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The Antonym Game Lesson 22 Car,Gab,Kev.

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Presentation on theme: "The Antonym Game Lesson 22 Car,Gab,Kev."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Antonym Game Lesson 22 Car,Gab,Kev

2 Rules/Instructions The class will be divided in the most suitable way possible. The point of the game is to figure out the correct word when shown in its opposite sense. (antonym) We will be using the “eggspert” in order to better organize participation. As before, whichever team buzzes first gets to answer. A picture will first be presented (antonym) for the class to analyze. If the team answers correctly, they will gain one (1) point, if done otherwise, they will lose one. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. Good luck and have FUN!!!!!

3 Circumspect

4 Specious

5 Despicable

6 Auspicious

7 Auspices

8 Spectacle

9 Introspective

10 Spectrum

11 Specter

12 Perspicuous

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