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Heat Preservation.

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Presentation on theme: "Heat Preservation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heat Preservation

2 Introduction Cooking is the transfer of heat energy from some source to the food Top 3 ways to heat in kitchen stovetop conventional oven microwave oven Different methods of heat transfer

3 Conduction Heat transferred through direct contact
Only the flat surface of the pan is hot enough to cook anything Pans are made of metals - conduct heat efficiently & do not melt on the stovetop Requires less time

4 Convection Heat transfer through a fluid
Liquid or gas Oven is a confined area that gets hot by flames or electric coils Cooks the food from all directions Ovens heat foods from the outside in Requires more time

5 Radiation Transfer of heat using electromagnetic radiation
Microwave oven

6 Microwave Oven – History

7 Microwave Oven Microwave ovens work by spinning water, fats, sugars & oils inside food Causes friction, which then heats the food & cooks it from the inside Fastest method

8 Microwave Acceptable dishes for the microwave:
Paper, plastic, glass, microwaveable dishes Unacceptable dishes for the microwave: Metal, dishes with gold or silver on them Cooking Tips – see handout

9 In Review

10 Degrees of Preservation & Thermal Death Curves

11 Heating Foods Kills some microorganisms, destroys most enzymes & improves shelf life Does not preserve a food indefinitely Creates 4 degrees of preservation – depending on product Sterilization Commercial Sterility Pasteurization Blanching

12 Overview of Heat Treatments
Comparisons Mild Severe Aim Kill pathogens; reduce bacterial count Kill all bacteria; food will be commercially sterile Advantages Minimal damage to flavor, texture, nutritional quality Long shelf; no other preservation method is necessary Disadvantages Short shelf life; another preservation method must be used, such as refrigeration or freezing Food is overcooked; major changes in texture, flavor, nutritional quality Examples Pasteurization, blanching Canning

13 Sterilization Complete destruction of microorganisms
At least temps of 250 F (121 C) for 15 mins

14 Commercial Sterility All pathogenic & toxin-forming organisms have been destroyed End products may contain viable spores, but they will not grow under normal conditions

15 Pasteurization Low-energy thermal process with two main goals
1. destroy all pathogenic microorganisms that might grow in a specific product 2. extension of shelf life by decreasing number of spoilage organisms present Product is not sterile & will spoil

16 Blanching Mild heat treatment Usually used on fruits & vegetables
Primary objective – enzyme inactivation Lead to increase product shelf-life

17 Picking the Right Heat Treatment
Think about these things: Time-temperature combination required to inactivate the most resistant microbe Heat penetration characteristics of the food & container

18 Clostridium botulinum (botulism)
Most resistant microbe in canned foods Must kill this with right time-temp combination If food contamination is unknown processors assume C. botulinum to be present

19 In order to determine the time-temp combinations required to kill the most heat resistant pathogen and or spoilage organism in products you must understand thermal death curves!!!

20 Thermal Death Curves Plot the lethality of heat to microorganisms
Two types thermal death time curves plot combinations of heats & times required to reduce a microbial population by ninety % thermal death rate curves plot the lethality of a given temperature to a microbial population over time Both specific to each microorganisms in given environmental conditions

21 Thermal Death Curves Heat kills bacteria logarithmically – example: if 90% are killed in 1st min at temp., then 90% of those remaining alive will die during 2nd min, & 90% of those remaining alive will die during 3rd min and so on

22 Thermal Death Curves Microbes are killed at a rate approximately proportional to their population the more of any given microbe one hopes to kill, the greater must be the application of heat Understanding Thermal Death Curves – see handout

23 More acidic (lower pH) foods generally take longer to kill all microorganisms

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