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AxiUm 6.0 The Upgrade.

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Presentation on theme: "AxiUm 6.0 The Upgrade."— Presentation transcript:

1 axiUm 6.0 The Upgrade

2 Help is available with 2 options: axiUm Help File button opens company website

3 Custom Help file button opens LSUSD axiUm Help page

4 Language field is in Personal tab of Patient Card, (used to be in second tab- Codes). Tip: Spanish and Vietnamese consents are available in axiUm now

5 Delay for closing of Chart Lock Warning window
Allows 5 seconds to read the warning before closing the window: Is the chart locked due to Medical Hold, Payhold, or General Consent not signed?

6 New Patient Exposures symbol in the EHR
Opens Patient Radiographic Exposures window Used to be this

7 Scheduler Module Red Line indicates current time

8 Look down to the Status Bar for important notifications
Intervention- Action required! Medical history needs update! Patient’s signature required on a form New

9 Message window appears when EHR is opened explaining what action is needed- Medical History needs to be updated (last update > 2 years ago)

10 Answer all questions- pink lines are required answers

11 Important!!!! Enter today’s date to answer “Date this form was fully completed”

12 Select the intervention button in the status bar to open the Provider Interventions Display window
Patient’s name will be removed once action is completed

13 SIG – signature required on medical history form
Once the form is signed by the patient, click on to remove it from the status bar SIG – signature required on medical history form

14 Intervention resolved: Medical history has been updated & signed
Intervention symbol is grey Patient’s name is removed from the window and SIG symbol removed from status bar

15 More new features: Find & Replace function in Notes

16 Alerts in EHR- Medical Alerts, Current Meds, Patient Alerts + -
Ability to expand or collapse list of Medical Alerts, Current Medications, Patient Needs

17 Perio Macro codes - easier to add less than 4 quadrants SC/RP
Previously required 4 quads selected, then you had to delete the quadrants that were not needed Less steps required now –you can select any number between 1 and 4 quadrants scaling/rt planing

18 Planned treatment is marked inactive after 2 years- P* in status column
Select and right click to re-activate treatment with faculty approval Better solution- Create a new Treatment Plan

19 Missing symbol removed from child odontogram
Permanent teeth are not really missing, just unerupted.

20 So now, you cannot directly mark a molar in primary dentition as missing….
To mark the tooth as missing; Select the tooth- right click- Age Change Select the tooth- right clic - select Missing.

21 In axiUm 6.0, Help button allows you to choose axiUm Help file which links to axiUm website Help page. What is the Custom Help file? axiUm Support Google Search LSUSD axiUm Help :01

22 Delay for Chart Lock warning window allows the user to view the reason for the Chart Lock. How long does the window stay open? Until you open the EHR 5 minutes 5 seconds Until you unlock the chart :01

23 This symbol is the icon for what feature in the EHR?
Treatment notes EPR Forms Chart Add tab Radiographic exposures

24 P* in status column in the Tx History tab of EHR indicates that planned treatment is inactive. Why?
Treatment was never approved Treatment was planned more than 2 years ago Treatment was planned by a graduated senior

25 If treatment is marked as Inactive P* what would be your best option?
Create a new treatment plan. Select another patient with more recent planned treatments. Delete the inactive planned treatments and create a new treatment plan.

26 Provider Intervention symbol in the status bar indicates which action is needed?
Signature is required Faculty approval required Patient is inactive Medical history must be updated

27 Updating the medical history requires that you answer ALL the questions, especially this one.
Additional info for questions in this section. Do you plan to become pregnant soon? Date this form was fully completed.

28 Which actions will clear all of the symbols form the status bar?
Patient pays their balance. Patient reschedules their appointment. Patient’s medical history is updated. Patient signs their medical history.

29 Molars are not marked as missing in primary odontogram
Molars are not marked as missing in primary odontogram. To mark a permanent molar as missing now, you must mark it as permanent first. Select tooth and mark as missing. Select the tooth- right click- Age Change Select the tooth- right –click and select Missing. B and C

30 Congratulations! You have successfully completed the axiUm 6.0 Upgrade presentation and quiz.

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