, when DC added 6,000 workers in full-service restaurants in that time period. Limited-services restaurants have grown at a slightly faster pace than full-service, however, represent a significantly smaller number of workers. DC has been a leader in the fast casual concept, being home to a number of new start-ups in this category, many of which have expanded regionally and nationally. DCFPC Meeting 10/4/2017

11 Next Steps Economic Impact Analysis
Complete data collection for remaining direct food subsectors and tier two sectors. Develop inputs for economic model Run model to estimate the economic and fiscal impact of the DC food economy and regional Identify key findings and opportunities for growth Interviews and Surveys Finalize questions for interviews and surveys Schedule and conduct interviews and surveys Code and analyze interview/survey results Develop a report if key findings DCFPC Meeting 10/4/2017

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