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How Do Producers Actually Plan for Drought?

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Presentation on theme: "How Do Producers Actually Plan for Drought?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Do Producers Actually Plan for Drought?
NDMC Interviews with Livestock Producers and Advisors

2 Background Summer, 2009 – NDMC conducted phone interviews with livestock producers, advisors, and researchers Seven states – South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, and Texas. Livestock Producers n=8 Advisors/Researchers n=12

3 Questions Asked “Describe your (or a sample) drought management plan.”
“How did you put the plan together?” “What resources or information do you use?” “What problems did you have in planning for drought” “What suggestions would you give a rancher just starting out in drought planning?” “What components should be included in a drought plan?

4 Steps Pretty Well Agreed Upon
Actual strategies used to do each of these steps vary, of course. Inventory Resources Understand ecology and impacts of drought Monitor resources Implement best management practices before drought

5 Steps Agreed Upon but with Variation in How Producers Actually Do Them
Critical dates Create a Plan for Drought (one written plan, plan individualized for drought year, plan in head)



8 Other Steps Mentioned Base Drought Strategies on Ranch Objectives
Plan for Recovery from Drought Mentioned by one producer, specifically with regards to finances Mentioned by many advisors, specifically with regards to finances Two advisors also spoke to critical nature of letting pastures recover Keep Learning from other Producers and New Research Mentioned specifically by two producers as being critical components of drought planning

9 Planning for Drought Inventory Resources
Understand ecology and impacts of drought Monitor resources Base Drought Strategies on Ranch Objectives Implement best management practices before drought Set Critical dates Create a plan for drought Plan for Recovery from Drought Keep Learning from other Producers and New Research (Steps Mentioned by Most) (Steps with Variations) (Steps Mentioned by a Few)

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