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Internet2 Performance Update

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1 Internet2 Performance Update
Jeff W. Boote Senior Network Software Engineer Internet2 1

2 Cyber-infrastructure Components
Bulk Transport 2-Way Interactive Video Application Classes: Real-Time Communications others…. Applications call on Middleware Phoebus TBD TBD …. Network Cyberinfrastructure Federated Trust Performance Infrastructure / Tools Control Plane Federated Trust = Shibboleth, Grouper, Signet Performance Framework = perfSONAR Performance Tools = BWCTL, NDT, OWAMP Control Plane = Dragon Library = Pheobus Network 2

3 Overview Transport Middleware Performance Measurement Requirements
Measurement Tools (active) perfSONAR PS Motivation Services SNMP Based MP/MA Lookup Service Topology/Status Service Pinger Based MP/MA Visualization perfSONAR Releases

4 Transport Middleware (Phoebus)
Session-Layer transport abstraction Improves end-to-end throughput for users Depots on the ingress/egress points of backbone networks mitigate the effects of misconfigured hosts and edge networks Allows transparent use of network features like cross-domain dynamic circuits

5 Phoebus - Deployed Allocate dynamic circuits using DRAGON Password authentication Configuration per route/host/user UDT for inter-depot communication Transparent operation (library, iptables)

6 Separating front-end (control plane) from back-end (data plane)
Phoebus - Current Work Separating front-end (control plane) from back-end (data plane) Allows creation of new front-end services Constructing a web services based front-end Andy Lake for Google Summer of Code

7 Simple file transfer tool
Phoebus - Future Simple file transfer tool Transparently use Phoebus/Dynamic Circuits Utilize Measurement Infrastructure Help find best routes, provide information about paths and achievable bandwidth Leverage Control Plane Allocate dynamic circuits across HOPI Authentication and Authorization

8 Performance Measurement Requirements (Internet2 network support)
Deployed on Internet2 Network Software: perfSONAR, BWCTL, NDT, OWAMP Goals: IU NOC Support *, proof of performance for Application Community Meet the needs of the LHC Application Community (T0-T3) Partnership with GEANT2 JRA1, ESnet, RNP to meet that need Packaged perfSONAR solution for US connectors and universities Ease of deployment is key * Veneer on existing NOC solutions rather than a new solution * Integrated into a Cyberinfrastructure Solution Support DRAGON Rely on common AA infrastructure Common elements (AA, Discovery, Topology) * Drives the need for a perl-based packaged solution, perfSONAR-PS

9 Measurement Tools (active - at all router locations)
OWAMP (latency) 3.0c (RFC 4645 version) available now Regular tests between all routers, and on-demand BWCTL (throughput) New version with more ‘testers’ available Aug (Testing on Internet2 network July) NDT (User Diagnostic) 3.4.1 available now Latest version added better logging and error handling

10 NPToolKit Recent versions of Measurement tools installed and pre-configured Knoppix Live-CD bootable system Current Version: 1.7

11 perfSONAR Motivation Most organizations can do monitoring and diagnostics of their own network Networking is becoming an increasingly cross-domain effort Monitoring and diagnostics must also become a cross-domain effort

12 perfSONAR A set of protocols and schemas for implementing a SOA for sharing and controlling network performance tools A community of users and developers A set of software (the sample implementation)

13 perfSONAR-PS Motivation
Create separate implementation of perfSONAR standard Use same protocol/standards Proof of interoperability (strengthens the standard) Targeted for University NOC deployments Lightweight Easier to deploy/manage (We were unable to convince our primary users to deploy Java services due to the complexity of dependencies)

14 perfSONAR-PS Services
Focus on development of major perfSONAR components SNMP Based MP/MA LS Topology Link Status New additions OWAMP/BWCTL Traceroute Pinger (SLAC) Contact Jason or Jeff if you are interested in testing pre-releases

15 SNMP Based MP/MA Pre-release Versions Deployed
Internet2 Network ESNet Georgia Tech/SLAC/University of Delaware Compatible with perfSONAR-UI

16 Lookup Service Single Domain Only Features same XQuery based interface
Currently being tested for compatibility with perfSONAR Java LS.

17 Topology Topology registration/query system in development
Actively being updated w/ Control Plane partners

18 Status MP/MA to provide E2EMon functionality in development
Status Service Status MP/MA to provide E2EMon functionality in development Different architecture Smaller ‘status’ service, with a transformation service to combine Topology/Status for E2EMonMP/MA interface

19 Joint effort between Fermi Lab and SLAC
Pinger Based MP/MA Joint effort between Fermi Lab and SLAC Present views of historic Pinger data Expose interface to schedule live tests Development and integration into perfSONAR-PS based on LHC-OPN requirements

20 Visualization Utilizing the plugin architecture of perfSONAR-UI
Data visualization beyond network utilization Google Maps Utilization by physical location 'Weather Map' of Internet2 Network Web based speedometer to interact directly with MA code

21 Other Services (in development)
Traceroute MP/MA Joint effort between UD and SLAC Integrate into visual traceroute tools Ping MP/MA Features interface for on demand and scheduled tests. OWAMP MA Make regular results available BWCTL MA

22 perfSONAR-PS Releases
Currently exploring testing and packaging strategies Releases will ultimately be CPAN based Standing issues include configuration/automation help. Versions of SNMP MA and LS will be available this fall Pre-CPAN versions will be available for LHC commitments in August (using CPAN conventions)

23 Summary Tools to leverage new network capabilities from an ‘end-user’ application (phoebus) Tools to do network monitoring and diagnostics Tools to federate network monitoring and diagnostics

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