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Planning a Successful PDC

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2 Planning a Successful PDC

3 Your Presenters Tim Page- Bottorff, CSP Mary Silva, CSP
RVP, Region II Safe Start Mary Silva, CSP Crum & Forster Eric Hallerud, CSP RVP, Region V City of Kansas City, MO

4 Takeaways Why host a PDC? When and Where? How Much? WII-FM?
Why? Help you define the reason(s) for hosting a PDC What’s in it For M? The M is for Members, for My Team, for Me When and Where – we’ll go over ideas for venues and timing How much? Time will it take, How much money will it take and how much $ will it bring in. How much work is involved?

5 Success… “How you define your event will allow you to determine your success” * Reasons for hosting…. Defining why you want to host a PDC will help lead your planning efforts and help to determine your success. Your event will be a success if it fulfills the reason you chose to host one. Discuss reasons why chapters and regions host PDC’s – professional development, fund raiser, provide educational options for members in areas with geographic challenges, service, desire to partner with another organization to foster communication…. Ask the group why they are in the room today??

6 Asking the Right Questions
Who? How will we stand out? Brand? Who are we trying to attract? Who can we call on to take on the many and various tasks involved in staging a large scale event. How will our PDC stand out as an attractive alternative to other conferences? How can we best brand and advertise so that it will be seen as a successful ASSE sponsored event?

7 It Takes Volunteers / Teamwork
Define Vision, Mission and Goals It Takes Planning & It Takes Volunteers / Teamwork Vision Communicate event’s purpose Mission How you will get to where you want to be? Goals What does success look like? How will we measure it?

8 Certification Workshops?
PDC Strategy Annual? Biannual? Topics? Half Day Workshops One topic in depth How Long? Half Day Full Day Multi Day Type of Presentations? Case Studies Lecture Panel Type of Event? For Profit Community Outreach Giving Back to Membership Exhibit Hall? Sponsors? Certification Workshops?

9 The Nuts and Bolts… Making everything work together….

10 Early Stages Theme – Should you have a theme?
Establish Schedule & Speakers Good Speakers & Viable subjects - build Desire to Attend (Allure of Event) Who is the Audience Level of decision makers – Desire and subject relevance to work – Build Exhibitor Value (Relevance of Participating) Builds Sponsor Buy-in (Relevance to Contribute) Speakers Attendees Exhibitors Appreciation Sponsors Volunteers

11 Mid-Stages Regularly Scheduled Meetings Clear Committee Expectations
Meaningful and of Value to Event: Agenda Sub-committee membership Action Items w/ Deadlines Identify any outstanding needs Clear Committee Expectations Budget & Mission – Keep it moving forward Stick to established deadlines Keep Goals in Mind

12 Partnerships / Joint Ventures
$$ Doesn’t Define You, but…… How much money do you have to get started? Society Approvals Joint Ventures Over $ – to RVP Negotiating Contract Agreements Registration Handling Venue If for free, what in exchange? Free based on food expense? A/V Security Needs Event Insurance Partnerships / Joint Ventures

13 Setting Admission Rate
“This Deal is Getting Worse By The Minute” Facilities Meals, Snacks, Beverages Gratuities AV Expenses Advertising & Marketing (postage) Speaker Fees & Expenses CEU’s Promotional Items Registration Service Fees Recognitions / Thank You’s Setting Admission Rate

14 Mission = Professional Development Exhibitors & Conference Giveaways
Speakers Quality / Relevance / Value Exhibitors & Conference Giveaways Key Note – take away message build momentum

15 Venue Options Hotel / Conference Center University Campus
Corporate Office Other Public Facilities

16 Speakers Speakers Needs– Theme Dates of Event Format of Submittal
Abstract Biography Learning Objectives Why should they consider your event? What could they gain? Info. From past years – types of attendees etc.

17 Speakers…. Once Selected Verify Time Slot Use Marketing
Attending entire event? Photo Bio Use Marketing Post to Website!! Recruiting Moderators Courtesy & Providing Information / Updates to those not selected

18 Manager, Education & Program Development
Aleese Will Take Care Of You Manager, Education & Program Development Appoint someone to handle CEU’s. Application Submitting of names back to ASSE Officer Central - download latest CEU application Fill out the entire application Questions to: Aleese Eckenrode

19 Sponsors – Need: Why this is important Dates What is it for?
Where will their money go? What’s in it for them? What are their needs? Input into program? Would it benefit their employees? What they get in exchange Special Reception? Discounted Rate for employees?

20 Work With The Hotel Overcoming the past… Floor Plan Lay-out –
Need to know who attends & Est. numbers Floor Plan Lay-out – key placements & flow of traffic – attendee interactions Bingo / Exhibitor Challenge… Schedule Lay-out – break out session timing / breaks between sessions etc.

21 Gotta Schedule Early End of Event – will you gather?
Build and publish your agenda early Include as much information as possible Think out your Opening Plan how you’ll handle raffles / door prizes Lunches – any scheduled activities? Remember to build in breaks and exhibitor time End of Event – will you gather?

22 Marketing!! Who is your target audience? Why should they care?
What about other Safety Professionals? How will you reach them? Seek a Partnership

23 Establish Key Dates Save the Date – Get on calendars!
Registration is Now Open – Early Bird Dates (ASSE Discounts?) Agenda is Set Announcing CEU’s Last Week of Early Bird other organizations w/ similar interests Last Day of Early Bird Conference – Next Week Conference is Tomorrow – can still register onsite

24 Importance of Evaluations
Conference Evaluations Analyzed: Committee meeting soon after to discuss success & areas for improvements - Attendance up over last year? – Place for comments: “Best Conference!” Noted for the ‘Attn to Details’ Exhibitor Evaluations Analyzed: Highly satisfied with experience? – Felt needed more opportunities to sponsor Loved the bingo & 2 minute commercials Felt with all the ‘planned interactions’ was on them to interact Speaker Evaluations Analyzed:) When they use what they learn in the same day – big success!!

25 Future PDC’s Future success – stems from the willingness of volunteers to commit to excellence – … this all comes from inclusion and recognition / appreciation! This also is required for future success with: Attendees (deliver what was promised) – exceed expectations Exhibitors (interactions & recognition) Sponsors (visual recognition & appreciation) Remember to THANK all of the above!

26 Questions?

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