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Focus Questions What are they?

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Presentation on theme: "Focus Questions What are they?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus Questions What are they? “The question that will launch a project-based learning lesson must be one that will engage the (learners). It is greater than the task at hand. It is open-ended. It will pose a problem or a situation that the (learners) can tackle knowing that there is no ONE answer or solution. Take a real-world topic and begin an in-depth investigation.” from “Instructional Module: Project-Based Learning” Copyright © The George Lucas Educational Foundation

2 Focus Questions What are they? “Base your question on a situation or topic that is authentic. What is happening in your community? Make it one that students can feel that they are making an impact by solving the problem. The question should have meaning for the learners in their lives at this moment in time.” from “Instructional Module: Project-Based Learning” Copyright © The George Lucas Educational Foundation

3 Focus Questions What are they? Focus questions reside at the top of Bloom's Taxonomy. They require learners to: EVALUATE - make a thoughtful choice between options SYNTHESIZE - invent a new or different version ANALYZE - develop a thorough and complex understanding

4 Focus Questions What are they? “Answers to focus questions cannot be found. They must be invented. It is something like cooking a great meal. The researcher goes out on a shopping expedition for the raw ingredients, but "the proof is in the pudding." Students must construct their own answers and make their own meaning from the information they have gathered. They create insight.” — Jamie McKenzie Source: “Framing Essential Questions.” From Now On. Vol 6, No 1. September, 1996

5 Why questions often lead to two other kinds of questions:
Focus Questions Types of Questions Why questions often lead to two other kinds of questions: Problem solving questions Decision making questions

6 Problem Solving Questions
Focus Questions Types of Questions Problem Solving Questions Can I …? Example: Teacher: Can I make a lesson more innovative? Learner: Can we reduce the number of bullying incidents at school? Can we get people to keep the community clean?

7 Decision Making Questions
Focus Questions Types of Questions Decision Making Questions Which is best? Example: Teacher: Which is the best way to involve learners in the use of ? Learner: Which is the best way to reduce bullying at school? Which is the best kind of crayon? Which is the better career pathway for me, learning a trade or attending university?

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