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Brought to you by your friends at Beers, Burneka, Baggett, and Rice

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2 Brought to you by your friends at Beers, Burneka, Baggett, and Rice
Newborn Assessment Brought to you by your friends at Beers, Burneka, Baggett, and Rice

3 Objectives To gain in depth knowledge of the APGAR scale
To understand and use the inverted pyramid in neonatal assessment

4 APGAR and You a Public Service Announcement brought to you by the staff of Beers, Burneka, Baggett, and Rice APGAR is an acronym for newborn assessment Appearance– Color Pulse– The heart rate of the newborn Grimace– also known as irritability Activity– How active is the neonate Respirations– Breathing rate (this one is important)

5 Appearance Score of zero is central cyanosis
Score of one is pink body but blue extremities Score of two is pink all over.

6 Pulse Score of zero= no pulse Score of one= pulse rate < 100
Score of two= pulse rate > 100 Example= this is a score of zero

7 Grimace Big purple guy who likes milk shakes
Hang’n with Ronald McDonald Can I get a Big Mac?

8 Grimace (For real) Score of zero= No Response
Score of one= mild irritability Score of two= vigorous irritability and crying

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