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FACE Dr Rakesh Verma.

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Presentation on theme: "FACE Dr Rakesh Verma."— Presentation transcript:

1 FACE Dr Rakesh Verma

2 Objectives Explain the muscle of muscles of facial expressions with their nerve supply and discuss their actions. Discuss facial nerve palsy. Blood supply & lymphatic drainage of face

3 FACE The facial muscles or muscles of facial expression are subcutaneous. Most muscles attach to the bone or fascia and produce their effect by pulling the Skin.

4 FACE They move the skin and change facial expressions to convey mood. The basic shape of the face is determined by the underlying bones. All muscles of the facial expression are supplied by the VII cranial nerve (Facial nerve).

5 Muscles of facial expression
Present in the superficial fascia of the face. Inserted into the skin of the face. Related to the three main orifices of the face (either sphincters or dilator).

6 Muscle of Facial Expression

7 Muscle of Facial Expression

8 MUSCLES OF THE FACE Muscles of the Forehead: Frontalis
Muscles of the Mouth, Lips and Cheeks: Orbicularis oris Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi Mentalis Buccinator Depressor anguli oris

9 MUSCLES OF THE FACE Muscles of the Mouth, Lips and Cheeks:
Levator anguli oris Zygomaticus major Zygomaticus minor Levator labii superioris Depressor labii inferioris Risorius Platysma (in the neck but extends to the face)

10 MUSCLES OF THE FACE Muscles around the Orbital opening:
Orbicularis oculi Muscles around the Nose: Nasalis Procerus Depressor septi




14 Ear Muscles

15 Nose Muscles

16 Mouth

17 Buccinator

18 Buccinator

19 Motor to Face CN VII




23 Blood Supply of the Face



26 FACIAL ARTERY: Course & its branches

27 Superficial temporal A.
Supraorbital A. Superficial temporal A. Supratrochlear A. Buccal A. Infraorbital A. Facial A. Mental A.


29 Branches Lat.nasal a. Sup.labial A. Inf.labial A. Facial A.

30 Superficial temporal A.
Transverse facial A. Parotid duct

31 Facial V. Masseter Facial A. Transverse facial Vs.
superficial temporal Vs. Tragus Lat.Nasal Vs. Sup.Labial Vs. Inf.Labial Vs. Masseter Facial A. Facial V.


33 Supratrochlear V. Supra-orbital V. facial vein

34 Superficial Temporal V.
Maxillary V. Superficial Temporal V. Retro- Mandibular V. Facial Vs. Post.auricular V. Ext.jugular V. C.Facial V. Int.jugular V.

35 + + = = Superficial Temporal V. Anterior Posterior devision devision
Maxillary V. Retro- Mandibular V. Anterior devision Posterior devision + + Post.auricular V. Facial vein = = I.J.V. Common facial vein External Jugular vein

36 facial V. Cavernous sinus Pterygoid venous plexus To sup.ophthalmic V.
Supratrochlear V. Supraorbital V. Cavernous sinus To sup.ophthalmic V. Emissary Vs. facial V. Pterygoid venous plexus Deep Facial V.

37 Cavernous Sinus Sup.Ophth. V. Pterygoid Venous Plexus Facial V.

38 Dangerous area of the face


40 Lymph Drainage

41 Lymph Drainage Parotid L.N.

42 Lymph drainage of the face
Lat.part of the face……..parotid lymph nodes . Medial part of the face…submandibular lymph nodes . Central part of lower lip & chin…………submental lymph nodes .

43 Nerve Supply of the Face

44 Nerve supply of the face
Sensory Motor

45 Facial Nerve

46 Facial Nerve


48 Paralysis of Facial Muscles

49 Sensory supply

50 Ophthalmic n Maxillary n. Great auricular n. Mandibular n.


52 Zygomaticotemporal nerve
Supra-orbital n. Supra trochlear n. Lacrimal n. Infra trochlear n. External nasal Infra orbital n. Auriculotemporal n. Buccal n. Mental n. Zygomaticofacial n.

53 Thank you

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