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A New Perspective on the Digital Divide

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1 A New Perspective on the Digital Divide
Todd Marshall Syracuse University CODATA 2008 October 7, 2008

2 Defining the Problem Users Non-User

3 Scientific Divides Poor and rich countries/researchers
Social and natural scientists Data producers and data users Scientists and policy makers Scientist and citizens Scientists and funders

4 The Digital Divide 2 streams of literature
Origins: Education Focus: Access Topic: Internet and Resources Solution: hardware or access Technology Adoption Origins: Business Focus: Intention Topic: Management Information Systems Solution: “Build a better mousetrap”

5 Traditional Divide Divide #1 - Access Divide #2 - Education
Problem: “Have”s and “Have not”s Solution: Give hardware/software/access Divide #2 - Education Problem: “Have”s don’t know how to use Solution: Training and education Divide #3 - ??? Problem: Awareness? Policy? Economics?

6 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Ajzen, I., and Fishbein, M. (1973). Attitudinal and normative variables as predictors of specific behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 27(1): Wixom, B. and Todd, P. A. (2005). A theoretical integration of user satisfaction and technology acceptance. Information Systems Research 16(1):

7 Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
Venkatesh,V., Morris, M. G., Davis,G. B., and Davis,F. D., (2003). “User acceptance of information technology: Toward a unified view.” MIS Quartery 27( 3):

8 Behavioral Adoption Framework as a Matrix
External Factors Internal Technical Quadrant - I Technology Access Quadrant - II Competency Social Values Quadrant - III Cultural Values Quadrant - IV Personal Values

9 Four Types of Factors External Factors Internal Technical
Is the technology available for use? Does the user have the necessary competency? Social Values What do people and policies in the environment say about usage? Does the user want to use it?

10 Quadratic Adoption Model

11 All four divides must be crossed
Motivation = Competency * Socio-cultural factors * Personal values Ability = Technology * Competency Usage = Motivation * Ability

12 Why is this helpful? It acknowledges the uniqueness of the individual user Demographics and money by themselves are not causative It accounts for the significance of policy, colleagues, environment, etc. BAF has the flexibility to address a wide variety of technologies and contexts

13 Bibliography Marshall, T.E. A New Approach to Understanding the Digital Divide : Why two levels are not enough. Conversants 1(1): ( Mardis, M., Hoffman, E, & Marshall, T.E. (2008). A new framework for understanding educational digital library use: Re-examining digital divides in U.S. Schools. International Journal on Digital Libraries 9(1):

14 Thank you! Todd Marshall

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