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Reading in P1.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading in P1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading in P1

2 Word Reading Skills- Phonics
At school: Colourful consonants Picture of CC mouth. Blending- memory skills

3 Inky’s Vowel House

4 Jolly Phonics

5 Fry’s words (common words/sight words)
Most common words used in English Many of these words can’t be sounded out, for example ‘the’ and ‘to’. At school: Looking at the word, then closing eyes Writing the word- rainbow writing Writing in sand/finding the words in the sand Word matching games At home: Looking for these words in texts, spotting them in the environment

6 CfE Examples of texts: books, short stories, plays, poems, the spoken word, charts, maps, graphs and timetables, advertisements, promotional leaflets, comics, newspapers and magazines, letters and s, films, games and TV programmes, labels, signs and posters, recipes, manuals and instructions, text messages, web pages, catalogues and directories

7 Tips to help your child read at home:
Spend time listening to your child read. (Reading development) If your child is struggling with a word, support them by blending. (Word reading skills) Adjust your level of support; if your child can work out a word independently allow them to do this. (Word reading skills)

8 Language and comprehension skills
At school: Teacher questioning Written comprehension tasks Reading books and talking to children to develop vocabulary Encouraging children to ask questions about text

9 Tips to help your child’s language and comprehension:
Talk about the meaning of new words Discuss and share favourite parts of the story Can they think of a different ending to the story Positive shared reading experience

10 Positive attitudes towards reading
At school: Class library books with quality books Trips to the library ORT resources Reading for fun

11 Tips to help positive attitudes towards reading at home:
Promoting shared reading experiences Be a role model Have fun reading with your children- use funny voices for characters When your child is reading praise effort, not ability, to encourage confidence

12 Please look at resources and ask questions. Thank you!
Class library Colourful consonants and Vowel House display ORT books Magnetic letters Sponge letters in water tray Colourful consonants games Memory games Spelling jigsaws

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