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Presentation on theme: "BLOOD, CARDIOVASCULAR, AND LYMPHATIC SYSTEMS"— Presentation transcript:


2 What are the three functions of blood?

3 What is hemopoesis and where does it happen?

4 What are the components of blood?
1 3 2

5 What is the function of erythrocytes?

6 Describe the erythrocyte structure
Describe the erythrocyte structure. What makes it different than most cells? What is hemoglobin?

7 What is a leukocyte? What are the five types of leukocytes and what are their functions?

8 What is a thrombocyte and what is it’s function?

9 Of a thrombus and embolus, which is the traveling one and which is stationary?

10 What is hemostasis?

11 Smooth muscle pulls wound together.
Match these with their definitions. Platelet plug, vascular spasm, coagulation. Smooth muscle pulls wound together. Platelets change shape to stick together Changing fibrinogen to fibrin.

12 What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic factors of coagualtion?

13 What are ABO antigens and how are they different from antibodies?

14 What are the possible genotypes of Type A blood? Type O?

15 Which blood type is the universal donor?

16 What is polycythemia?

17 What is hemophilia?

18 What is hemolytic disease of the newborn?

19 Which is a thrombus and which is an embolus?

20 What is leukemia?


22 What is the primary function of the cardiovascular system?

23 Myocardium Endocardium Epicardium
What is the order of the three layers of the heart and which one is the heart muscle? Myocardium Endocardium Epicardium

24 Which are the receiving chambers of the heart
Which are the receiving chambers of the heart? Which are the pumping chambers? Atria Ventricles

25 What are the 4 great vessels of the heart?
3 1 4 2

26 Name the valves of the heart.
4 3 2 1

27 Draw arrows and then write out how blood flows through the heart

28 What makes the heart sounds heard with a stethoscope?

29 What are the 5 principle parts of the conduction system of the heart?

30 Which of these is systole and which is diastole?
When the heart is at rest. When the heart is contracting.

31 What do these abbreviations mean?

32 What determines cardiac output?
(look at the previous slide)

33 What is the difference between pulmonary and systemic circulation?

34 What is blood pressure and how do you measure it?
What does 120/80 mean? What is the name of the cuff used to measure blood pressure?

35 What is pulse and where can you feel it?

36 What are 3 major similarities and 3 major differences between arteries, veins, and capillaries?

37 What is an aneurysm?

38 What is angina pectoris?

39 What is an arrythmia?

40 What is atherosclerosis?

41 What are CAD and CVA disorders?

42 What is a myocardial infarction?


44 What and where are the tonsils, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, bone marrow and lymph vessels?

45 What are two functions of the spleen?

46 Why does the thymus get smaller as we age?

47 What is M.A.L.T.?

48 What are 2 things that help lymph travel through the body?

49 What is the difference between an antigen and an antibody?

50 Match these cells with their function, helper T-cell, cytoxic T cell, suppressor T cell, memory T-cell. These are the generals of the immune repsponse. These stop the immune response. These poison antigens. These remember the antigen in case there is a future attack.

51 Describe the difference between the two types of B cells.
Plasma cells B memory cells

52 What is the definition of an autoimmune disease?

53 What are mumps and why do we not see this anymore?

54 What is polio?


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