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Muscles of the Face Quiz

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Presentation on theme: "Muscles of the Face Quiz"— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscles of the Face Quiz


3 1 2 3

4 7 5 4 6

5 9 8

6 11 10 12

7 What muscle allows you to smile?
What is the main muscle used to chew food? What muscle is used to blink your eye? Where is the origin of the masseter?


9 1 2 3

10 7 5 4 6

11 9 8

12 11 frontalis 10 temporalis 12 Orbicularis oris

13 What muscle allows you to smile? Zygomaticus major and minor
What is the main muscle used to chew food?masseter What muscle is used to blink your eye? Orbicularis oculi Where is the origin of the masseter? Zygomatic bone

14 BONUS gastrocnemius

15 Torso Muscles Quiz



18 1.

19 2.

20 3.

21 5. 4.

22 6.

23 7.

24 What is the origin and insertion of the Rectus Abdominis?
What is the action of the external oblique?

25 10.

26 Bonus 11.

27 1. Internal abdominal oblique

28 2. Serratus anterior

29 3. External abdominal oblique

30 5.Pectoralis minor 4 pectoralis major.

31 6. Transversus abdominis

32 7. Rectus abdominis

33 sartorius 11.

34 Muscles of Arm Quiz





39 1.

40 2.

41 3. 4. 5.

42 6.

43 7. 8.

44 9. 12 11 10 13 14

45 1. brachioradialis

46 2. brachialis

47 3. brachioradialis 4. Palmaris longus 5. Pronator quadratus

48 6.

49 7. 8.

50 9. 12 11 10 13 14

51 Muscles of the Leg Quiz






57 adductor longus gracilis


59 1 2 3

60 4

61 5

62 7 6 10 11 9 12 8

63 13 15 14 16

64 1 illiacus 2 tensor fascia latae 3 gluteus maximus

65 4 biceps femoris

66 5 gastrocnemius

67 7 6 10 11 adductor longus 9 12 gracilis 8

68 13 15 14 16

69 Back Muscles Quiz

70 1.

71 2.

72 3. 4.

73 5.

74 6.

75 7.

76 8.

77 9.

78 BONUS 10.

79 1. External oblique

80 2.trapezius

81 3. 4.

82 5.

83 6. Lattisimus dorsi

84 7.

85 8.


87 BONUS 10. Vastus medialis

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